Update on Tiebreak the game (via Twitter)

Summary: Most authentic tennis game ever, most players and tournaments licensed.

But they are not able to show a trailer.


This is insulting to the fans and supporters.

How do you announce a game for imminent release without of shred of actual information of footage of said game.


Yes it’s a shame. Even on the others games we have nothing but they show us roster one by one.
2 options :

  • the game will be great and everyone will be surprise
  • the game is bad and they just want to take money without showing the game
  1. No game. It’s an early April 1st Joke.

So, 11 January is here….any news?

Funnily enough, the head of Nacon has said that too many games are being released at the moment - if only!

Any signs of the Tiebreak Early Access. They literally said “it may not arrive on 11 January”. So according to their words and knowing how they do, it is 100% it is not coming today.


When you see this picture, I think it would be better if the game is ready to make the same and give the game on every platform and make updates with all feedback
But I ask myself about one thing, there will be no physical version of the game? Or later?


Hope springs eternal.

I don’t know if it will be a public or private early access but it will arrive soon



It seems we have a misunderstanding here. If you are reusing the code from AO2 and TW2, that’s quite problematic. Those two games are terrible; they lack any realism. If you want to draw inspiration from actual tennis games, consider “Smash Court Tennis Pro Tournament 2 for the PS2, which I believe is the most realistic. It requires proper timing to hit the ball well (not just pressing a button as soon as the ball crosses the net). Do real tennis players tense their arms the moment the ball crosses the net?” In second place, there’s Top Spin 4, which, in my view, has the redeeming feature of realistic player movements. Lastly, the fluidity of Virtua Tennis 4 is noteworthy. Having said all this, I hope I am wrong and that Tiebreak turns out to be the best tennis game to date. If that’s the case, you will have a host of loyal players, myself included.

AO2 PC in current state is extremely playable. I don’t know how the experience is on console, but on PC it plays well. Yes they dropped the ball on tweaking the AI, difficulty, and a host of other things. But for them to say the built off that is not a bad thing to me. My opinion only. taking10% from TWT2 could also be good too as those graphics were absolutely amazing in 4k, 175fps on my rig at the time - and it supported Ultrawide natively.

AO Tennis 2 as a starting point is good news. This game was actually the best AAA tennis game we’ve had since Top Spin 4. It had one big issue though which was the difficulty. If you have mastered the mechanics of the game, it would be impossible for you to lose a match ever again even on the highest difficulty, it was too easy.

It had other issues as well but this one was the biggest for me.

Another AO Tennis 2 issue was that the AI rarely rushed to the net, rarely hit the ball to the net, it was either in or out, the first and second serves weren’t any different and the serve ball speed was very slow, the serve and volley and R2 + O (PS4) were too overpowered.

If they fix all these issues and don’t change anything else from the game, I believe Tiebreak would be amazing.

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Did we play the same AO Tennis 2? It had clunky movement, the players wouldn’t respond to some shots, the physics were wonky and some of the animations weren’t at all realistic. Let’s not even mention the “net play” area of the game. I feel like some of you were hypnotized by its amazing venue/player/academy mode, but for pure gameplay….no way.

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I am trying to be realistic. I am not expecting a Top Spin 4 gameplay, I am just wishing for the biggest issues of AO Tennis 2 to be solved. Of course I would be thrilled if we got anything close to Top Spin 4 or even Top Spin 3.

For me if they improve AOT2, it may look more like a Full ace tennis simulator than a Top Spin I think.
we have to be realistic, we won’t have a game that looks like Top Spin

Man the recent news is splitting. It’s great that Top Spin is back and I’ve been saying for a while that Big Ant/Nacon need to step up before their lunch gets stolen……but it’s rough seeing the reception to Top Spin and how 2K has it everywhere. I have zero idea why Nacon hasn’t promoted Tiebreak, but things could get ugly really fast.

Big Ant you guys need to wake Nacon up! It’s gotten serious now and there’s no room to wait around.

These are the consequences of having such a poor (or zero) marketing. It is well deserved since Nacon doesnt care about us. They just want to sell as many products as they can no matter if they are games, controllers or whatever.

PD: I am thrilled of what is coming with Top Spin.

Excuse me but this is watershed moment for lifelong Tennis and Topspin fans when the OG game dropped in 2003. Hopefully Tiebreak holds up; but let’s be honest, Big Ant’s quality won’t hold a candle to 2k’s/Topspin. Tiebreak is now officially DoA.

It still sucks. Nacon never really seemed to care and even the official tiebreak account barely posts anything. Then there’s the release date mess and the early access fiasco. It’s like they are sabotaging the game. Why even bother with all those licenses, just to let it flail out onto the market. Odd.

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It is the same with rugby 24 .