Early Access 3 (EA3) Launch

Thread for the new updating bringing us into EA3 and also announcing the extension of the roadmap for the next few months.


Just watched the trailer video. Looks nice but in terms of player positioning and supporting players when attacking still looks the same. Will this ever be improved?

I just did multiple Offloads!!! :fireworks:


In many aspects, it comes down to putting a puzzle together of all the same colour. You start with the border cause it makes the most sense, it gives you the framework, the functions, and the mechanics. Then you start to fill in the middle until it’s complete. The fine-tuning of those aspects does happen in some cases. Until it’s all solid a single change on a Ruck or a Scrum and the whole thing falls apart.

TLDR: Yes, but not a full update right now


I’ve just finished playing one full game and my god this is head of heels the better than before. There is so much more fluidity to the game. Well done on this update, HUGH step forward!

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I just saw the trailer and my god the mlr intro look so clean that’s really good to know that we got different intro of the game with the championship your playing, but we still miss the starting lineup to show during presentation. That’s also so good that you gonna show the stats during the game i just hope it’s not just for kicking stats. Can’t wait to try the new patch but seems promising

Thanks i am excited to see those updates. But this one still looks better

When will we get rugby 25 on the ps5

Underrated detail from the trailer - pitch markings actually look like Union ones now. Small details like that get a big up - very nearly there on grass textures etc. Will be keeping an eye on YouTube as a console player (Xbox/PS users - it’ll be on console when it’s READY!) to feed in on aesthetics/stadia models but MLR coming in, with a broadcast package too, is awesome news.


Feeling like a major step forward!
First couple of criticisms for 5 mins into my first match
The passes are going at crazy speed, mainly when I hold down the pass button and press X I’m noticing this
And Billy Meakes for Chicago is down as W Meakes
And finally still struggling to get kicks away

All the little stats are epic, they’re gonna be v satisfying in career mode I feel
Buzzing tho

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When is ps5 coming out plz :sob::sob::sob::sob:

Just want to start and say well done BA this should be the standard for big updates game actually feels a lot better, love the ability to offload not to over power as it come with risk had a few go out or on the ground as should be making it a risk to offload.

Passes as mentioned some of them are real bullet passes but take them over the floaty passes we still get would like to see them gone with next update.

Scrums need a little bit off a rethink as I feel I shouldn’t be dropping a scrum for an early push as most of the time it’s more game fault than user error.

Had one weird one where ref said high tackle and gave me the penalty however my player was untouchable as the game was waiting for to choose what option I wanted to take but let my player run to the try line and score


Just played a few games and want to give my initial feedback.

Passing: the new offloads and passing are opening the game and it feels much better. Just point that does rocket passes out of nowhere are back.

Kicking: as passing, kicking is more responsive and feel better in game but some kicks still cover too much distance, specially when the ball bounce. Just on a side note, would it be possible to add an indicator of where the ball is going to land. It is difficult to place the player to receive the kick.

Ruck: players are joining faster and is more fluid but still some points need to be improved. One point is that the 9 should go behind the ruck when it forms not when the ball is gained. In addition there should be a way to win the ball in the ruck other than to clean the ruck, either by fowls or to turn over the ball from offense to the defence without the ruck collapsing.

Rules: a lot of the rules are not enforced, mainly the offside rule

New teams and stadiums: team look good but I would like a indicator when selecting the stadium to indicate the stadium of the home team.

Stability: I am playing on the steam deck and the game is crashing more than on the previous patch.

Lastly just want to say that overall gameplay is much more fun than before


Played a few more games, line outs is bit off a problem AI pretty much win the line out all the time and stealing line outs like crazy one game I only got 1 line out win rest was AI

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Hello Big Aunty,

it is a big update content wise, with the player and team creator, a lot of stuff to do, deep customization for sure. The MLR (the Merican League of Rugby I guess, don’t know) has been added, but I am not interested in this championship at all, but I understand the strategic value considering the next world cup. Still I already know i wont use it later on.

Now about the gameplay, offloads happen !!! So it changes a lot the way you can play, it also emphasizes some of the bad player positioning and support routes, and the lack of control over the passes in general.
New gameplay mechanics, a few twitches there and there and new bugs occur.
Like this one :
passe fusee touche

i’ve tried kicking from behind the ruck and several times i wasnt able but then the circle of where the ball was supposed to be kicked stays on the field as in the clip above. And yeah, skyrocket passes are back too.

marque touche

In the above clip, you can see the camera switches back and forth even though im on “fixed” camera switches. Also you can see my player catching the ball outside, so I should have had the lineout i think.

On several opposing team kicks in touch, i’ve noticed my ai controlled player doesnt try to catch the ball if the kick is direct in touch, even though he could easily catch it out of bounds and play a fast touch. I’d love players to try and catch the ball out of bounds to play fast lineouts more often, would be cool to have the abilty to take that risk more often.

I’m enjoying the offloads, but the passing isn’t clear. Sometimes when i run the ball and have several players to pass to, when i single tap the pass button my player sometimes passes to the closest, sometimes skip passes, sometimes passes to the guy in support of the player i thought i was actually passing to. Now that we can deliver way more passes before being tackled, it is even more obvious than before that passing sure has improved since the beginning, but it needs to be clarified.

As for the ruck mechanics, I still don’t think I understand them right. Right now, as i understand it, to contest a ruck i have to wait for my tackler to get up to try to overthrow the opposition. The tackler can either overthrow or get overthrown, either way another player picks up the ball, one of mine or of the opposition. I find it too bad that the first support player cant just try and steal the ball before opposition support arrives, or himself try to conteruck the opposition. In modern rugby, support players can usually win rucks, on very rare occasion does the tackler conterucks or steals the ball himself. Actually, most of the time the tackler is trapped in the ruck under the support players, and gets up either last from the ruck or crawling out while the scrum half is passing. Even if you keep the 3 on 3 mini scrums, if the tackler was trapped underneath rather than waiting for him to get up to be able to counter ruck, it would be so cool !!!

Kicks seem easier to do, i need to try more of those. Funny thing, i scored a try after kick chase, ball bounces in the endzone i dive before opposition, it seems to me i scored, and bim the stat sheet of my player pops up showing he has scored a try , all while the ref asks for the TMO review, which does grant me the try of course but yeah, stats announcing the try should come after the tmo review i guess :wink:

Gotta try out some more of everything, game crashes more but a bit more fun than before so on the right path.

Cheers !!


Super Update guys !

Massive step forward in gameplay !

Game now feels so much more open and in my opinion you’ve now nailed the offloading in the game, passing is a lot better but still room for improvement ofc !

Rugby Academy -

So far so good, did have a odd glitch where my PS5 controller was vibrating while editing the teams identity

I think it would be great if we could alter the colours of a logo so it matches my team colours and it’s a little annoying finding a good fit of a logo but it doesn’t match the team also the team logo doesn’t seem to be on the kit as far as I can tell ?

Kit customisation is great would like to have to ability to edit the place of the team logo on with possibly being able to choose if it’s on the side or centred. I’d also love if you could add in some fake kit sponsors ? Don’t have to be real imo. Club teams kits are often full of sponsors so would be a nice addition. It would also be great if I could have bit of customisation of the collars of the kit with being able to change the colours

Feel a lot better now but do still feel a bit off, if a players isolated i should be able to get the ball fairly easily and animation wise it still looks a bit naff

so much better and again offloads are almost perfect atm imo, passing over all feels a lot better and I think we’re getting a lot closer to the optimal passing mechanics with this update

for the most part this is okay but on at least the easy difficulty when the ruck is 5 meters out from the touch line on either side it’s pretty undefended 99% of the time. So if you pick and go with your 9 it’s a guaranteed 20-40 meter gain. I do think it’ll be good for that 5 meter channel to be a blind spot occasionally that you could spot and exploit but atm it’s every time


Noticed the glitch pass where the AI flings the ball all the way back to their lines has come back, happened once to me

Commentary is saying some wrong stuff still and now one of them keeps constantly repeating the same line every pass

I seemed to be awarded a high tackle penalty but then wasn’t given any options to kick ect, the ai stopped moving and I was able to just run the ball under the posts to score a try (I’m assuming this is because penalties and some rugby laws haven’t been added fully yet ? )

I also had one crash while in a ruck again

matchday graphics and teams look great hover it seems I can’t pick a single team to mange in the tournament ? I assume this is something that’ll be implemented near the end of development ??

Really happy with the update and I’m really excited to see the final product whenever that arrives. This update has given me massive confidence the final game is going to be great (also adore all the stat graphics too ! )

I know these aren’t Major focuses for this update but I think kicking for the posts need to be a lot more challenging, it’s harder to miss than it is to score atm, would love a slight bit majority in kits but I assume that is coming later ? Also as a Welshman we need Wales (and possibly the principality stadium :eyes:) added !!


