Early Access 2 (EA2) Launch

Just want to give heads up hardest might be easiest because I played this game on easy and medium can’t score tries and barely get gaps play on hardest and gaps are opening up and scoring tries just a shame AI is dump as hell because they can’t score

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I agree. I just tried the same thing this evening and found the game flowed better. Worth for people to have a go with harder difficulties. I actually managed to get a few passes away from the first receiver too.

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IDK, I have always played hardest. I am giving easiest a go now and you can bump and step players. Gaps are there, the FB seems more often not in position. I will come back and edit this if it changes … but Easiest seems a lot easier to me?

Thats easiest lol. Onto easy and medium.

Gave away a free intercept with wild passes. Took a little longer but the holes are much easier still I think. Onto medium.

I found medium very easy. I think you must have just had a very good game? :rofl: Although you are right, Hardest does not seem hard at all either. Will try hard just because. Even though playing this bug infested version is no fun :sweat_smile:

And that is hard. IDK, only single games but playing still felt much easier than hardest to me. Yes you can put 50 on teams but I think that is just more because the overall difficulties will need to be raised once everything is working? Very cool though … you have given me some interest to go and test the theory out :raised_hands:


Yeah I just played SA vs Aus with 7min half’s and scored 45 on hardest where I’m lucky to score on easiest easy and medium


You must have just had a good game? ha ha

Hahah must have been, but think sometimes the glitches work out in your favor because one game did a steal and seems like AI was bit shocked and didn’t touch the player so free run to the score bored, but feel you need play SA rugby World Cup style rugby to score I feel just use players around the ruck to bring the defense in and straight pass to wing

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Well I was using the same way I do always, around the ruck and hitting the centre to create gaps. I found they were easier to find in the lower ones. But I haven’t played in a while, so maybe will go try hardest and see.

It could totally be easier than the others somehow, hard to know fighting through all the bugs like you say. Lets hope this next patch whenever it arrives makes the game playable again so we can have a clearer picture.

I am now going to try hardest and medium alternating :slightly_smiling_face: thanks for the tip!

This is hardest, so maybe they just don’t have difficulties anymore like in the beginning. IDK. Roll on patch ha ha :pray:

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Don’t know if anyone has any tips for the mauls yet because when I’m defending the maul I can maul them back the whole field but when it’s my maul it seems like it it’s not going anywhere


Hi BA,

Small piece of feedback on the team selection menu. It would be great if the RS or the L + R triggers rotated the player so we could see the full 360 of the kit. Especially handy for when we are going through and checking out all the kits and appreciating BA’s handy work.

Thanks :slightly_smiling_face:


Tmo is already in the game


In game modes, please include tours like rugby 2011. Southern hemisphere and nothern hemisphere tours. Grand slam if you beat englad, wales, scotland and ireland. Realistic season modes mirror real seasons per national team. Test series for july tests.


I agree, from 2026 NZ and SA will be re starting touring every 4 years. 3 or 4 tests and midweek games. NZ tour SA in 2026 and then SA tour NZ in 2030.

So to be able to replicate those in a game mode would be great. Select the number of main tests to be played and the amount of mid week games etc.


Hello !

Here a feedback I can provide you, after the first major update:
I think the tackling animations and the graphics are excellent at this development stage.

However, here is the main improvement I have identified : the variety of offered controls + the general mouvement and especially the attack line management.
So here are some suggestions that came in my mind :

I) Controls adding

In this section I consider the controller is Xbox.

1) Offense

  • Give the possibility to use pods of forwards (refer to II section). More precisely, when the ball is ready to be extracted, if you DO NOT HAVE PERFORMED a pass, scrum half box kick, kicker placement or pick’n’go… offer to select and move a forward pod with the following sequence :
  1. Press B button to select/navigate among forward pods (highlighted). One press = the closest pod from the ball, two presses = the second, more than three or four (depending attack configuration, refer to II section) = go back to the closest pod, and so on.
  2. Move right stick, in any direction back to the offside line to move the pod. Useful to hit specifically the fly half, be deeper/wider/etc on this specific area…
  3. You can now perform another action.
  • Implement configuration of the attack line breadth. Can be done like this : press “Left” on the directional cross, and then “Left” or “Right” still on the directional cross to narrow the team players (resp. spread them). Five breadth levels.

