Early Access 2 (EA2) Launch

Competition bug: scrolling with triggers between lists of teams (e.g. the early access list vs early access clubs) can result in you not being able to scroll and select on the shorter list, if when hitting trigger to switch list you are highlighting a slot that doesn’t exist on the shorter list.

Example: highlighting team number 9 on the “Early Access” list, hit trigger to go to the “Early access clubs” list which only has 8 teams. It seems the game tries to find and highlight the 9th team on that list, but since it is returning null, the functionality for scrolling and selecting doesn’t work.


At first i thought i was tripping but did anyone else notice that the backs never hit the ruck as support? Like even in a break ( witch happens rarely :face_with_raised_eyebrow:) there’s never a back to support the ruck and i now understand why you got so much latency at every ruck cause the game waiting for forwads to move near the ruck and that’s why we end up with so much time space frame between a tackle and the ruck formation

Ye agreed, 50/50 on mini games. There have been suggestions in previous threads, namely 1) adding a global gameplay setting where you can choose either Arcade or Simulation, which determines the presence and extent of such things as mini games, or 2) introducing sliders so you can determine the extent of such things as mini games yourself. If you have played other Big Ant titles, you would know what a significant effect sliders can have on a fully customised experience, so you can design a standard game for everyone and each individual can customise all aspects to his own liking. Sliders are great and I hope to see the same in this game on all levels, from cameras to mechanics to set pieces to player attribute impact, refereeing, etc.



I just wanted to give some further feedback on the patch after playing this evening.


  • I actually think this is worse and gone backwards unfortunately. I press pass buttons playing at Allianz stadium and the passes don’t happen once I get the ball to 1st receiver. Press them multiple times and nothing happens.

Allianz Stadium -

  • Great atmosphere with the crowd noises and volume level. I really felt the match had a real intensity and aggression from the crowd noise. I felt it made the players tackle at a higher intensity. Great work with this stadium atmosphere. I loved it.

Player Model - Juarno Augustus - N8/Flanker Northampton Saints

  • I would like to be able to edit his body size or weight if possible in the future. I think the player model and face scan is very good but if I had the option I would add some more bulk that’s all. I have made a voting poll on my YouTube channel for other people’s opinions on the player model. I don’t expect Big Ant to change thousands of players if we don’t all agree on player models but I just would like the option to edit licensed scanned players in the future with their bodies if possible ? I just seeing some props and backrow forwards looking a bit too lean or lacking weight /bulk. I am the kind of person that would go in and edit them myself when having the finished game.

Thanks for listening to my feedback. I will update you my poll results.



Yes i like this idea too to have options like in Madden but yeah the sliders is the most important part of the games

On the player models thing - something which will become apparent when Sale Sharks are added… some players, who will remain nameless for now, had their hair dyed ahead of the photogrammetry session as a fine for things they did at training - look out for some truly awful bleached blonde hair (which mysteriously disappeared after Ross and the BA team scanned the club) that has been immortalised for all time. So editing the licensed players in some way must be a thing when the Creator/Academy is implemented - seeing someone like Curtis Langdon or Gregory Aldritt without his scrumcap in-game right now is still not right. But definitely a good point to mention the sizes of players.


Set plays don’t work well, instead player positioning should be focused on, to promote flow and have many options present themselves while the ball runs down the line. So when you pass to first receiver, have a guy running close inside and close outside, for the fast offload options, with a pass option for the second receiver (down the line) etc. We just need player positioning and passing fixed, including offloads. Also fix the crazy rushed defense and the teleporting tackles. And kicking and pods…

Also for BA, to fix ice skating running, if you run one angle with analog and quickly change your analog direction, have the runner step hard on his one foot, to immediately change direction and hit like an inside gap or half gap in the defense. Improve the input delays to make them all immediate. Direction changes tie into the comment about set plays, as with direction changes, close/dummy runners, better passing, defense and tackle radiuses, you can do your own unique set play, every time, whilst enjoying a great flowing game.


Hey guys, wanted to chime in. Been away since EA2 release so taken me a while to actually sit down and play some games to give feedback, ive been through the entire thread to gauge whats already been said so will try to avoid as much cross over as possible, because youve probably read the same 5 things in most peoples posts.
I do recommend paying attention to Val’s @Valhalla_Vagabond post at the top of the thread, because as I read though his post he hit basically every single note I had written down for my feedback. (so again ill try and avoid going over the same areas)

Since EA2 has come out, I have played 15 games before coming to the FAQ page, of the 15 games Ive played. I havnt made it to the final whistle of a single one. (either im the unluckiest person on the page, or lots of people are experienceing the same things). Something has gone wrong in 100% of the matches causing it to become unplayable. Whether it be a direct crash, players stopping at a ruck and nothing happenning, the ball just gettling lost off map after a kick. And my most recent one was the camera getting stuck behind the rafters in open play and I simply couldn’t see the pitch.
Obviously everyone is talking about the tackling and passing issues that have been pretty major in this update. But stability is an area not too many people have mentioned. In Early Access everyone should expect bugs and glitches or things not looking great. But to not be able to finish a single name is a huge blow from a player enjoyment standpoint.

New Teams and Stadiums is great, glad to see the game bulking out, but seems pretty common, people are struggling with issues in the stadiums.

Ive taken some screenshots from my last game, playing on the northhampton stadium. The floodlights are positioned infront of the player camera, so as you move accross the pitch the lights flash infront of the screen. I also attempted to do a kick and got tackled due to the tackle radius of the AI. and the camera zoomed out slightly, and the camera got stuck behind some metal rafters, and the rest of the game was played from that position, forcing me to quit out.

Seen a couple of people mention the lineout situation. Personally I dont mind the lineouts, I just think the mechanic needs to pick a lane to go down. Right now it feels somwhere inbetween Rugby 08 and Rugby 22. Where you hit 1 of 3 buttons and that player jumps. But the time it takes to get the ball in, makes it feel like it should play more like rugby 22 where players run back and to, and you are trying to beat the opponent to the lift or maybe a dummy jumper to throw them off. Im not one for active minigames in the lineout. Personally I think Rugby 22 had it pretty nailed on, if they removed the QTE on a competitive catch, and left it to player stats and your timing as the jumper to decide who wins a contested ball. If you want to stick with the 3 jumper choice and the ball is put in on its own, I think the speed of the lineout animation could be sped up once a decision is made, but until the decision is made you wait for the countdown clock and make it feel more arcade style.

I wish I had as much luck with the new mauls as others seem to have, but the AI just never sems to put the ball in touch in EA2 for me to test them. Defensively though I have had a few, and for some reason all of my defenders seem to run away from the maul once it gets going, leaving a huge gap for the AI to just walk through and score.


  • Lineout button choices, personally I find the choices of A,X and Y to feel awkward, and I think it would be better to swap the middle jumper to “B”. I also wonder if Maul even requires its own button. In rugby union mauls can come from any throw. Maybe the triggers could be added in combination with a button choice to change what happens with the ball. E.g. Holding LT while pressing Y would mean your team would set up a maul on the back jumper. Whereas holding RT while pressing Y will make your back jumper slap the ball towards your scrumhalf to speed up the play, and make it more likely to win the ball in a contested jump. Pressing neither trigger while pressing Y, would just be a pass to that back jumper, and you play normally.
  • Tackling button moved to Y? This is one that I didn’t see at all on the FAQ pages in previous patches, or any comments on videos. Personally really not a fan of Y being used for such an important element of your defensive game, its maybe the most awkward button to go for when you just hold a controller. In game it basically requires you to remove your right thumb from being anywhere near the analog stick. I also cant think of a rugby game Ive played that incorporated it in that way. I would much prefer using “A” button for big hits, or the analog stick like at launch. (if im in the minority on this feel free to let me know, but it feels as off as having the “Y” button as slide tackle in a fifa game.)

Broader Points

  • Player rotation issues (this one may have something to do with the passing issues and not managing to get far enough away) but in a number of games ive noticed players 1-4 will get in to a loop of being players in a ruck. A ruck will happen and they rush in. You pass once and get tackled, and the same 3 players get up from the last ruck and enter the new ruck, and they go on and on and on. They are more frequent from ruck to ruck than the scrumhalf is and looks odd to see the same 3 players rushing accross.
  • Players still in wrong position, We all had a bit of a chuckle on EA1 launch that players in france and wallabies were out of position, but really expected that to be fixed in the major update, mauvaka still out on the wing for france should probably be fixed 4 patches in.
  • labelling layout at linouts, ive noticed in linouts sometimes the options for number of jumpers is back to front. as in the button correlation IS correct, but it shows A at the top and Y at the bottom, and needs to be flipped.

Its hard to go over too much ground in this one without covering topics mentioned by others already. And EA2’s issues with passing and tackling have really taken away a lot from being able to experience the wider game.

