08.29 - Update review


this is the BEST UPDATE since begining

now we have a very good CPU in expert mode

  • our shot with RT and LT (R2 and L2 for playstation) are not powerfull and we can’t beat Ai with one or two shot. they fix that and its good
  • CPU play very well, they don’t do lot of fault, they do but a little and she is more agressive

good work Big ant :star_struck:


the only thing I think is missing is increasing the risk of making mistakes with top spin

because at the moment my only faults are with the flat stroke

but with top spin I never make mistakes, all my balls stay on the court, it should be possible to make mistakes when aiming for the outside lines with RT and LT for example if you put a lot of power into it.

I’ve been playing for almost 300 hours since January, so I’m very familiar with things that could improve the gameplay.

We’re really not that far from perfection in my opinion, there’s not much missing.

if you have others suggestion, tell us


I agree, tonight’s update was very positive and I enjoyed it. Looking forward to further optimization of the style of play, especially the way of playing in front of the net also needs to be added. I also look forward to the introduction of the aiming function in the future.

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Keep it coming. While I can’t reply to everyone or really much at the moment being so busy. Please keep it coming. Getting the feedback and having daily meetings while I work on others things is still very important for me to let the team know how you guys like these.


Thank you everyone! I have a question for you! How long will there be support the game? What is it lifespan? Can’t play offline, unfortunately it’s all up to you.

Many many people has already adressed the aiming and timing issue and its now even worse than before. Wide balls on serve are now almost impossible and the only outcome are either the ball stays in or it goes into the net. Theres still 0 risk at all on flat shot/topspins aiming. Overpowering flat shot and topspins has literally 0 negative impact and you guys dont seem to fix those issue at all. those mechanics are basic notion that are necessary to have a decent gameplay


pretty sure @JNT_BA has seen this already but quoting this again to be precise!

-Risk vs Reward-
Risk is just no longer a thing in Tiebreak. Hit as HARD and as WIDE as you want and the ball will land in bounds every single shot. There is zero reason to play conservatively. In EA7, there was at least a risk in using LT and RT, but that mechanic was removed. So it begs the question, why does LT/RT even exist? In what scenario would I want to refrain from using LT/RT if they are the better and safer shots?

BigAnt decided that the best way to improve CPU difficulty was to make them go for winners with every single shot. Obviously anyone who follows tennis knows this is not a viable strategy. It’s insanely risky and taxing on stamina. But not in Tiebreak. In Tiebreak, going for a winner is the norm and honestly, it means every CPU will play the same style. Go for winner. Go for winner. Go for winner. That is now the current strategy for all CPU, regardless of the actual character.

And so here the things I think desperately need to be changed if Tiebreak is to become a decent game.

Risk, risk, risk, risk. It’s become the number one thing that the fans have asked for. We want our choices to matter. We want to figure out how to open up for a winner. We want to have to pace ourselves and wait for a pattern to emerge.
LT/RT must be risky. They NEED to be risky. It should be an active choice whether to use them and open up the court or not use them and play it safe. That is all. That is all we need for risk to be added back into the game.

There still is zero difference between returning a fast flat serve vs a slow kick serve. None. A simple solution is to make first serves much more effective, but also make them much more risky. More faults, especially when the AI is serving. Players and AI should only be hitting 60-80% first serves in.
Returning a fast first serve should be difficult. It’s a simple change too: I can either move into the serve direction for a decent return or I can stand still and risk a sloppy return. And if I stand still or I move in the wrong direction, I should open up a chance of being aced.
Player stats would help determine the chance of sloppy returns and aces. But the actual movement of the player should be critical.

Timing used to matter in Tiebreak. It used to determine how sloppy a shot could be or if overpowered, how wide/long the ball would go. You used to be able to hit out if you held the shot button too long. And you used to be able to hit out if you mistimed a LT/RT shot.
We really need that timing mechanic back. Why was it even removed in the first place?

+gameplay sliders please.


If it’s been mentioned it’s been talked about. I think some people are beginning to hate how many meetings I call. Ideally if we can keep it about this update specifically. Other things will be addresses in future updates. We want to get this closer to expectations before dropping big updates. Lots of thing we have been working through on career mode in the background.