  • Implement configuration of the attack line depth. Can be done like this : press “Up” on the directional cross, and then “Left” or “Right” still on the directional cross to give more depth to the attack line (resp. make it closer to the gain line). Five depth levels.

  • Selection of the attack configuration (refer to II section) : press “Right” on the directional cross, and then select one of the two configurations of your team (by pressing “Left” or “Right” on the directional cross). The effect on the players placement shall be visible immediately.

  • Allow to reverse the direction of the game and of the attack line : you shall be able to press “Down” on the directional cross ; and then “Left” or “Right” of the directional cross, in order to deploy the attack line to the left or to the right side of the field.

  • Execution of a set play (on rucks, lineouts or scrums) : you shall be able to select a set play pressing right stick, and then pressing down/right/up/left of the directional cross, to select a set play relative to the game phase.

  • Allow to press RB then LB, or LB then RB to perform a crossing pass. Allow to press twice LB or RB for a double pass with a teammate to the left or right. Allow to press simultaneously LB and RB for a pass behind, with a player in the back of the passer.

  • Allow to press LT simultaneously with a left stick move, to have more strength before being tackled, and make the adverse tackle more difficult. The body posture will be tightened. Specifically, when LT is pressed right after ball extraction (pick’n’go after rucks, right after scrimmage), the ball carrier will have a shoulder forward, while the opposite arm will hold and protect the ball on the chest.

  • Right off the scrimmage, allow the number eight to extract the ball and control him (player between the two flankers, at the backcenter of the scrum). It will be then possible to go on its own, or passing to the scrum half or any other player placed wider, kicking, … (every possible action on the general play)

2) Defence

  • Allow to choose the defensive configuration (refer to II section) : press “Right” on the directional cross, and then select one of the two defensive configurations of your team (by pressing “Left” or “Right” on the directional cross).

  • Implement speed of the defensive line chasing. Can be done like this : press “Up” on the directional cross, and then “Right” or “Left” still on the directional cross to give more speed (resp. make it slower). Five speed levels.

  • Implement adjustment of the defence line breadth. Can be done like this : press “Left” on the directional cross, and then “Left” or “Right” still on the directional cross to narrow the defence line (resp. spread them). Five breadth levels.

  • Press LT simultaneously with one of the two controls for tackling. The tackle will be probably offensive, depending of the quality of the attacker and of the defender. Will give more power to the tackle. LT+X will perform a huge tackle around the chest, but a penalty for high tackle, or shoulder on the head/neck are likelier. LT+B will perform a tackle around the thighs/the navel, with an increased risk to perform a spear tackle (tackled player is flipped and can fall on its neck).

  • Press RT simultaneously with one of the two controls for tackling. The tackle movement will be executed quickier. However the stamina will be slightly decreased and chances of a missed/broken tackle will be more important. RT+X will perform a tackle around the navel. RT+B will perform a tackle around the calves/the ankles.

II) General movement

  • First of all, both in attack and defence, offer some configurations and offer to configure your team to use them, as it was done in Rugby 22. When attacking : pods of forwards, position of the fullback (close to gain line or deep), … some set plays are also requestable, and each one is dedicated/usable for a specific game phase : rucks, lineouts, scrums (pivot to outside centre #13, dummy loop, …).

When defending : kind of defence (drift : players follow on the breadth the ball carrier, ideally to carry it until the lineout line ; rush defence ; blitz : the wingers and full back chase rush up in defence first, in order to discourage other team from attacking on the wings, …).

  • You shall be able to select for your team two configurations in attack and two in defence, among implemented ones.

  • You shall be able to select for your team up to 4 set plays on rucks, up to 4 set plays on lineouts and up to 4 set plays on scrums.

Have a Nice Day !


Guessing no patch today?

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Patch today :slight_smile: