Any news ?for the game

It’s almost as if big ant never left Australia to get any of their motion capturing and are all of a sudden like “damn, we really thought if we held off releasing the game another 5 months we’d be able to get every rugby player on the face of the earths body/face done…

In all honesty. Big ant is located in Australia & I know as fact you hadn’t even had any motion capturing done at the brumbies lol.

I know there’ll be a meeting discussing the backlash of the latest media release & there’ll be employees of the company so disheartened about the response from the community but also in agreeance and just wondering - how could we actually have dropped the ball?

One of the biggest and most watched rugby World Cup’s ever, rugby is probably at its most famous world wide it’s ever been & there is no good video game to go with it. Imagine if there was, imagine if we had genuine gaming influencers like Speed playing it, it would blow up.


Well said. Huge missed opportunity. It’s honestly laughable at this point. I’ll be shocked if the game is any good.

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Man these comments sure turn a good place to come and chat about the game into a depressing moan session :rofl:

Have a snickers.


Trust me bro, it doesn’t help.


I got bored again… SVGs ready to go


I think things like this is the only good thing about early access on PC, as long as the fanhub/academy is released at the same time, by the time us lowly console users get it there should be plenty of amazing created content like yours to download and use :+1:

Yes brother!!
Love your work, I’m glad you’re making these.
At some point I would have tried to create all those teams along with the Queensland Prem grade with the nodes in the in creation centre :joy::joy:

Wildfires next please!

Didn’t even realise that was a thing until now. Gee I haven’t been to a Shute Shield game for a while…

If it’s SVGs again I’ll die :sweat:

How on earth do you imagine you could import those? Will look like the KFC logo by the time you get it down to 400 points or whatever it is :rofl:

Ah, see your problem is you are the ones that aren’t for individual sale. You need the ones that are.

Snickers. Get more nuts. (But not in groups, that’s wrong)

Same way that I’ve imported them into Cricket and AFL. They are ready to go and work.
They never look like KFC logos when you draw them from scratch

Ah I see. You put THAT sort of work in. Week in that case that’s impressive. Nice job. Wonder if they will already be in the game though? BigAnt are Australian after all.

You’re going to be popular come launch ha ha.

What program do you use to draw them?

I use Adobe Illustrator

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I doubt Shute Shield would be in game. Super Rugby hopefully.

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Wasn’t Shute shield in RC4? Thought I remembered it in Career mode.

Anyone else feel this forum is now dead/pointless?? The delay announcement has completely sucked any excitement/anticipation I had for the game out of me, and the complete lack of engagement from either company over the past 5 months doesn’t give me much hope for the next 2 months, that we’ll be told anything else before the early release!

Does anyone at Big Ant care? Who knows, but for me, and I’d imagine there are others who feel likewise, the game is dead in the water and in desperate need of something to get us reinvigorated!


I think Nacon and Big Ant have known for a while that these comes weren’t coming soon. They knew Early Access was the route, assumed that would tide fans over, and didn’t plan on marketing until these games got close to the end of early access. That has massively backfired in the case of Tennis (for a few obvious reasons). I doubt anything different will happen for Rugby, and they may get away with it due to their being nothing else in the rugby market, but it would be nice if they showed interest in these games.

There just isn’t really anything to be said in here until more news comes. Everything has already been speculated on 100 times. Saying the game is dead in the water is a little dramatic though? :joy:

I mean I know we are all frustrated with the lack of information, but admins have repeatedly said this isn’t the place to come for game information sooooo.

Edit: Don’t worry. I am sure as soon as any updates about what will be included in the early access are released, these forums will become a hotbed for gossip, speculation and sass :rofl: