Tiebreak marketing


Like many players, we really appreciate the game. It’s fresh air after many years of average games. Thanks to all the team of Big Ants👏

But we are not many people who know about this game and its retail game.
When will the big marketing campain will begin ?

Having Djokovic with a his own challenge mode, Rafa, Federer and more than 120 players with full of signature moves and full licences of ATP and WTA for Master 250/500 and 1000.

The career mode is nice too.

Please made more marketing, this game has so much potential, don’t kill TieBreak because nobody knows it was out soon!:pleading_face:


I totally agree, the game deserves a good marketing campaign because it has so much potential.

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I appreciate that BA/Nacon may not have a huge marketing budget, but how hard is it to update your social media channels once in a while? The game is out in just over a month, and yet does anyone know what the final product will look like in terms of game modes, roster etc? It’s almost as though you don’t want the game to succeed.

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I think they’re waiting after the last update to start with the marketing but yeah we’re only a month away now and they should release more infos about the full game

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