Something I would like to mention which I really hope doesnt come across as pedantic, because I know a lot of people are working very hard on the game, and you have a very dedicated (and vocal) audience to try and keep happy. But when it comes to releasing these updates, I think the wording chosen for patch notes needs to be triple checked to ensure validity before they are typed up for the public.
The patch notes for EA2 state there is “improved passing” and “improved stability” as 2 of the main points to your audience. Every single person I have spoke to about the game, and reading the comments on the FAQ page all seem to be in agreement, it is extremely apparent to anyone spending as little as 20 minutes playing EA2, that these 2 areas are NOT improved, and may arguably be worse than Patch 3.
Youve got a handful of us in the community that enjoy making videos for Youtube talking about the game. I would hopefully speak for us all when saying, none of us are looking to slam the game or to talk about it negatively on a public space. We all want the game to be a success and want the best rugby game that has ever been on the market. Thats why we spend our free time after work making videos.
If you put claims in patch notes that this thing has been “improved”, we want to showcase how much its been improved in a video and talk positively about it. We will hyperfixate on those points becuase you have told us how much better they are. If it turns out things arent improved, theres not a lot we can do than just point out in a video how that claim hasnt been met, it may even be worse and give our feedback. And it makes it much more negative to cover that in a video and present to a broader audience, than if you didnt include it in the patch notes and we discovered it ourselves.
Im not a game dev in any way and dont know the process of choosing what patch notes are typed up and put out on the update. But there may need to be a better system found where until its evidenced the target has been met, dont put it on the patch notes. Or they may need to be worded more specifically so they arent broad and open to interpretation. Whether thats a gameplay showcase in the office to show a before and after and have it signed off. Or if someone is in charge of typing the patch notes they get an hour or 2 to test the latest patch to see if the notes are accurate and flag any that arent.

Glad to hear about the D-pad getting use in the future from @MattW , things like that can really enhance the feel of the game, im looking forward to having more control over things like line width, depth, set plays, team managment. To feel like the game is getting fleshed out.

Sorry if any of the post came across more negative than normal, was so hyped for the major update to see huge progression, but this update from my end specifically has brought the most issues yet from a playability and enjoyment standpoint. Hoping the minor updates across august will bring all the fixes we need and Major update 2 sees some big leaps towards the end goal.


I just discovered a major issue with Rucks not forming sometimes during matches and have submitted a Ticket #24966 this morning with video evidence

I just wanted to make everyone aware of this current issue as it’s a bit frustrating to play at the moment and this also can make a user avoid constant scrums being called by the referee.

Basically if I am not pressing Bind buttons after a tackle , the Ai will not rush into the ruck to get their next phase happening. Everyone stands there and unless I press bind, the referee will blow the whistle and call a scrum. What we need to see is the Ai constantly fighting for the ruck after they do their run and phase , it should not be based on me pressing bind for my own players to join the ruck. The ruck needs to be a contest and fight to win possession. Right now the Ai is not doing this.

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Latest reason for not completing a match. I actually finally had a lineout, threw it in for a maul, my player caught it, landed and he is set up for a maul. Ball in hand circled in red. However no other player engaged in the maul. They are all just stood there. Camera is locked behind hooker as if waiting for him to throw it in.
The countdown clock hit 0 and just dispeared off screen, and now nothing is happenning. Will record the replay for you if useful.

The clock kept running in game, however it slowed down to a 1:1 ratio with real time. So im guessing the clock was registering 40 minute halves instead of 5 mins that I had it set to.

Same thing happenned in the next game, apparenltly 3 man lineouts that turn in to a maul just completely breaks something.

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Totally agree, rugby 22 lineout mechanics was on point u could cheat by trying to throw more on your side with 1/2 chance to get penalized for not throwing straight and u could fake your jump to take advantage against your opponent and if you had the good reading on jumping on the same zone u could fight to win the ball on the timing. But like i said i think it’s my fault to express my idea so bad but when i was talking about mini games i was more referring the fact that we need some mechanisms on the fundamental of rugby to feel that you can either loose the ball or win it, everytime i play it feels so scripted that you don’t take any pleasure and yeah I’m joining you into the stability points the game is really unplayable. But I’m pretty sure if you just put some decent offensive line, balance the game with sliders with a bit more offload and breaking tackle and slow a bit down the defensive line speed the game would already be more playable and again for me a real issue is the fact that the tackler get back on his feet to fast and the AI don’t contest the ruck so you end up being outnumbered in offense everytime cause you have the player on the ground+ the support against 15 defenders ready to smash you. And of course the lack of animation make the game too repetitive they did a good job adding 4 more tackling animations but we need a bit more in offense and defense


So one factor here is that hair is not “scanned” as such - we model hair distinct from players, precisely because it’s so frequently changed. So no one’s locked, but on the flipside, we do need to work with the various stakeholders on player appearances so it’s not an area on official players we can give free editing range.

That said, by all means make that something to call out. Changing someone’s hair or improving accuracy of the bodies are things we have a team that works on - so collating and working on that feedback. I’ll let JNT decide if there’s a better process for getting that to them.

This is just the ‘dive’ tackle on Y - putting it next to the B button of the standard tackle rather than having the two tackle types being quite unique inputs.

One reason to change is just some ideas we developed for usage of the right stick, I don’t know what of that will pan out at this point, but I didn’t want everyone too used to using RS for dive tackle if we did bring in other functionality.

This is fair. I write the notes and largely base it on a review of the specific code changes, so take stability improvements, sometimes unfortuantly that doesn’t end up to be a net improvement, because while we improved the things versus the previous, some of the new things introduced have brought in issues, but we still want to note that we changed elements in that area.

Hopefully the resolution here is that the improvements are always indisputably improved - but I can understand trying to be clearer where we know something needs work, like those cameras…


Hi everyone,

Just some more feedback on players. This time I am looking at Skin Tones and headgear

Charlie Ewels - Bath

He has an accurate face scan but I feel his skin tone is too dark. Again if we have the ability to edit some things like this ourselves it will be good. I personally would make his skin tone a bit lighter or white. But yes thanks for telling the community about licensing issues around editing appearances concerning stakeholders and clubs. Finding a middle ground would be good to change and edit some things for users editing players.


Morgan Morris - Ospreys

Accurate Face and body but he just needs a Headgear which he normally wears.

Thomas Young - Cardiff

I feel he needs a lighter skin tone. It’s a bit dark.

Lastly I raised a ticket on James Botham - Cardiff. He was wrongly put as a fullback for Cardiff. He is a Flanker. Jacob Beetham or Cameron Winnett play Fullback for Cardiff


Would there be a possibility to clone or copy a licensed player and create a then user created version? I feel like this was done in another game? Would be stamped with a user as their creation instead of a licensed version.

P.S JNT it is a good time to lock this thread and create a new one for the current patch :wink:

(Go hit the big red send patch button!)

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Hi Team,

Just some more players that are in the incorrect playing positions. Edinburgh Prop Javan Sebastian. He has been incorrectly put at Fullback. If this could please be fixed at some point in the future. Thanks

Also George Nott , he is a Lock or Flanker. He has been incorrectly put at Fullback. If this could please be fixed at some point in the future. Thanks

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Hi all thank you for the patch, really hoping for a hot fix or small patch to come out this week as rucks are incredibly slow again and I’m dealing with a lot of mid game crashes so unable to even play a full game lately


@MattW you know if we will be getting patch update today? Can see steamdb updates being made so hopefully will be going public soon?

Some more feedback on other gameplay issues. Sorry for the regular posts but I have a lot of time this week to test the game as I am off work and will be working a lot less the next few months. I just trying to cover on many issues.

Feedback for Rain :cloud_with_rain: :

I had only 1 match appear with Rain conditions two days ago when I played a night game at Allianz stadium. Unfortunately I had to stop the match after a few mins to take phone call and I shut the game down.
Since then I have been trying to get a match with rainfall :cloud_with_rain: at either Allianz stadium or other stadiums , day or night. I have tried about 15 - 20 times in one sitting starting matches and then closing it and starting another match. No luck to get rainfall again. I wanted to analyse the rain fall animations more closely before giving feedback. I was unsure at the time if the rain animations was clear enough once in general open play when I played 5 mins. It was more evident to see it when they ran out of the tunnel at start of match.

It would be good in the near future to put a weather conditions menu tab so we can choose the various weather conditions before a match or even a season mode match. Wind conditions would also be good if this can possibly be chosen too.

Dropped Ball :

I don’t think from any high kicks or box kicks I put up have I ever seen an opposition fullback or winger drop a ball. This is on medium and easy difficulty. I think random events like this need to occur for the Ai and user controlled players.


I think mauls currently do not allow you to pass the ball out until you get about 6-7 of your own players in the maul. I think it should allow you to pass at any point in the maul process regardless of the amount of user players binding.

Thanks guys.


You get more often rain games at night at the Namibia stadium but have to say it needs improvement in later stages as you don’t really realise it’s raining until you see it in cut scenes

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Hi there team,

For some reason I can’t reach your early access server to submit tickets anymore for bug reports
I know I have submitted 5-6 ticket reports in the last few days but they are all valid and serious issues ( From rucks, teleport tackle and kick charge down teleport issues to wrong player positions, TMO rulings).
Ticket #24999 had been done through the big ant website for your other mainstream titles and game classed as “other” on drop down menu.

I had a major bug with the maul.

I was controlling my players in a Maul for Rugby 25. My player exits and breaks free multiple times after I was pressing the R2, R1 buttons on PS5 controller and right stick up maybe ? As you can see In the video I not sure if he is being tackled by invisible teleport tackle issue with the radius ?

The maul animation is excellent though. It looks realistic with the lock standing in the middle as it moves.

Rainfall :cloud_with_rain: feedback

Rain :cloud_with_rain: appears to be very light and hard to see in general open play. In close up and cut scenes you can see it more. In my opinion if it’s supposed to light rain it’s ok ? But if supposed to be a normal or heavy rain then it does not give this visual impression or enough atmosphere. It would be good if you can make more rain droplets visible In general open play. If you watch that Maul video , once we have the high behind camera view of the field and maul it’s almost impossible to see it’s raining :cloud_with_rain:.

Thanks guys