AFL 23 - Megathread

What the hell happened :joy:

Nothing has been “deleted” but things can be reported. If it was deleted it would be gone.

But after reviewing some, yeah they will be. Along with some repeat users who can’t not break the rules over and over again.

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@JNT_BA hope you’re all good, hadn’t heard from you in a week :joy:
Was worried someone hunted you down :sweat_smile:

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Na, I’ve been around having some fun with the Rugby guys, not much happening on the AFL front for me. I always keep an eye as best I can everywhere.

I can say there have been some gameplay additions while we have been waiting for Pro Team, these will not be with the Pro Team update as it will delay that further if we were to add things now. Plus they need lots of testing as well cause some of them do change some fundamentals.


Are we any closer? Anything at all we can have timeline wise? More footage? Literally anything at this point goes a long way…

Can you tell us what the gameplay changes are

Going to state of origin tonight?

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I can’t tonight as I just left :disappointed_relieved:

I’ll have a look through tomorrow when I get some time to see what’s farthest along. But as these are decently new updates not all of them may meet the same schedule.

I was going to. Was really looking forward to it. But some last minute things popped up I needed to get sorted asap.

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You’ve just opened yourself up to be hounded with questions tomorrow :joy:

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Read as little or as much as you want to on that one :rofl:


Thanks for the update about what’s going on @JNT_BA I really appreciate that :+1::clap::grin:

Hey guys sorry for this stupid question, but in Hall of Fame in the game what are the spaces on either side closest to the main trophies (Afl and AflW cup). In the space there is an upper body coloured black and above their is badge lookalikes which have the same colour. Not sure what these two spaces are used for if someone could answer that would be great.

Might be possibly for the brownlow, Coleman or possibly even ProTeam plaques.

No doubt discussing grip socks and the like :wink:

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Have you had a look yet? Can you tell us yet? Huh? Huh?
Cmon JNT. I haven’t slept all night, ive been eagerly waiting :joy:

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Haha I haven’t looked quite yet. Working on some Tiebreak stuff then I’ll get to it :sweat:

Not everyone does, but I work on all of our titles which means I’m split 4 ways.

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@JNT_BA How about we clone you 3 times?

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How big do you think the lunchroom is?

Tiebreak stuff? Surely AFL is your first love.
It would be un-Australian to put AFL behind anything else :joy: