EA7 Feedback & Suggestions

Initially I wasn’t sure what to make of the new update as I am so used to playing the game with the mechanics and gameplay of the previous updates. But after playing for some time now I can confidently say that I am absolutely loving it.

One of my biggest complaints was the difficulty and this has been improved. I consider myself quite a good player but on expert due to the CPU being more aggressive and more intelligent and the fact that general gameplay difficulty has been increased, it is not easy at all anymore and I am getting beat pretty comfortably by the CPU. I am actually loving the fact that the challenge has been increased and am really having to think about my shot selection. Some of my below observations may possibly be placebo but try to report them as i seem them.

The speed of general gameplay appears to have been increased including the serve speed.

The CPU difficulty has been increased. They are much more aggressive but still make questionable errors every now and again. They are better and more consistent at hitting shots closer to the net.

You can no longer keep L+R pressed together and hit all of your shots like this, the shots are a lot more sensitive and they will end up going out of court.

Its also much more risky to use L trigger or R trigger by themselves and doing so will also cause the ball to go out of court.

You very much need to use a mix of getting yourself into position and just hitting the ball without using triggers at all and only use them when the ball bounces high enough and you have had enough prep time. Obviously you can still use them on many shots and they will go in but massively depends on a number of factors including timing. The risk/reward of using L or R has been greatly increased.

Serving has been made much more difficult and will take some time for people to get used to. I expect some complaints regarding the difficulty of serving now using the A button which is now the risk serve with the B button being the safe serve. Once you get used to it, it very much clicks. But the analogue and direction of serve placement is extremely sensitive and you really need to only flick a direction at the very last second rather than holding a direction like you could previously.

I like what they have done with the serve but my experience on expert is that it is still basically impossible to hit an ace against the CPU.

For anyone that has noticed this bug in the previous update, the CPU player model is still getting a white box appearing in between the characters feet. I believe the devs are aware of this but I had hoped that it would have been resolved with this update.

All in all, great update. The game continues to improve and feels more and more like real tennis with every update. If I could still critique anything at this point it would probably be the CPU still makes weird errors, but the game is that much more difficult now in terms of having to be very careful regarding shot selection that I am now thankful for these errors as I need all the free points I can get.

It would also be nice if there was a way to get aces against the CPU on expert, maybe I am just not very good at serving but have put in quite a few of the risk serves with perfect timing and just doesn’t seem possible to me.

I would also say that for anyone finding the game too difficult now (bearing in mind I am also getting my butt handed to me) please spend a good few hours with it and get used to the way you now have to play before making any judgements. Although I am losing pretty badly I can see a clear way to being competitive, I just haven’t had the time with the new update to improve my game as yet.


i did 3 Ace vs CPU on Expert mode ^^

its very hard but i love serve systeme now.

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I cam ace the cpu too.

New serving is great imo. Skill gap is gonna be insane for this game.


What serve type though? I am just using flat. Are you using slice?

Bro u gotta use all of em, diff speeds etc. I like slice and kick serve more thsn flat tbh. More placement than power but Flat does work well just gotta time it well.

Use the conservative ball tosses until u get used to the new syatem bc u csn still get aces wkth them. More placement heavy and safer to use.

No sorry, i do use all of them. I am specifically talking about finding it difficult to ace the CPU on expert using the flat serve.

Dont worry, the serving system is just hard to get used to, but after you get used to it, youll be better

You have 2 serve

One with A (xbox controller) = advanced serve

If you do fault you can use Serve secure with B (xbox controller).

The game don’t tell this ingame i think.

I realy like the new system serv, need more practice for first serv but its good.

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Like I suggest before the only solution is to add a sensibility/aiming slider because everyone has different preference. A serve precision(ace threshold) and player movement slider should also be added for offline

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The big problem are speed service as to low !!! and animations of backhand is random for all player , pleaseeeeee

make a real animation for backhand one and two handed of atp players

in net it is so bad to volley


I’m so happy with this update. They add a lot of details on the road to the final realease like the cinematics on the celebrations after a point.

_Maybe balance The AI a little bit more to make the serve games harder to break but the game is actually fun.
_Please check the match simulator. The tiebreaks are simulated as normal games and the serve games are most of the times breaks.
_Another think to check is to make the good player won the most of the tournaments. It’s easy to see ebden winning a tournament.
_It would be nice to make the clay with better textures and that the ball leave the marks.
_The serve implementation is really good.
_I don’t mind having unforced errors as long the AI have their own so I like how it is right now
_The lunges are perfect as they are right now

_And pleas add a white outfit for every player for the england summer :wink:

See you on august 22nd

The serving is great now,i have seen others getting plenty of aces down the center with flat serve on expert,it is you having to be patient and learn the new mechanics. What we don’t want is easy aces too often which would exploit the game badly,to me the serving is near enough to spot on.

