Any news ?for the game


But you still have to give valid explanations for Far lap and Pavlova.

@floody Mid Canterbury all day!
(But please don’t bring up championships, thank you)

Edit: You don’t actually need to, I lived in Aussie for 12 years and consider Sydney my home town to be fair. I consider myself a commonwealth citizen. That and I dislike Pavlova and have almost zero knowledge of horse racing soooo.


Couldn’t get the white collar bits with the cricket templates

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North Otago? Fair enough. Not a bad spot Otago.

Me you and Floody and do a Tri Series Whanganui/Mid Canterbury/North Otago.

Must be nice to see your concepts come to fruition in the creation suite.

Edit: Their crest looks VERY good on uniform.

Current Old Golds Jersey is trash

Hope we get heaps of logo slots. So many sponsors on Rugby kits.

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I like the old simple kits.

These are pretty cool too.

You must have BIG hopes for the creation suite. Don’t suppose you quizzed them on that when you were there?

Edit: Their league titles did well for that, the slots. Rugby Champions had a great idea of actually naming the slots i.e Sleeve, waist etc. Easier to remember when going back into amend. Otherwise like in the league 4 title you had to open the logo slot then which was just numbered and if it wasn’t the right one you had to go find the one you originally had to make sure it went in.

BigAnt: Please assign them to areas of the jersey and name them :pray:

No I’d rather have the freedom to put them where I like.

You can’t say no to my idea :rofl:

Yes, I don’t mean they are fixed. Just that they make sense. They start where they say. Not that they are fixed there.

Edit: Is really not hard to do, most sponsorship are in the same areas. Club logo, shirt sponsor, main chest sponsor, upper back, lower back … you get the point.

Just assign the relevant named sponsor slot to be free roam like in RLL4, but have it generate in the spot it is named. Then move it to your preferred spot.

But for people who are not so detail specific and just want to create a legit ish looking team without much faffing they can pretty much just drop a sponsor into each spot and off they go.

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But to play Rugby you must have a certain amount of FAFfing.


Enough said :wink:


That is either legit, or you are just very considerate with lighting in your photoshop techniques. Which could also be true.

That looks like a pretty decent breakfast, wouldn’t even matter if you got the mustard on the shirt!


You just can’t keep FAFing out of Rugby it seems.

Oh, I will be in the editing mode allllllllll daaaaaaay if they don’t have the southern hemisphere licenses.

I may live in the north now, but I have no real interest in their rugby.

Lions, Hurricanes and AB’s all day!

ALTHOUGH … I am moving to Ireland soon so that may change :rofl:

Of course it’s real… probably more to do with the IPhone 14 Pro than anything.

Always works best with a bit of Mostert


I have the same phone, my photos don’t come out like that :joy: but I believe you.

what does this have to do with rugby 24 news?

It’s the official lunch of Rugby 24.




It might be due to the southern hemisphere light.

Ah yes, I remember that … light. At the peak of summer here it actually NEVER gets fully dark, so is great for sleep.

Still, at least the snow here right now has turned to solid ice after rain so walking anywhere becomes sliding anywhere.

Travel is bumpier, but also faster :+1:

This relates to Rugby 24 news as light determines the ability to see, and you need to see to play Rugby24.

so being able to see is news for rugby 24

You’ll have to wait and see :wink:

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