One could probably argue that EA Sport’s Rugby 08 was probably the most successful rugby games of all time. To this day, I still find myself playing a 15 year old video game. Here are a list of features that made Rugby 08 such a successful game in my opinion:
- Impact players (Starred players)
Having unique impact players running around the field was awesome. Everyone wants to see their rugby heroes getting the recognition they deserve, even if it’s in a video game.
- World League (Franchise mode)
Every rugby 08 player probably remembers the notorious C.Heffler. Taking a rugby team from depths of 3rd Division rugby all that to the Elite division was always one hell of a ride.
- Challenges (Classic matches)
Probably one of the most underrated features of the game was the classic world cup matches that you could play. I would love to replay some of those games and pay tribute to the absolute legends of the game from 1987-2023.
- Gameplay
First let’s start with the rucks. Most new games include a very annoying mini game at every single ruck. It honestly gets super repetitive and annoying. I Rugby 08 players didn’t have to worry as much about the rucks. There has to be a better approach to rucks in future rugby games. Also, the back line players will always in formation and never out of position. If I wanted my 12 to run a crash ball, it was easy to feed the ball to him. In a lot of newer rugby games I can barely get to my fly half with all the forwards roaming in the back line.
Rugby 08 is not without its faults but it’s a game of the ages. However, it’s a fantastic game that had a significant impact within the rugby community. It is my hope that BigAnt studios will be able to flow and even surpass the legendary status of Rugby 08. As a rugby community, we really need a quality video game to help grow the sport. Let me know if there are some other features you enjoyed from Rugby 08 and/or wish to see in future games.
Biggest thing that made rugby 08 successful was a lack of a viable alternative, game was bang average when compared to other sporting titles at the time, but because rugby fans have had so many subpar games it is put on a pedestal. Pretty much all the rugby games we have had since have been guilty of lacking development in sequals (the initial rugby challenge game was a solid base, the follow ups were watered down with minimal additions and improvements) or were outright terrible rugby 18 19 20 etc.
I totally agree, need more training
I just want to take this opportunity to point out why 08 isn’t the silver bullet many think it is. We cannot just have an updated version of this game and it be successful.
People’s perspectives and feelings and memories attached to certain games varies so greatly. 08 did have some great features … for a 2008 game. It was also horrible in many many ways.
Example, for the very same reason some love the gameplay … not having forwards roaming in the backline and always having the 12 there … is the very same reason some would never even bother picking that game up anymore. Todays game has forwards in the backline, that is authentic (Unless from set piece). All those little robot men flying back into a tight compressed space is what A. Made the game look so ridiculous and B. Make it just a spread to the wing try fest.
Almost everyone thought 08 was a good game … in 08. As of todays date though that game is not even close to modern standard, if it got released today it would be torn apart. So yes it was definitely a great game loved by many and still enjoyed by some today. Valid valid point.
But personally, I am hoping for and looking forward to a completely new approach to rugby games.
08 was the 4th game in 4 years of EA’s most recent rugby tenure that started in 04, which was terrible in terms of graphics and gameplay. But credit to EA, they improved each iteration.
I hope BigAnt release every 2 years, improving each time. there just hasn’t been that continuity in rugby - it will never be like FIFA etc without continuity.
The RC series looked promising, but improvements between each iteration wasn’t great.
Would you REALLY want a game every two years? Do we NEED a rugby game every two years? I don’t know about that personally.
I mean I expect that from an EA or 2K title as they give licenses but not creation hub to really speak of. Big Ant however adds tools that (With mucho effort) give great longevity to their games.
I mean I wouldn’t be against buying a new rugby game every two years, but surely they at least have a shelf life of 4 years and the next World Cup?
What would you see the benefits of a 2 year cycle being?
True about creation tools. The main benefit for a new game every 2 years is gameplay improvements, improved/new engine and new features etc.
There’s only so much improvements the developer can make through patches, which is mostly for bug fixes.
BA is doing extensive photogrammetry - I doubt they will go through so much effort for just 1 game every 4 years.
Interesting outlook.
I thought maybe they were going out and doing all that photogrammetry because they didn’t want to have to do it every 2 years lol. I mean , you probably couldn’t even get access to everyteam and finish going around the world in that time.
Forever on the road ha ha.
Interesting to see if they ever share what the plan is around that.
My thinking is the current photogrammetry they do will be enough for 2 games in 4 years. They may still do for any star players that emerge - but by in large they would have most players covered.
Looking at the cricket series, they have been releasing that every 2 years (approx).
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