I don’t understand, am I the only one who has forgotten how to play? After the serve, every shot flies out of bounds. I barely press the stick to the left and the ball flies into the corridor. Add a sight, like in AO 2 and everything will be fine

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Wondering why nobody mentions the problem with topspin and triggers. Flat shots can be still used like before with triggers and they will mostly fly into the court, whereas with topspin it is barely possible to place one within the court. It should be the exact opposite as topspin is considered a safe shot compared to flat shots. I think by switching this behavior between topspin and flat everything will be in place again.

Pretty sure its because the feedback some people were giving was that it was far too easy to win every rally with top spin shots so the nerfed it whilst using triggers.

Now you can do the same with flat shots, which is even less realistic. Topspins are the main shots in tennis, simply because they are much safer than flat ones. I agree that it was too easy to place a topspin on (or near) the line, but now it is hardly possible, which again does not reflect reality. At least, as a hotfix, they should swap the behavior for topspin and flat shots, that would help already. Later on they can adjust the difficulty for near-line shots (topspin and flat).

Hello, it took me a while to learn how to play and serve with the update but I’m starting to enjoy it.
For the record, I played 1 tournament match, I won it. When I look at the tournament leaderboard, that puts me 2 lost matches… I hope the leaderboards will be ok by the launch of the official game . Thank you

I enjoy playing online . You can see that some people take the strong players and want to serve hard, make aces, without too much “playing tennis”. And make the services difficult as well as the strong shots that can come out of the field , I think it’s good . it will avoid the “meta” full power that ruins the online gaming experience. look forward to see double and more. Thanks for the work

My suggestion is to show the speed of the serve most tournaments dont have a speed clock so be a nice addition to show the speed of your serve beside your players name and scorecard. Should be a power gauge added to the timing of the ball toss so I can control how much power I’m putting on the serve. I don’t want just 2 set speeds of serve, with just the aggressive and safe speed. Real life tennis players are serving all different kinds of speeds. There should be much more variation to the speeds of serve. Let me place the ball in the service box to where I want to serve the ball if I time it perfectly have it place the ball exactly where I wanted it. This was in Ao tennis 2 I could place the ball anywhere in the service box before I was making a serve.

Also another suggestion is to have a stamina gauge. For 5 set matches would be a key factor in a match. If you have depleted energy levels have it impact on your chances of making a successful shot or serve. have the player run slower once the energy is low. Adding Injuries would add a sense of realism to the game if you have a player with low energy levels and your trying to run at maxium speed have it increase the chance of an injury and give u the decision to continue playing with an injury in the game.

My final suggestion to add to the game would be a momentum bar that fills up when winning points consectively or winning big points or rally’s. A momentum bar that also shows a pressure meter if the momentum is against you and your serving with the other player with a break point at love to 40. Have that impact on your pressure especially in tiebreaker or fifth set would add a sense of importance to the points your playing. If you have a low pressure meter have it increase the chance of a double fault or hitting the ball out forcing you to play safe with your serve and play defensively when hitting the ball. Bring back hawk eye challenges would be the finishing touch to the game.


Hello BigAnt is it possible to add real bags for players instead white bags for the release date?
And I think for the after the release you need to work en balls sound for different surface.

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First, thanks to the team, you have done a really good work. The animation is now more fluid, more varied. You have added more signature moves, updated some faces.

The gameplay is very good but I saw 4 bigs problems :

1/ AI needs to be more agressiv and it makes too much direct faults without any pression. If you add sliders to tweak aggressivity and a Legend difficulty who played on expert like the AI in Early Access patch 5, it will be perfect. Ai aggressivity on AO tennis was good. We want the same on Tiebreak.
AI misses a very easy shot with a high bounce and hit the middle of the net every time.
You said in the game description than it will be hard to beat the best players but if Federer didn’t go to the net, it will be a big liar. Cpu didn’t go the the net. Only if we make a dropshot, it’s far not enough. Please fixed this.

2/ Service system : I really love it but there is a massiv bug : when you hit the T with the slice, CPU didn’t move at all. Making an ace at 136 km/h is not realist.

3/Ball physics : not bad but need more tweak, especially when playing volley. Slice need to be more natural top.

4/ Career mode : every after two games the game freezes and comes back to windows desk. It didn’t happen before.

Some others minor bugs are in the game but less important :

*in cinematic, players shows attitude who didn’t match with the score.
Ex : we see a player who show the ball to said new ball but the score is 2-1 and 15/30…

  • A little white papper is between the legs on players sometimes on clay
  • Zverev didn’t yell anymore in the game
  • On clay there is no more footprint on the ground like it was on EA5. Please bring it back!