The game keeps on crashing does anyone know how to fix this? Does anyone else have this issue


The game flow feel more fluid and responsive however I’m a bit disappointed cause i was expected from this big patch to add offensive line placement as the offensive line is still poorly placed other than that here’s a few point :

  • AI : really much more intelligent in his plays, tries to play tactical rugby with kicks and passes but maybe a little bit too much kicking ao that’s the best point of this patch but in defense before it was too strong and the defensive line were coming too fast but now defense is too easy when you go to the edges you always got 5 meters gap between defenders need to improve the defensive line.

  • kicking : timings still need to be work on, same thing for the kicking power i already made the feedback since the first EA but kicking is way too powerful and bouncing too much. Box kick really need to be work it’s feel so off . Goal kicking way too easy need a bit of difficulties.

  • passing : still couple of floaty passes but now we got even too many bullet passes really need to keep working on the power of passing not to floaty but not to straight too . Offload seem on point now not too strong pretty much balanced and feels great to see a couple of nice offload

  • offense : the support are way too statics and that’s why we end up with some clunky floaty passes because they not running and that’s kill the momentum of the game since without any running support i can’t play in the defense to break the line.

  • stats during game : that’s way too cool great implementation could be nice to see possession and meters made and kicking meters during the game too not only in the pause menu but great to show stats during tries and kicking

  • Rules : i didn’t see any rules implement when I’m kicking most of my players are offside and no call. Same when it’s a dead ball the AI take the kick and not the scrum

  • lineout : I’m sorry you said you worked on but i see nothing new still feel automatic and robotic i can’t never win a ball in an opponent lineout neither the AI can’t. Again I’m telling this since EA 1 and I’m not the only one who pointed that out but you need to work around the lineout mechanisms cause i don’t see the point to do lineout in this game since i know I’m gonna have the ball everytime I’m going for.

  • Rucks : still feel like you have to work your mechanisms on that one too. The good point is that it’s more responsive and more fast but i still don’t feel any pressure or feel like i could loose the ball at any moment even when i make a break and I’ve got my supporr 15 meters away from the ball carrier i still managed to retain the ball. Same thing for the counter ruck animation it’s feel like I’m playing bowling just make the ruck explode like that it’s really not realistic i think we need like 3 different animation of counter ruck. Same thing i don’t see that much jackling ball kinda miss the animation could be nice sometimes to have the ball straight away but sometimes the AI should not release the ball too so we can have some penalties. And same thing the tackler is getting up way to fast and always before the ruck happen but that’s not realistic 90% of the time the tackler is under the ball carrier and get caught into the ruck and then is moving away.

  • Defense : still lack of animation all i see is leg tackles and most of the time one on one tackles so that’s make the game really repetitive

  • offense : lack of animations too the ball runner getting hit by the same way everytime ao that’s feel repetitive and boring

  • graphics : the grass still look bad and fake but the line marks are way better and look like union. We really need the starting lineup in the intro game.

  • controls : i think you need to use all buttons of the controller becauss ( Y) is used for too many things especially in defense so you end up counter rucking and making chip kick because you spamming too much

So to resume all, this uptade is a major + for the fluidity and the freedom of the game but still got a real lack of animations in game and some rugby motion but that’s some good damn work you did . Next step add the tactical side of rugby into this game love rugby Champagne but I’m more of a tactical guy like rugby 22 :sunglasses:. But have to be honest this is the first time since this EA is on that I’m taking so much pleasure to play cause it’s way more fluid but yeah just need to polish the passes, ruck, lineout and we need more variety in offense and defense animation.


Will we be able to play the officially licensed 2023 Rugby World Cup when the game fully releases?


Hey guys, fantastic update for EA3. Gameplay feeling so much better. As a player I am finally in the position to say I want to sit down and play for fun, as opposed to just wanting to spend time in the game to provide feedback. Head and Shoulders above any other update the game has had in EA.

Obviously theres more broad things people will talk about, but ill try and focus only of the different things ive seen due to this updates implementation.


