Any news ?for the game

It’s worth the visit :wink:

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Early access in March ? March is almost finished hahah. I cant with this marketing it is a joke :rofl::rofl::rofl:


I don’t buy early access eather but as i know xbox and playstation let the developer realising in E-A. Bit uncommon but doable. Might be wrong though, i’m not an expert.

It is the end of the day in Australia. 3 days left this week for March (Saturday and Sunday are not working days)

Ha ha well maybe after I sell the house and move back to Sydney … but for now I just have to admire from afar.

I do envy you.

By the way, I think it is about time you tell the other sports in the forum you are breaking up with them and only have time for Rugby 24 creations now.

I see the way you edit for them …

Good luck finding BigAnt in Sydney…

Chuckinho’s Shares - AFL 23 - Big Ant Studios Community Forum

Still almost 20% of the month left mate. Never say never lol. @Bapean 3 days in Big Ant world has been enough before ha ha.

I mean yes, likelihood is not high, but possibility exists. If it doesn’t, I will just continue to do other stuff lol.

Plus, not so sure they have even started marketing yet?

I just meant Sydney is a tad closer to Melbourne than Estonia is …

And yes … I seen that new thread. I resisted from commenting on that persons support for your idea to make an individual thread …

I made a design … been practicing …

Honest critique?

You are right @Valhalla_Vagabond

I deeply hope it will be this week. I’ve never wait that much for a game to be released

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too many nodes I’m afraid

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I give up, my hopes are dashed.

I am right there with you mate. I am sure it will be worth the wait, however long that may be.

Oh well. With a bit of tenacity and patience, you too can have your own thread :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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@JNT_BA as you guys can’t post about the game. I think you should start posting whoever’s lunch was the best from the team each day.

Want to see if you guys took on forum feedback and have expanded the lunchroom menu :wink:

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Well… I don’t really know what to say

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I think it’s all been said already, no words anymore!

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even no more release date… I think they can change the name to rugby25 now…

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Rugby 30…or rugby 35 maybe

And it’s too difficult for us to share some screenshots ??? Now with this b…hit tweet not in “few week”

No word too…

All employer are on cricket and afl i guess
All is lies for rugby 30


So it’ really becoming rugby 25