Early Access 6 (EA6)

EA6 feedback now it’s out.


Lineouts still broken can’t pick player amount and when maul you can’t pass the ball or nothing so scrum to AI,

Forward and back passes does not work will pass for forward but will highlight backline players and passing to backs is a mix off both.

Tackles it’s terrible once ai hits a gap it’s like they are invisible and can’t be tackle.

Seems like the game went backwards again as old bugs are back like crazy bullet passes and ball getting unplayable when in rucks and no one join the rucks

Can we also get a msg to the art team still to many rugby league animations with tackles and how they bring players down it really has to go. Had a game to see how many we every double tackle is a rugby league tackle and every chest tackle is one and that almost happens every third tackle

Penalties: don’t think it anyone has seen it happen because we usually go for touch but when I go for post I shouldn’t be able to move it from my 22 all the way to the halfway line so that I can make the kick. Kick should be where penalty happened

Positives: we can play custom comp and with custom teams again and stadium creator is pretty cool


Always crash at half time…



Hello Team Thanks for the hard work, the game is really coming together!

As always though i’m gonna all the Bugs and Errors i found in the game.

°Italian Translation

(I’ve seen this in a number of Rugby games so i assume is done by a Automatic Translator) As it stands the Options for a Penalty doesn’t make Sense:

  • Option Y - △ “Go to Touche” - Should be translated in “Rimessa Laterale” or just “Touche”
  • Option B - ◯ “Kick to the Post” - Should be translated in “Calcio Piazzato” or “Andare ai Pali”
  • Option A - X “Scrum” - It’s Okay as it is “Mischia”
  • Option X - □ “Tap and Go” - Should be Translated simply in “Gioca” or Giocala" or “Tocca e Gioca”
    The Italian players right now in game are reading:
  • “Kick to touch” (touch as in “touching things or people”)
  • “Try on Penalty”
  • “Scrum”
  • “Touch Restart/Reboot”

In this istance the referee calls “Once” in Italian the Referee would say “Primo Stop” as in “First Stop”.


The new passing system is a Good idea. Would be great if using RB/LB i could call a kicker to kick long or do a Drop goal, as in right now is difficult to do so.
Also the new RT/LT system seems to have a problem with the A/B/X/Y option.
Pressing a botton does not corrispond to the player shown on screen.
Right now is:

  • A to pass A
  • B to pass A
  • Y to pass B
  • X to pass Y (in rare occasion of a Y option)

Thanks for the work on the defence line!

As it seems we can’t play after the maul stopped, tried two times and in both occassions i couldn’t play the ball by the 9 neither by passing.
The defence line, although now is there, it doesn’t follow the maul and so remains in offside.

°Line Out

The option for the player numbers seems to be not working still.
Also i experience a good drop of frame rate especially after line out.

°Kick from the Goal line BUG
Rugby25 BUG
(the clip has been edit to be 15 seconds long)
This is not a new bug, but has not been corrected.
As it seems if a player take a ball in the goal area and then kick it straight in touche, the referee give a Goal line drop goal instead of the line out on where tha ball goes out.

The player formations on field seems a bit off…
The Defence always leaves a great gap on the wingers area, and the attacking is some what always too much closer to the defence.

With the add of the strategies this would problably be not a problem since we should choose defence and attacking positioning.

°Game take control of the Users Player.
This is actually an annoying bug. Far too often the game take controls of the User Ball carrier, sometimes plays the Line Out for you.
Quite annoying…

°Some Crashes
To be fair since EA5 i never had any problem with crashes, but playing EA6
with costum teams i experienced a crash on TMO replay.

For now that’s all, i’ll play more in the next days to find some more bugs and try the new Stadium Edit.

Thanks Again for the hard work, the game is actually fun but the problems and bugs bring us out from the immersion and the enjoyment of a Rugby match.


Could you enhance the competition creator, so that you do not setup a once off competition, but instead create a competition once, which you can play over and over thereafter, with the option to edit and make adjustments when required, say swap out teams that have been promoted or relegated? Creating the competition would then also allow you to select graphics such as the scoreboard option we have discussed in previous threads, as well as competition sponsors that get painted to the field when playing in that comp.

Also, please urgently change that we can include custom teams to the competition creator, as we currently cannot select them, at least when I last checked.

The added passing function is the right idea, but I don’t like the direction taken. I would rather just tap RT to offload to the forward pods and tap RB to pass to the backs. I don’t like the target passing functionality at all. You could also just use RB for all passing, i.e. tap once to pass to backs, tap twice to pass to forward pods and hold down to skip pass. Not sure, but this doesn’t work for me.

The Ref blows the whistle twice at kick off

When a player bumps off another player, he becomes invulnerable for a while. This needs fixing. Also, very easy for AI to bump off one player and just burst through the line. There should be more double tackles, especially in the forward pod area, where two players might go for the combined tackle, which makes bump off near impossible, but then could open a gap if the player is able to offload, since two defenders are utilised (risk/reward).

Also, too often that the players faze through each other, so that no tackle is made when clearly a tackle should be made, i.e. they morph into each other but no tackle is made.

Did I see the players run out of the tunnel, or was it just the particular stadium?

Did I see a knock on? Player lost the ball in the tackle, but no knock on advantage called.

Defending team goes offside during the mall when you push their maul back. They do not go back with the maul and then become offside. Also the ball gets stuck in the maul and you can’t get it out.

Lineout selection does not work.

Defensive formations, whether user or AI, are too tight, too close to the ruck, leaving too much space out wide.

Some passes again go in the opposite direction than instructed

I’m going to call it now, EA 7 needs the following:

  1. Infringements
  2. Knock ons
  3. On field tactics/formations (hopefully the D-pad options that were recommended in previous threads, with dynamic running)
  4. Player Replacements

I saw it since the first ever early access, mauvaka is not a winger and should be put at his original post, he is a hooker.


Some notes to pass on to the art team regarding photogrammetry (based on what I’ve seen in Dragon’s video) where it comes to the Sale Sharks boys:

  • Bevan Rodd - his scrumcap is black/grey, not white
  • Tom Curry - commonly seen onfield with tape around his forehead (might be worth introducing lineout lifters’ strapping too)
  • Rob du Preez - looked spot on in EA5. Has since lost his hair in EA6.
  • Rouban Birch - now this is worrying as someone who knows the team well. He still looks nothing like the actual player. A quick check of the Sale website should help the team really nail that likeness.

Still a lot of players out of position as edsup has mentioned, again, where possible PLEASE check with the teams in question to ensure they’re where they are meant to be! Hopefully the EA7 release next month brings squad management/replacements alongside the long awaited introduction of tactics because I spotted subs warming up in this build - might be worth animating them to run behind the opposition’s dead ball line at 20/60 minutes to run some drills like they do IRL (have loads of ideas to help with the immersion when it comes to stadia). But steps in the right direction either way.


Something i have noticed in recent games played is the over running/poor pass accuracy.

Im not sure if its always been there, but i noticed it recently and now it seems almost every pass goes behind the receiving player. Its always a reach back. I love variety of passes, and realistically some passes will go behind, will be high or low etc. But you are taught to pass in front of the player to allow the player to run onto the ball keeping momentum.

It looks as though the passes are designed to hit the player, and because the receiving player is moving the pass lands behind him.

Personally i think it needs a tweak.

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As mentioned above, you cannot select how many players you want in your lineout.Was not able to perform a quick lineout, my player stands on the same spot.Had a random moment where the refs whistle sound was looping continuously and didn’t stop. This only happened after the quick lineout attempt.

Only a few high tackles result in a penalty.

When exiting the community creation search menu, the game only displays the menu background. You cannot do anything after that.


just repeating what i said in the ea5 feedback about ea6:
some issues so far with ea6 regarding the ruck, been caught a few times in the past 3 games i’ve played online where the ball is unplayable but the game fixes itself after a minute or two, this happened a few times, also the passing options dont work and don’t come up half the time. appreciate the work you guys are putting into it though
also the option to bring up a pop up map of the field when you press the second option button would be a great feature to add to the game

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Amazing I’ll pass those details to the translation team.


There are certainly more changes coming to the competition creator. When I was testing the issue I got the other day that was mentioned in the previous thread. Many updates were already done for things you guys can’t quite see yet. So what is there is a very stripped version in the live version.


When it comes to team line-ups many are that way due to completed teams and art. Before major launch a full rework of most teams will happen.


Will there be Top 14? I’m sure this question has been asked a bunch, sorry if it’s repetitive.


The pass doesn’t spin properly when you look at the replay after a try or an action. It can feel kinda slow and unatural.


It’s nice to see straps on forwards legs now for lineout jumpers.

With stadium creation will we be able with future updates be able to add sponsors on the field aswell?


Can I ask again for an option that player names can be under the controlled player
Looking really good though, I like the idea of pods with triggers and play out the back with the bumpers, I don’t think it’s quite working how it’s supposed to
But I do really love the idea in theory
Rucks still suck and kicking i still find really hard to get off
But I get more excited every update :slight_smile:


Yes, Top14 is confirmed as is ProD2.

Currently Clermont and Toulon stadiums are in the EA access beta along with Stade de France, but other than the French national team, there are currently no other French teams to use.

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Sweet, thanks for the heads up!