  • Players customisation if fantastic, gonna have to put some real time in to the academy and see what I can come up with, veryu excited for the logo and stadium creation tools too.
  • MLR teams all look great, and awesome to have a full competition in the game.
  • General play of a match feels so much better. Whole game plays faster, is more open, AI are running great attacking lines.
  • Mauls fixed, players not running away, people commiting to maul fully. (maybe requires more depth as its very stationary at the minute but im sure will come with time.
  • New stats are great, aswell as the board at half time and in the pause menu.
    Round of applause to the team because theres so many positive inclusons.

Obviously you guys want constructive feedback too. So.


  • Crashing - This is one im sure you will get a lot. Really high rate of crashing. From chatting with discord and comment section, biggest compenent seems to be the targetted passing system. From rucks and lineouts, specifically around selecting “A” and “B” pass can crash the game. I have also experienced crashes from the AI calling the Mark in their 22. Other people have told me they are crashing on kick off too but ive not had that.

  • Fullback not catching the ball - had a number of kicks that just sail passed his head, or bounce basically through him as he doesnt catch the ball. sometimes there just isnt a full back and the ball bounces all th eway up the field. Happens for the AI too so it is an issue accross the board.

  • Ruck freeze - had it a couple of times where if you tackle the opponents full back and attempt to jackal 1 v 1, ball will get stuck and ref never says “use it” and softlock occurs. Doesnt happen if you wait for others to join ruck first before attempting the steal, seems to be an issue specifically about being th eonly one at the ruck.

Honestly theres not much else that stands out as a BIG issue in terms of playability so far with my 4-5 hours of play. But I have some nit-pick ones worth pointing out.

Things for next update:

  • stats location - love that stats pop up during tries and conversions, however the stats appear on the left hand side of the screen and normally cover up your player, im sure the screenshot Matt put up on the other FAQ page had it bottom right, which would be a MUCH better place for those stats to go.

  • stats length - sometimes the stats stay on screen for a bit too long. Conversions, i think should be present during kicking distance placement and maybe during the animation showing setting up the ball on the tee, but kind of distracting to have for the whole duration of lining up your kick. During a try, fun to show up once try is scored and during celebration, but feels kind of in the way when watching the highlights play out of the try being scored. Could maybe be worth adding an animation after the highlights showing the player running back to the halfway line with the stas on screen (before conversion has taken place)

  • stats included - Conversion stats text box looks like it has extra room, think a “success %” could be a good stat for throughout a game you can see what percentage you got through. During try scoring, not sure we need to know the “players age” , think it would be better to replace with “meters made” or “try assisted by [player name who gave pass]”

  • Full time stats - noticed at the end of a match a few of the stats arent tracked very well (im sure you guys already know this but thought i would mention anyway) had a number of games that show “kick meters gained” as 0, when i kick constantly. Handling errors also in double figures even though 0 scrums in a game. “Tackles missed” also records as 0 a lot of the time. There is also some remaining room in the stats box, I think “linout stolen” and “scrums won on opponents put in” could be good. Im not sure if you will add lines for yellow and red cards eventually when they are implemented. Suggestion could also be to have a named Man of the Match on the full time stats screen too.

  • stadium dead ball line - noticed on the northampton stadium the AI can run over the dead ball line and carry on playing. Have also seen the ball bounce off the back wall back in to play. When the AI kicks the ball to touch after this they are also awarded a drop out. If the ball is kicked over the deadball line it should be a scrum from where the kick was taken. If the AI kick to touch, it should be your lineout.
    Untitled video - Made with Clipchamp (1)

  • AI just play on after calling the mark - if they dont kick long, sometimes they just pass the ball and start running, or just run themselves, then they need to tap the ball first off their foot before they can play on.

  • quick linouts can cometimes break - the player meant to throw in in dives on the floor because Y is also used for tackle, and then a random player runs to pick up the ball, will walk to the 22m line and just stand there and game softlocks.

  • kicking cameras - been messing about with the different conversion cameras. Noticed on the “low angle” camera, if you score in the corner your camera for the conversion is behind the advertising boards and you cant see.

  • A lot more high tackles have come back in to the game, i would say theres a good 20 or so in a 15 minute game. Just something to look out for when those are added as penalties.

  • Utah Number 10 is like 3 feet tall :joy: Ive no idea how big he is in real life, but I feel if hes actually that height he might die in contact.

Been a long old day, and nothing else jumping out at me to include from memory at time of typing this up.

Ill leave it there for now and do another post once ive had some more time in the game and if anything else jumps out at me. But big positive steps which is great to see.