AFL 23 - Megathread

@JNT_BA said lastnight we have to wait for some news next week

Did he? I think there was a sarcastic comment about next week. He never said next week.

The fact he said ā€˜very soonā€™ means the submission must be approved, so it quite frankly would be very poor form to come out with this statement and then make us wait another week, especially for how long the wait has been. If itā€™s not out by the weekend, it would be very very poor form and unfair on us all. Enough with the cryptic clues, tell us when it is out, or say nothing at all.


We will have to wait and see but I wouldnā€™t be surprised

So what do we reckon, we get it tomorrow on the weekend or next week?

My bet would be either an exact 7 days from that announcement or longer, possibly 10-14 days.

Thatā€™s what I donā€™t get, Iā€™m pretty sure they said it would be released instantly as soon as they got all the necessary approvalsā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ :man_shrugging:t3:


Iā€™m a tad concerned. Apparently, someone on twitter said they have concrete evidence that proteam has failed a testing cycle. I hope this isnā€™t true. @JNT_BA do you know anything about this?

Where on twitter does it say this? @stallionsCEO

If this news is true(which I hope itā€™s not) I think itā€™s safe to say bye,bye to Big Ant making afl games into the future

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I too hope its not true

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Absolutely, if this happens to be true, cowardly BA would be gone for good, surely.

That said I feel like this guy is just making things up. Not saying itā€™s not possible tho as we all know how great BAs communication skills are (virtually nonexistent). But yea this guy doesnā€™t have much other proof other than word of mouth atm, and tbf (assuming heā€™s an Aussie) how would he know someone from Microsoft whoā€™d just leak information like that, which according to BA is confidential information.

where did you get this screenshot from?

could this possibly be related to the rugby 25 game since its in patch notes?

oh noā€¦was hoping it was for the rugby game but i guess weā€™ll have to see if the admin could let us know as soon as possible would be elite.

I tend to check on twitter for any new news and info and came across that in the Rugby 25 patch note on X. I want to believe that its completely false. Hopefully itā€™s nothing to worry about.

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The only reason I doubt this statement is true because the person making it has been blocked by Ross and keeps talking sh*t about Big Ant and whenever he can. It seems like heā€™s just seeking attention.

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yeah with that reply from ross, i do believe that guy might be trying to say things to make everyone hate big ant and so on.


Makes lots of sense, I was quite worried about it, thanks for clearing that up

all good brother was a bit worried myself but just wanted to make sure before i went with that information.

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