But if you do have suggestions and after a while you see nothing has changed. Let us know again nothing wrong with hitting us with a reminder.


gameplay slider would be a really great addition to adjust :

  • player foul rate and CPU
  • Ai reaction
  • CPU quality of serve (and speed)
  • CPU aggressiveness rate
  • player and CPU speed
  • ball speed
  • player and CPU strike power
  • player and CPU strike accuracy (aim target)

it’s an idea that I think will satisfy all players :+1:



I would also like to say this update is a positive one and the CPU is much more consistent now and not making so many errors.

Is there any way you could possibly comment on what has changed with precision shots since a couple of patches ago as we are not sure if its a bug? The CPU seems to still be able to hit with precision but we have lost the ability to do so in the general course of a rally. The occasional shot will go down the lines but i do not have full control of where i am hitting the ball anymore as many of the shots are just landing centrally. I cant finish points close to the net anymore where the ball is bouncing high after i have forced the CPU into a poor return. Previously i could be confident that i could place the ball tight down the line allowing me to finish a point I had worked hard for. But now the same shot doesnt go anywhere near the line and allows the CPU to hit an easy winner against me.

Is there any way this can be improved again to allow us more control over our shot placement again? I get it if it was changed to stop us being able to hit super powerful shots but it would be nice if i could me more confident in where my shots are likely to end up.

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When is the sound dropouts going to be addressed,like the latest update though big improvement. There is a big jump now in difficulty as Medium now is for the real casuals which is good so now i have to get used to hard as i was getting thrashed now i am having great games. Again please fix the sound dropouts soon. Update i am still finding Hard difficulty a lot harder,i keep getting wrong footed now and the cpu is hardly making any mistakes hitting winners deep and across court with precision.

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Hi, todays update on steam has been an improvement, certainly AI seems quite a bit better. The issue I still have is the removal of precision shots when using triggers. It’s hard to get close to the lines now and feels as though the player is restricted. Is this being looked at or will no changes be made in this regard?

Having played it a bit more it seems you can hit them but it’s more about timing and position. I’d love to know if this is the case.

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First thanks you to adress so quickly the issues of your last update. I love the game now. Maybe the Cpu only serves in the top corner and triggers could be more effective to touch the line.
But don’t touch the CPU. Maybe more net play.

The next big update has to be career mode, the Heart of this game.
Now the fondations are clean, you can built the rest of the house😎


I would still say that the CPU could do with some more refinement as I think the error counts are more realistic now but they are now trying to hit back behind a little too many times, even if there is open court in the other direction.

Having said that they are attempting, I would say 90% flat shots if they did start hitting into open court on some occasions we would be in big trouble. I think the mix of top spin and flat shots could be better balanced.

Close to line shots it seems can be achieved but not as they were before. Before, you had complete control at any time really and if you wanted to hit a shot painting the line using prep triggers you could. It seems there are now many other factors that determine this including court position, speed and height of the ball coming to you, when you release the shot button, which side you approach the ball from etc. There seems alot to it and it is much more difficult to pull off against an extremely aggressive CPU.

There are two issues really. One is that they have been clearly changed from the way they worked all the way through early access but have not been added into any of the patch notes informing people they have changed. (Unless shot prep is bugged)

And two, if they have been changed the team should have communicated how exactly they have changed and what the requirements are to now pull them off.

Both of the above could have easily mitigated many of the complaints coming in.



Kick service from the left holding x without release is always Ace
improve some things, make others worse


Where is Brisbane venue?? I have only 23 venues…

After testing a bit of the last patch, I think they have FINALLY achieved a good solid base from which to tweak minor details. For me, the perfect level right now is hard. Only 2 details, which will correct it because they are simple: - The AI ​​should not glue absolutely all remains to the bottom line. - Slow down slightly. It’s all slightly revolutionary, there’s still a bit of pause left. That of the remains to the line is an important factor for the point to start too fast. And also this speed means that you can’t even load the blows most of the times. And once these 2 points are polished, then we will focus on other details, such as adding a little more risk to our blows, fixing the career mode, etc.


This is the best update this week, but one thing:

A lot of times my player just “flick” the ball and doesn’t hit the ball properly.


Sydney,Perth and Brisbane have all gone missing since update



I would also add:

-Improve the physics of volleys.
The physics of the ball in volleys literally floats, it is not tennis, it may be picketball, squash, ping pong, but not tennis.

-Better net physics when the ball hits.

Currently the physics of the net is a bit static, it has no life when the ball hits the net

-Improve the lighting of all courts, both inside and outside of it.