Any news ?for the game

To be fair, there’s like 10 people who comment on these forums anyway, the engagement is already rubbish.

The truth is, rugby fans will still buy this game regardless how poor it is, but if they wanted to blow up and get people who play fifa who don’t even watch or support football for example to do the same for this game, that won’t happen.

Moral of this comment, it’s only 1% of people outraged by this delay and the other 99% don’t care because they don’t even know about this game lol.


Rugby gaming is not a competitive market. All these catch phrases like engagement don’t really apply to this game. If it’s good, it will sell regardless.

It doesn’t need to sell all its copies in the first day, week or even month. If it’s good, it will continue to sell.

These forums make zero difference to anything. Marketing, hype, or engagement before release. When the game is released the forums will be active and all this complaining currently in here on posts will just look like a bunch of impatient people (including myself in that) who were in here well before the game was released :joy:


That’s sort of the problem though. They KNOW these games will be gobbled up by the fans, because there’s no alternative. But do you think it’s fair to those same loyal fans to not once, but twice have the game come within days of its listed release date only for them to announce a delay? To let these games get within days of release without sharing a shred of information or footage?

Like I said earlier, this blew up on their faces with Tennis, because Top Spin came and stole their lunch. They won’t have that issue with Rugby (or AFL), and this sort of mentality will allow them to continue doing this.

If your game isn’t ready- fine, but then say so. If the game has nothing to show- fine, but then don’t set a release date. Social media is basically free marketing and promotion, and it’s the best way to engage with those same loyal supporters. Communication is also free, builds trust and shows you care. No excuses.


Yes but you are saying things that are common knowledge. Everyone knows these basics.

Everyone also knows however that the communication on a number of games has been done in this same fashion. Everyone knows this yet they still act surprised every time. Everyone knows this though they come in here and rage about the facts we already know.

Everyone comes in here, makes these weird threats as if they are some sort of authority on anything or like they can influence more than 3 people and it just depresses up the whole place. Not everyone wants to rage quit at life, some people are happy to just come in here and see what is new maybe.

How many rants do people need to have until they get the point? It isn’t going to change, there will be a reason why they do it this way. They just don’t share that either.

This forum isn’t where you’ll find updates, it isn’t where you’ll get responses about when you’ll get updates either. If this is you trying to cause a stink, then you may as well be farting into a hurricane my friend because it will be lost in here just the same.


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Todays the day!!

Guttered I’m not waking up and thrashing Rugby 24 all day whilst I sit around in my undies and let my inner 13 year old self take over like I used to whilst playing 06/08 back in the day.

Off to work in the rain instead, have a good one lads.


I fully agree. I was so hyped about Rugby 24 since last March. As a french you can imagine how excited I was about the RWC knowing that there would be a game coming from the guys who did Rugby League . Triple WOW

Then, my visit at Gamescom made me a bit disapointed as Rugby 24 was nowhere on the Nacon’s stand. Allright, why not.

Then first report, no problem, I was sure that all will be fine as I knew September was too soon from March. So lookibg forward to pictures, screenshots, squads announced etc… but nothing.

But it was the same with Rugby 22 so big hopes. And then the report again made me lose the sparkle.

I am so disapointed that there is nothing to be shown, nothing, not even a list of teams, modes etc… nothing AT ALL

I was enjoying going on Twitter and this forum to see if people found some news anywhere. Now you see on Twitter nobody talks about the game anymore. The Hype got so low.

The fact that all gets late because of photometry ( and so it looks aswell with Cricket ) makes me feel like all decisions regarding ressources and how to use them has been very poor.

I still cant believe that we are getting a delay because you might be travelling to Narnia to get photometry of the team. Like the guys there are postmen, bakers etc…

I am kinda happy that Top Spin comes out as it will help you to feel a bit more pressure.

Not personal Big Ants as you are part of Nacon now, never played your games but looking forward to.

Let’s hopefully get a roadmap soon and mindblowing videos that will make us forget that cold time and rise the hype again.


I’m so keen to find out what these 130 or 140+ National teams are. The mystery is killing me :joy:


Today would have been the ideal day to release a little bit of info/teaser trailer/screenshot(s) to temper the disappointment a little bit, but as usual all we get is radio silence!


In the first announcement they said ‘leagues’. In the second announcement they said ‘competitions’ :face_with_monocle:

I wonder if just different people wrote the posts? Or if there isn’t anywhere near 15 leagues in their and it is actually just 15 competitions of any type in total (Including the world cup etc) :thinking:

I wonder if Early access will give all that away from the menus? Or whether there will be parts kept back until full release?

Only 60 days left until we know for sure either way!

60 days. Wowsers. Might wait for 2024 season designs before making graphics then :wink:


Well, that is if it is end of March. So that is the latest latest. I’m just aiming for end of March because then there can’t be any disappointment ha ha.

If people have automatically assumed March 1st … eek :grimacing: :sweat_smile:

Are you going to use the same handle in the Fanhub/creation suite/whatever they call it? I am hunting down your content and downloading day one it’s possible.

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Once the game is actually released, I’ll have to work out what I am going to do :wink:

I did talk about this in one of my videos. I did think that in leagues they would include things like the world cup even though to me that is not a league. They must have watched because they cleared that up in the newest announcement by saying competition’s.

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Yeah I saw that one. I was of a different opinion until the second announcement. I think you are right, I think it must be competitions as a whole. Oh well, never matter.

Hopefully we can create anything they haven’t licensed!

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They say they EXPECT to have enough content to release in March but that’s no guarantee.

We’ve learnt to EXPECT any time frame for a release to be completely wrong. Hence the reason they’ve given us no specific timeframe for a full release other than some time later in the year :roll_eyes::thinking:

EXPEXT delays, EXPECT excuses, EXPECT no communication, EXPECT disappointment.

But after saying all that EXPECT the best rugby union game to date.

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I don’t have any expectations.

Maybe that’s why I’m not so mad?

Doesn’t really make any difference when the game comes out.

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I really do not understand that the delay is purely due to “capturing content of each team”.

Is it truly essential to “travel the world capturing teams” for this game? If that is a true statement, it feels like they have massively overvalued the requirement to have accurate player appearances from all 140 nations.

Or at least they could’ve released these each month AFTER the release of the full game. Imagine this…

January International Teams Release: Spain, Portugal, Greece
February International Teams Release: Cyprus, Israel, Bulgaria
March International Teams Release: UAE, Egypt, Qatar

Isn’t this exactly what Big Ant did for the Pakistan Cricket team this month?

I live and play rugby in a country that does not hold an IRB World Ranking, but I believe they are included in Rugby 24. I am grateful for the inclusion, but I don’t understand delaying the release for accurate photo imagery.

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If it is late then oh well.

It will be good whenever it comes out so it doesn’t really matter if it is a little after March either.

Its a pathetic excuse considering the state Cricket 22 and 24 launched in with regards to both gameplay and “licensed content”

There are players now in the latest game who haven’t had a likeness added across two games. Look at the debacle over New Zealand and Pakistan who have their international and domestic sides licensed with no likenesses or in some cases kits.

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