Assuming it won’t be in release is there any plan to add a Afl23 style Pro teams game mode into Rugby25 and if not is that something being considered in future rugby games @JNT_B
*also understand you may not be allowed to answer this question
Assuming it won’t be in release is there any plan to add a Afl23 style Pro teams game mode into Rugby25 and if not is that something being considered in future rugby games @JNT_B
*also understand you may not be allowed to answer this question
Bonjour , Pour le mode carrière y aura t il une monter et descente (promu et reléguer ) entre le top 14 et prod 2 comme dans la vraie sa ajouterai du réalisme et un plus grands intérêt au mode carrière
Hello, For career mode will there be a rise and fall (promotion and relegation) between the top 14 and prod 2 like in the real one? It would add realism and greater interest to the career mode.
I must confess, I still believe (still believe)
What would be nice is to give us a gameplay update with what day one patch would be like for us to test out and find all the bugs and glitches before game releases
Would be nice to get a video similar to the ones after each major patch explaining what’s changed.
I’d expect crashes and bugs after the day 1 patch, can live with them
Just hope gameplay is vastly improved
Out today, week of testing sounds good
They are possibly still working on that day one patch right up until release day though, so can’t release anything earlier.
I mean … I wouldn’t complain if it was earlier but squish more goodness in there is good too.
Not sure if anyone else has clocked this but are there real branded adidas boots expected in the game? This would be huge for the realism of the game if players can be equipped with actual adidas boots.
Maybe this was just for the release trailer but I really hope they’re available in game.
I have some screenshots but not able to upload them but in the release trailer it’s at 0:18 and then again 0:20 if you pause the video. Like as though only a few players have these boots. Are they players that have played for the all blacks?
I doubt theyl be working on it till release day I believe console patch submission process is a pain in the rear, particularly with sony
Weird that there is no mention of Super Rugby, but that it is in the trailer
So … will there be a time on the 13th that it releases for digital copies? Or is it just at 00:00:01 in 13/02/25 it will be available on platforms?
I think it would be useful if they could say which teams aren’t fully complete yet
As long as it’s playable and it has teams on it ok states and face might not be there real likeness but it’s a game that will be out and there going to be adding thing in after release so people should be happy
Not counting Wednesday night in hope that it comes out at midnight 4 nights
Will the players that haven’t had the photogrammetry done have a rough likeness or just placeholder models
I couldn’t figure out how to start a topic, so I’ll ask here.
I am solely interested in the manager career mode.
Thanks in advance for answering these queries (and apologies if I could have found this information elsewhere.