Any news ?for the game

I agree with Italeo48.

  1. RLL4
  2. 22
  3. RC4

-RC4 LOOKED ok, but the actual gameplay was disappointing. Passing was ridiculous with major flaws. Running anywhere was like running on ice, forget about changing direction in a hurry. The sound effects were like uncomfortable grunts from someone in a public toilet. The commentary was like listening to a documentary on the stages of depression. Career mode, solid effort but again came up quite shallow. Customisation missed the mark heavily with the ability only to create rough standout unrealistic sides.

-Rugby 22 is quite realistic, they use pods, you can use real world tactics and be successful ā€¦ it is not always just spread it wide, but like Italeo says it is really shallow in terms of gameplay depth and customisation aspects.

-RLL4 - The best customisation options of any title released, Great licenses and presentation, decent commentary, cut scenes etc, ok animations but the mechanics for like kicking and passing were made far too complex and defending is frustrating. But if you are combining Rugby codes, this is the best of either code.

  • Rugby 08, I really dislike how this game is included in so many high ratings. It is like a game of 5 year olds. All running around together in a swarm. It looks utterly ridiculous. Licenses great and most mechanics and animations were ok. Player behaviour though ā€¦ no thanks. Please for the love of Brian ā€¦ do NOT make a game with that!

Edit: Modding helps almost all these titles of course. BUT a game should not be made with the intent to leave it up to the player base to make it a worthwhile title. Modding should be the cherry on top.


Thatā€™s what makes me so optimistic about this game. Big Ant have such a solid base in RLL3 and RLL4 to develop a union game.

RLL4 was probably one patch away from greatness, if the passing, and more specifically the ridiculous amount of unrealistic interceptions was fixed, along with the tackling (not being able to choose what kind of tackle you made) made a bit better.

Iā€™ve no doubt this game will release with some issues, but as long as the devs are willing to work with the community, as they have with Cricket 24 and take on board/fix these issues, this could be the best rugby game ever.

Now we just need a release, which appears to be the biggest issue! :roll_eyes:


Couldnā€™t agree more!

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The early access of tiebreak is out on steam. Hoping itā€™s at least is a good product


Looks rough to be honest. I mean, I know itā€™s early access but :grimacing:

Thereā€™s gameplay on YouTube. That title is no where near release.

I fear that ressources now allocated to Tie Break and we will have a release of Rugby 24 in small pieces.

Like beta with 2 teams, then 1 league etcā€¦

I am not sure if there is any records in gaming history of such chaotic line up like Nacon/ BAS is doing right now.

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I would actually prefer early access with an unfinished game so the community could provide feedback like with Tiebreak.

Especially if the alternative was seeing and hearing nothing and possibly getting a game that misses the mark by a mile.

As long as they said what was going to be included in the end and I was happy with it. No issue paying full price upfront.


11 days until Launch!

Unfortunately we are in for some bad news this upcoming week. A delay is imminent. I really do not understand why developers announce games so long before. If it was a studio that needed to raise funds for it, then I would understand, but then you see alot of marketing. All the BA games have terrible releases with lengthy delays.

Just to stroke their ego it seems. @RossSymons let us come around for a game bruva

Someone needs to peek over the cubicle and record ross playing at his desk.


I, though as frustrated as anyone else without any news ā€¦ am still holding onto the fact I am sure this will be the best Rugby title ever created so far.

People are picking at other BA titles but facts are that they are good. Someone will always moan when it isnā€™t their version of perfect. But I know BA do good sports titles. League, Cricket, AFL, Tennis ā€¦ all have qualities and aspects I want to see in this upcoming rugby title.

Because lets be honest, there hasnā€™t been a title yet for Union that is better than BigAnts rugby league titles. That is pure facts.

It may be late, it may have bugs and require patching, but I am certain it is going to be awesome.

Roll on the 30th! (Or whenever it is that we eventually see it)


are you saying the rugby league games are better than Rugby Challenge 3,4 ?

Just asking Ive only played Rugby Challenge so cannot compare myself :wink:

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Yeah bro league live 4 was on the cusp of something great pity they stopped with the titles

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Unfortunately that is BAā€™s motto, all their games come close to greatness just never get there before they start a new projectā€¦

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100% better I think. I liked RC because they had southern hemisphere licenses. They really tried with RC series but didnā€™t get it quite right. Close, but not right imo.

League live 4, as close as it gets so far I think to nailing a footy game.

It is still a very playable game even today.

Totally agree bro. Lets hope it makes a revival. Who else could do it?

Exactly both rugby codes are almost oblivious to the benefits of having a flagship game. I donā€™t think weā€™ll get another league gamein awhile itā€™s just not on the cards for Nrl

I saw that wicked witch who did RC have the licences for RL seriesā€™s which is the biggest L ever

I wonder what the wallabies rating will be in rugby24 :rofl: