Any news ?for the game

Yeah I agree.

Side note. Haven’t read all the comments but would it not be in the best interest for every competition to give away their licences for the potential exposure the game could generate for them? Especially in NZ, the games dying, and if we don’t get a licensed super, NPC, All Blacks even then the casual fan won’t want to spend $100+ just to play with european teams etc.

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They can still have the license and not have done the mo cap yet. They have the Pakistan license in Cricket 24 but have only just got around to the mo cap, the face scans are coming in an update soon. So potentially that could be the same for super rugby and other licenses.

I spoke to some Nacon employees at Gamescom last and this year. I asked why the Premier League wasn’t in Rugby 22. He mentionned that the English Premier League was asking for too much money.

I guess they have a budget set for the licences and it explains why they prefered Fidji, New Zealand and Australia instead of Georgia or USA.

So despite what people may think, that wasn’t Nacon’s fault. Sad that some federations would rather have their leagues absent from games rather than matching their prices.


I don’t understand why unions demand too much money. Option one - Be included in the game and get some money and further exposure, as well as giving your fans another way to engage with the team. Option two - Get no money and nothing else. Drive players to use and perhaps end up supporting other teams as a result if they are new to rugby. So indirectly you’ve lost a potential fan, one that equates to potential ticket sales, merchandise sales, membership sales. It is a strange one.


Greed, wanting a piece of the pie, capitalism….you pick! Video games are a huge part of todays society, and a way to gain new fans. Seems like a no brainer to me.


2 weeks until scheduled release date… ANY news for us at all Big Ant/Nacon? Pleeeeeeaaaassee!!

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Didn’t Cricket 24 have a 3 day release build up?

I’ll be honest, I have no idea, Not a cricket fan lol

Neither am I, but if they did that with cricket … could hope it’s the same for rugby at least and the 30th is still a possibility.

click on bears gamer you tube channel. very interesting find.


I’m pretty worried about the possibility of Super rugby not being in the game. To not have the premier rugby competition for the southern hemisphere will be pretty disappointing, especially from a Australian based developer, and not just from a gaming point of view, but you would have to think it’ll affect it from a sales point of view as well with those in the southern hemisphere. I know the fan hub will help, but its so much better having fully licensed teams, kits etc.

Fingers crossed :crossed_fingers:


pretty sure the only thing that big ant has confirmed is about all the licenses it has. also licenses dont matter. because the game will most likely have a fan hub and people will mod the game

I think you’re right there. Unlicensed sports titles will suffer greatly in sales. Sure there are people that like messing around in the fan hub, but there are reasons why EA and 2K are so successful and it hasn’t always been because they are polished games.

They have all the licenses. That is why, this will just be seen as a European title if they have nothing southern Hampshire. Just like Rugby 22.

No offence to the northerners, love when the All blacks play tests against their countries, but as for all their rugby competitions. Not very interested. Don’t think I’d be alone there either.

It’s not like the game will not sell at all down under, but it will be no where near the same as it would if it had super rugby. Facts.


We have possibily new information.


Yeah, I’m not convinced about that at all. Don’t see why one Spanish outlet would have more information than all other major retailers.

Would be sort of cool if it was legit, but it doesn’t make sense test they would release the info so selectively. Especially as they don’t tend to release much info.


Yes, i agree. But seems too specific to be completely wrong.

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Agreed. Way too specific to be wrong.

It also has a video for a completely different game. So I’m not convinced about that sites accuracy. The description may seem specific yes, but if BigAnt has released that much information about the game to outlets some at least, if not all of that info would have been reflected at even one of the other places. But it wasn’t.

Don’t get me wrong, please be true. Sounds awesome. But … and it’s a big but.


As always, let’s wait and see. 'Cause at the end is the only thing we can do

Ha ha yeah, I pray any rumour is right :sweat_smile: