Any news ?for the game

I just hope it’s got a manager mode with salary cap and you can get promoted/demoted reflective of your performance

One guy running for World Rugby head agreed to invest in a flagship Rugby game as part of their plan to spread the sport. Instead we got the other goofball that won and he cheaped on it so hard we got World Cup 2011 instead … sigh …

Nacon need to buy Wicked Witch too then give the NRL licenses to BigAnt. But they obviously spent all their marketing money on buying BigAnt already ha ha

rugby league live 4 was goofy and sucked. rugby league live 3 and 2 were way better

4 was definitely the best.


u cant even pass the ball in that game. the running was weird and wonky, the kicking mechanics were also crap. tackling was weird cus sometimes they just wouldnt tackle. rugby league live 3 was so much more playable imo


Totally agree, career mode, graphics and customization was much better in RLL4, but gameplay/mechanics wise i much preferred 3

You exaggerated that way too much, im still playing RL4 and don’t know what you’re talking about


I agree.
RL4 & RL3 feel slightly different but I prefer RL4.


not exaggerated at all mate. ive played over 100 hours on that game and it sucks gameplay wise its unplayable for me say what you like but i dont enjoy it. fanhub and the editor stuff was cool tho

100 hours… damn alot of time for someone that despises the game oh well! Each to their own mate fingers crossed we both like this game coming out

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i was bored of all the other rugby games lol

Sorry, you had that experience.

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Some people like 3 some like 4. There is no one way about it. We all have different expectations about what we like. We see this a lot around our lacrosse titles. Some like 16 and some like 18. No one voice is right or wrong it’s just what each person likes. But overall we shouldn’t dismiss someone for liking something we don’t like over something we do.

Except for the pineapple on pizza debate, there’s only one right side of that, but I won’t say which one is correct. :rofl:


pineapple belongs on pizza lol people only say it doesnt cus the internet tells you it doesnt


Lol did
You edit my comment?

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Don’t EVER speak of pineapple on pizza again! :rofl: are you trying to make these forums explode into anarchy and chaos?

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Maybe less time editing people’s comments and more time finishing off this game brova

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When the comment is inappropriate and breaks a rule I’ll edit whatever I want. If you don’t like the rules you’re more than welcome to leave and come back when there is more news or you don’t attack anyone. I’m also not that kind of dev me being here doesn’t stop any development.

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Game has been officially delayed until March 2024 and will release in early access on Steam.

Absolute joke of a company.

Why is the game releasing in early access if the only thing missing is face captures? Imo they are hiding behind this excuse because the game is an absolute mess gameplay wise.