AFL 23 - Megathread

surely i can come into the office and play some pro team :thinking:

@JNT_BA once pro team is out surly we 1v1

@JNT_BA I think after @Pink_Panters visit, the one mode you didnā€™t talk a lot about was Ladder Leaders. Are you able to give us a bit more detail on it?


Nope. Already been a week since we were told news was coming soon :confused:

I love how we all thought we would be getting pro team sometime this week and once again it looks like weā€™re getting nothing. Beyond a joke now


I have no clue whatā€™s going on with ProTeam, who knows? Maybe itā€™s a dream? From the silence itā€™s not looking good.


Gee I wonder which alt account this one is :thinking:. Joins the day another serial pest gets booted.

Ngl who cares if itā€™s another ā€œaltā€ account. Some people have gotten beyond frustrated with BA which honestly fair enough with the lack of comms. End of the day, those people would calm down once thereā€™s news to be heard. If they want to engage in convo after recently being banned so what if they make a new account, up to them how they wanna react.


Genuinely sad that your trying to have a crack at someone because you think its a bot account. Wake up and find something better to do with your life. Seems all you do is find a way to have cracks at people


Do you blokes even read the comments from the day before? Unbelievable :exploding_head:

Iā€™m not doubting you there bro, just saying for those who have, just to not throw heat at them for anything cos we all get frustrated from the wait, ppl just react differently


Once again hating.Seems like thatā€™s all you do

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Gee Iā€™m drowning in a sea of multiple accounts :rofl::rofl::rofl:

Or possibly just the one :kissing_heart:

Judging by this

then it sounds like JNTā€™s hands are tied for releasing new infoā€¦ until either itā€™s released, or

they get @Pink_Panters back in to have another look. :slight_smile:

Time to make another account after that comment


Who let Lance Collard in here!?!?!


@JNT_BA has some work to do when he checks the forums nextā€¦ lol

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@BringBackTheTorp ā€œHE SHOULDNT BE WORRYING ABOUT THIS FORUM AND FOCUSING ON PROTEAMā€ - 3/4 of this forum (Iā€™d imagine)


Bro just proved me wrong, seems there some who just wanna argue and call names

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I thought after yesterday the forums may have been quieter today, turns out i was wrong :joy: