Any news ?for the game

Compared to existing snacks that the company provided before, is it the same or did they just change everything ?

Compared to Eko Studios croque Monsieur, would you say that what you ate was better ?

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A South Melbourne Dimmy vs a Croque Monsieur?
Iā€™ve had some pretty good Croques Messieurs over the years. The best one was probably in a side street off the CanebiĆØre.
There are many ways to make a Croque Monsieur. Some prefer GruyĆØre, others prefer ComtĆ© or Emmenthal.
Some even prefer the Croque Madame - sadists.
You need quality ingredients. The cheese needs to endure the appropriate affinage. As for the ham, the smokier the better.
At this time of night Iā€™d go for a Croque em bouche. :wink:

I thought i made a quite enygmatic message with underline questions about the game but I feel like you won at my own game.

Croque Madame is overrated. Period. Never tasted anything aussie. I enjoyed the Croque Monsieur from Eko.

Curious if aussie snack from Big Ant will satisfy the same Hunger.

Some Aussies launch straight into the main course whilst others might have some cabanossi and cheese first. Depends on who is hosting the shindig and whether the snags are cooked.

Surely we need some conjecture in hereā€¦

Itā€™s a bit fuzzy, but itā€™s under 400 nodes :wink:

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Now THAT is a piece of art :heart_eyes:

You have just won at creator life in my eyes! For it to look that good at that size is very impressive. I would even call it ā€¦ craftsmanship!

Certainly are a man of taste!

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Pretty sure @Roarak was straight up asking you if the Rugby Union game looked like all their previous game, or if it was completely different ā€¦ but like in smart food talk.

oooooohh ā€¦ penny just dropped, you answered ā€¦ in the same smart food talk.

Ok, let me murder this attempt at an analogy.

So, did the sausages (Not the budgie smuggled varieties) on display that you got a sneak peak of, look like prime meat that was in the hands of a skilled BBQ master?

Or did it look more like Uncle Brian had bought the Vegan snags on accident again, drank far too many VBā€™s and preceded to forget about them until they were charcoal because he was too busy playing ā€˜classic catchesā€™ in the pool with the kiddos?

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As a former butcher I can assure you that sausages never look like prime meatā€¦ You are more likely to make sausages with trimmings from Chuck, Brisket or Shank rather than Eye Fillet, Scotch Fillet or Sirloin.
Saying that sausages come in all sorts of varieties, some are good and everyone has their favourites.
To make a good sausage you need to include some good fat, you never make a sausage out of lean meat as it will be too dry. Sometimes you need to slice the sausage down the middle to get ti to cook a bit quicker but you never serve a raw sausage. Sometimes you might parboil some sausages if time is short or the beer supply is short.
I like to put on the old butcherā€™s apron just in case I get something on my Hawaiian shirt (actually Iā€™m not likely to have a Tongan or Wallisian Shirt (St Marys is great for Polynesian tailoring)
Some sausages might look different when they are ready and cooked. If you are trying to make a Pork sausage brown you are going to burn it before you get there.
Some blokes are rubbish at BBQing and the sheilas get involved.
There might be a bunch of anticipation of the sausages being ready to serve and a watched sausage cooked rather slowly.
Some folk tend to overwork the snags on the plate. I like to let them breathe and never never never ever pierce the sausages before they are cooked because all the good stuff comes out. Even if it is a bit burnt, you can always cut some bits off or just smother it with plenty of sauce.
Whilst on the topic of snags, I am partial bit of merguez from time to time - nice and spicy.
I think putting vegan and sausage in the same sentence is pushing the friendship too. Surely burning a vegan sausage is something of a mercy, putting it out of its misery.

Sometimes you just have to put the sausage in the waffle like the Norwegians :wink:

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I see, so hence the early access. Got you. Or maybe I didnā€™t, we will never really know ha ha.

I could probably go back over that and read it seven different ways, but I will leave that to people that own fancy microphones for their thousands of YouTube viewers to hypothesize on as they are much better than I and iā€™ll just continue with my cheap theory and cheap headset and pointless drivel to my 4 or 5 avid (none actually avid) subscribers.

As for the Vegan argument, to avoid insulting snowflakes I will refrain from commenting on that ā€¦ other than stating that they should have petrol poured straight on them and be completely incinerated and anyone found cooking them is the devil incarnate. But other than that, I will stay somewhere in the middle of that argument for political correctness.

Just like Sky news Australia :blush:

Edit: Okay, I have just seen the sausage in the waffle comment. Why does that part make me feel slightly uncomfortable :joy: :rofl:

Norwegians generally make people uncomfortable - only kidding. Itā€™s a whole country colder than Invercargill.
It just goes to show how versatile sausages can be and shouldnā€™t be underestimated.

I think I might have some Sausages and Waffles for lunch. Iā€™ll post a pic if I do. Hope I have enough mustardā€¦

The scary thing is that GIF is in the board list - hoorah

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I can appreciate that, you should see the Estonians ā€¦ whole new level of doing that too which I am lucky enough to be currently enjoying ha ha.

I do like a bit of a waffle (Or so I have been told) not gonna lie. Never tried putting my sausage in amongst it though. Think that may be outside forum community guidelines :thinking:

it shouldnā€™t work, but it really does. I find that a Debreziner is generally best for that purpose.

Not sure if that is safe to google or not ā€¦

Edit: Turns out it is and I am just not cultured enough for this conversation.

I preferred this oneā€¦

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Surely one has to be cultured to be involved in Rugbyā€¦

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Is the bunnings one too tough to do? or you mean you preferred the style?

I like that one too. Bunnings Warehouse NPC. Aussies steal everything of ours :wink:.

I have culture, well ā€˜Aā€™ culture anyway. It is growing on the cheese I have forgotten to clean out in my fridge. Now I just donā€™t have the heart ā€¦ is like family.

Up the Whanganui Butchers Boys :hocho::cow2::sheep:

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I did most of my murder in Gore

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Not much else to do in Gore tbh

The logos are easy enough to make. I just preferred the older one as it was the one being used when I lived in NZ.
The irony is that Air New Zealand stole Ansett Airlines from Australia back when they sponsored the NPC