Any news ?for the game

I’ve asked the place I pre-ordered the game from if they’ve received physical copies of the game yet ahead of the games release on the 30th. I’ll report back when/if I get an answer.


Is it strange that not one of the 4 biggest games retailers in Australia even have Rugby 24 listed? Or am I blind? EB Games, The Gamesmen, Mighty Ape and Gorilla Gaming don’t even have Rugby 24 in the search results?

Not listed in NZ stores either.

Nek minit, game cancelled :rofl:

Orrrr, taken down to then be updated? With info matching what Bears found? :thinking:

Like do we know when those spanish adds were updated? I.e was it on the 16th … 2 weeks out from release when say Nacon may have released further info to suppliers and outlets etc?

Brain racing, brain hurts :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Ok, so i got an email back. I pre-ordered the game on thegamecollection -


​Sadly the release date is no longer 30th January.

​It has now been delayed and we are not aware of any confirmed release date.

​Many apologies for any disappointment caused.

Kind Regards,

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Well I guess that answers it then. Makes sense why NZ and AUS took them down if there is no release date.

So it’s problaby delayed, or maybe they don’t know if the release date it’s gonna be 30 jennuary so they just can’t say.

They said ‘It is no longer the 30th January’. That means it, according to their information is definitely not being released on that day. Then follows up with, they were provided with no set release date.

If I were basing a guess on that statement alone, it will be an ongoing delay. Possibly lengthy, or maybe being released in early access with no set actual release date because it depends on feedback and required changes for example.

All we can ever do is make educated guesses, then watch as people take our theories and make YouTube videos of them ha ha ha. Never, actually getting any wiser or any answers.

Fun fun


have big ant or the rugby 24 twitter page said the games going to be delayed? if not theres no proof of a delay

No proof doesn’t mean no delay. They only advised a week or less before the last release date that it was delayed.

We are having guesses, it’s allowed :rofl:

We’ll probably get GTA 6 before rugby 24 lol


You wonder why Nacon doesn’t say this? They have to know their games aren’t ready, so why wait until the last minute (or even after release date in,Tiebreak’s case) to share this info? It’s baffling and shouldn’t be tolerated in such a consumer driven industry.

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Agreed, managing expectations is a pretty standard concept these days. Maybe Nacon are just THAT bad at their jobs? ha ha

Anyway, hopefully … this still means that they are not rushing it because they are genuinely wanting to bring out the best Rugby title possible and NOT because things have just got THAT out of hand at BigAnt that they simply cannot deliver on any promises anymore.

Of course, also … as Mr Shep said, BigAnt and Nacon haven’t actually said anything about a delay officially yet. So as long as that is the case, there is always hope :wink:

Lions tour Australia in 2025 … maybe in time for that? :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Just be mindful that Big Ant and Nacon never said anything about Tiebreak being delayed from November/December….the date just sort of came and went, and then suddenly the early access leaked (which forced their hand). And technically even that has missed its date with no mention. Point being, them not saying anything is by no means a sign that it hasn’t been delayed.


Perhaps we should pretend that the delay got leaked and then nobody would pay attention anymorw forcing BA and Nacon for a release. Teeth for teeth

Don’t worry though guys, the CEO enjoys kicking back and playing this game at his desk.


I have figured it out. He is playing it, getting a load of great players in his team via packs ready to smash all us noobs on day one!

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Thats it! Hes building the ultimate of ultimate teams to dominate online at launch. And grinding out duplicate cards to control the auction market costs on launch. Case solved :rofl:

It is guaranteed delayed. There is zero way gaming stores in New Zealand or Australia remove an upcoming game from their listings. Unless they have been advised it is no longer coming out. Expect a lengthy delay for some unforeseen licensing issues, most likely around the southern hemisphere licenses.

Detective Valhalla, out. :face_with_monocle:

P.S there is absolutely NO merit to the above information. It is pure speculation :rofl:

What are they going to do, delay it until the Rugby Championship in August! :scream:

The whole thing is actually getting beyond ludicrous now, making both companies look a bit amateurish to be honest.

I’m still holding on to the slim hope it’s out at the end of the month, especially after going back to RLL4 for a while and nearly throwing my controller through the TV, that game is annoying!!!

How do RLL4, RC4, Rugby 22 all sort out? I’ve only played RC4 and it was very…meh

Rll4 in my opinion is great, it has some probleam but overall is great and it’s fun even though it’s Rugby Leauge.
Rugby 22 is the opposite of RC4 in terms of rugby gameplay. It’s slow, a bit more realistic but has to offer less;
There is no “not realising” in the gameplay;
In the game no pro carrer and no carrer mode that is longer then a season;
No community creator and no championship creator.