Any news ?for the game

Cricket 24, AFL 23, Tiebreak, Rugby 24.

4 games in a space of a year and every one of them more of a mess than the last.


It’s to hard to release some screen or we have nothing to share because we just start the dev and release a early acces 25% finish game ?

Wtf no screenshot bruuuuu


Well this is bull!

So what they’re saying is after a 5 month delay to finish the game, and the promise/lies of a release date before the 6 nations and further information being released, we’ll just say nah, screw everyone, we’ll keep quiet until a week before release, delay it again, and put out more lies that we’ll be kept updated!

Oh and then we’ll only release it on Steam and ignore the console users for another few months, total joke!!! :rage:


We haven’t had a good rugby game since 2008, more delays don’t matter as long as what comes out is a quality product! IMO
Can’t wait to see what gets unveiled


What an absolute farce big ant have become i dont care about the delay, but the absolute lack of information is unforgivable, and releasing under the ‘early access’ because the game isnt in a fit state for full release :pouting_woman:we dont even know what game modes will be available with the finished project

To top it off the early access is only releasing on steam so console users likely wont get hands on for an extra couple of month.


So a 2 months delay… as said sonewhere, i don’t really care anymore; when it come out it come out.
At least we know they “trying” to appeal to the world market, and it’s not bad. Rugby should grow where very few play.

Like Netherlands, poland, germany and a hell of a lot more.

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Yeah I’m more annoyed about the blatant ignorance which is on show than the delay. It would appear the first delay was relatively well received, cant see this one being so well received!

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‘We will be releasing more information about Rugby 24’s Early Access content and price in the coming weeks’

No you won’t Big Ant. It will be radio silence as per usual.


Upon re reading the announcement they dont actually say the early access release will be in march, just that they think that theyll have enough content to facilitate by then .

Also love the mention of 140+ teams and leagues licensed. You just know the missing licenses will be major :rofl: absolute clown show just glad ive a pc so im not waiting another 8 months to play


Honest question @JNT_BA Where did the need to get the photometry of every single player from every of the 130 nations come from ? Everyone is realistic on the financial and human ressources that both companies have. I mean if the top 20 of nations have real faces it’s already fantastic ( already top 5 is great ) but why trying to take all 130 nations players real faces ? We will hardly play a Vietnam Kenya for instance.

Was it a legal requirement from World Rugby ?

About the report, as a frenchie living in the NL, I have learnt the dutch way of acceptation by saying " it is what it is " there is nothing we can do about it.

If i also misunderstood my apologies. Thanks for answering or at least reading :slight_smile:

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Dude drops in every blue moon to comment on everything other than rugby 24.


As I have said several times, and I will keep saying it every time I have to. I’m not here to announce anything if you want something from me before an official announcement is made then you’ll be waiting a long time.

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Wow reading some of the comments on Instagram from different accounts, the people are not happy… terrible for the publicity of this game

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This is just unacceptable seriously you have cult rugby game fans hustling for the past few months for any bit of news only to be met with silence, yet still staying optimistic then they just drop another delay out of the blue what a slap in the face.

I think you massively underestimated the potential for this game and treated it so, your communication towards the community needs serious attention it’s not even about marketing how hard is it to jump on post a comment or two to keep the fans invested.

The best thing you could do Big Ant, Nacon, Ross whoever under the blue sky that’s calling shots for this game is drop some screenshots even if it’s just the menu,1 player thats done,1 jersey even just the rugby ball would atleast save you some face and earn some trust back from the fans which you have massively lost. If you can’t do that then the admin on here needs to do it for the lads take 1 for the team.


I understand buddy. I was just curious to get some insight on why BAS prefered to make sure there was 130 nations fully licensed rather than having a game released earlier.

Unfortunately you take, as a employee of BAS, every bullets shot from the most criticising amongst all and it is not easy.


Again? It’s not even the delay, or the early access….its the waiting last minute to announce a delay (for the second time) and having zero communication prior. Clearly they knew the game wasn’t ready MONTHS ago, why wait until the last minute? It’s almost the exact replica of what happened with Tiebreak. Unreal stuff from Nacon.


I like this, annoying that it didn’t come out on the delayed date. But I like that there is so much content.

Doesn’t change my opinion about how good this game will be.

Roll on march.

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Its a shame there was not recent rugby WC where you could have taken pics of all the squads and brought out a early access game featuring only the WC. If the game has a acadamy do you really need to delay so much. Just bring it out and let us mod our own players and teams.


They were poor with communication and such long before Nacon came along

Well, I hope the game will be good.
Please just keep us hyped with the game and share some informations when you can…
