Any news ?for the game

I feel like I am surrounded by Karens

What’s pathetic is the amount of crying going on in this forum for a game that isn’t even released yet :sweat_smile:

Literally looking like THE most toxic community on the internet right now. Might go and hang out in a COD lobby for a more pleasant environment, getting cussed out by a 6 year old is sure to be more fun :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

If you don’t like it … you could always just not buy it? Problem is you know you’re ALL going to buy it regardless :wink: muhahahaha

Snickers for everybody! and a free virtual hug :hugs:

#amithedrama #idontthinkimthedrama

Loved your message, because you are correct. I will buy it regardless.

I suppose I am just surprised & disappointed as the communication from Big Ant is continually poor. Not just Rugby24, but most of the RLL games too.

I am hoping this time it is Nacon, and not BigAnt, because I am Aussie like them.

I’ve engaged with people about Big Ant games for over 14 years :astonished: on their old BigAntForums site. So I feel that consistent trend of poor communication over such a long period of time justifies my response.

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I totally get it, there are many people that feel exactly the same way as you. Wasn’t a shot at you or just the most recent messages. More like the entire comment since the forums opened.

I am sure it is both Nacon and BigAnt in different ways. BigAnt because they could not manage to get the games out on time due to workload. Nacon because they do not want to communicate a product below a certain standard and feel it hasn’t been there yet (Guessing) so they have just failed to communicate at all.

So I am not saying your thoughts are not warranted etc. They are just depressing and lets be honest, if you’ve really been around 14 years you’ll also know by now they won’t make a difference either. :blush:

The disccord channel has plenty of anger in it if you need to vent somewhere less visible ha ha. Or If you prefer it to be seen #carryon its your prerogative.

Thanks mate.

Honestly, part of me is hoping that a Nacon executive reads my comment and begins their Rugby 24 marketing campaign and starts to release some images, videos or just more info tomorrow.

I plan to join the Discord very soon and look forward to playing online against you as we are in the exact same timezone :blush: GMT +2

Definitely have a match!

Not sure if I will be on the discord or not. But will figure something out!

dude your on this forum 24/7 waffling. causing crap with people. its not good for you mate i think you should go outside and socialise a little bit

Sorry, who are you? Are you meant to be someone?

I don’t cause anything with anyone.

I just give my viewpoint like anyone else. I will keep doing so too :raised_hands:

there u go again. theres no viewpoint to give. but if u enjoy waffling about nothing then go ahead

Aw shucks, thanks so much, can I just say … you are a wonderful person :grinning:

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I’m intrigued to hear which teams are included but tbh as with AFL 23 and cricket 22/24, I want a game with good mechanics and workable controls. Having the ability to play and/or create tournaments would be cool.

I wait patiently as I know from my visit to BigAnt that they have been working on the game since at least July last year in some detail (I saw a really cool maul).

Like most folk I’m not looking for too many bells and whistles.
Saying that, having an academy which enables your average 14 year old to create their rugby club (probably the one they play for or watch) would be a goal. It is achievable if Rugby is going to be like Cricket22/24 and AFL23. You can create and name players and play with the various editors and make a patterned jersey that might resemble things.

Making Logos though to SVG standards is probably beyond most people’s patience. I’m always happy to teach people how to do it, but it does take a while and why would you draw when you can play the game instead?

As other release have shown, there seem to be a bunch of phases which this Rugby game will go through…

Wave of hype and expectation - entirely understandable.
Perceived/Actual Communication Vacuum - leading to conjecture and speculation.
Some cyncism - due to a lack of communication (perceived/actual)
Delay - leading to frustration which is also understandable
Delivery - Potentially with some bugs/things to iron out.
Patching - with varying levels of communication and frequency (probably more to start and then tapering off)
Onwards and upwards hopefully


It’s contagious


What else did you see or info from your visit

Maybe he was sworn to secrecy ha ha. I was going to ask about the “Really cool maul”?

@chuckinho What made a maul really cool?

The contact and the dynamics looked pretty cool.

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I saw heaps. I saw AFL, Cricket and Rugby stuff being worked on, animated, scripted, jerseyed and tested.
The Lunch room was pretty cool. I insisted on seeing it to get a fair overall impression.


Clearly the most important part of our tour was the lunch room, this is why I end it there. Nothing compares!


Do you have snack machines in there though?

I am sure that’s the real info everyone’s looking for!

Forget game features, I want to know what varieties of Potato chips are available :drooling_face:

Edit: The capital P in Potato was intentional.

Sorry I was more fixated on drinks, especially after having a couple of luscious, salty South Melbourne Dimmies for lunch before the tour.
The lemonade was tops. Served at just the right temperature.
Despite the extravagances of the lunch room there also appear to be an illicit trade in foodstuffs around the various workstations too.


As opposed to Chocolate Chips or Gaming Chips or Sweet Potato Chips or Computer Chips?

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Your comments have made me very thirsty! And hungry tbh.

I didn’t expect this from a rugby game forum and find myself unprepared :rofl:

I’ll be back after a snack break!