Early Access 7 (EA7) (Active Feedback Here)

Doesn’t matter if full version is same as EA I think EA has already done damage enough, people could have given EA gameplay one look and said this ain’t good.

Watching the early footage of the full game actually made me more interested in the game seeing what’s in there

Its not the full game. Is a pants shell of the full game. EA has EA attached to it, Early Access explains what it is, still in progress and unfinished.

People would look at that pants disk version and say I am not buying that either. Because that is acting like a finished game … but with old gameplay and not even all the content.

Would have been better off with just an info leak rather than a pants gameplay leak imo.

Anyway, in 7 days none of this matters :sweat_smile:


I deleted your message cause I do not care for social commentary on things that are not related to the Rugby game. Simple as that. Keep it about the game.

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So about half of that was fine. Again. About the game.

You also didn’t ask about the game in the one I deleted. You got mad that I choose what I want to answer and yes that is true. I’m not the person who approves messaging. If that’s your only comment then you’re in the wrong place.




Hello Guys !
The game is looking promising, and starts to be enjoyable.
Some important things thats needs to be improved in my opinion :

  • Passes are often behind players resulting in a (nice) animation that slows the attack. Good passes stats should produce more smooth passing sequences.
  • Pivot passes really need to be implemented. They are keys in modern rugby attack. Maybe in setplays ?
  • KICKS : We could better adjust the kicks with slow motion. Cross and clearance kicks are hard to use for now. Kickers tend to move forward and are tackled before being able to kick. (or am I juste ignoring the good way to do It? ^^)
  • Support players should really converge to the ball carrier when the line is broken.
  • More dropped balls (on hard hits or due to clumsiness) would add more chances of turnover. (for now the opponent can keep the ball for minutes, It’s frustrating !
  • Can’t wait for the addition of more rules (offside, brutalities, fouls in the rucks). Hope the “discipline” stat will be a clue in the frequency.
  • EDITOR : Walls, fences and athletics track would be a great addition for stadium customization.
  • Thicker/ darker eyebrows, 3-day beards and the possibily of fatter players would be great !
    Thanks for your patience, think you’re on the right track !


Can we expect any info on what’s in the day 1 patch prior to release?

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Feels like the AI only scores with interception and bump off. there is almost no defensive line break base on 2vs1 or by taking the space.

Trying to pre order for Xbox series S can’t seem to find it anywhere as a digital download. It shows physical game for series X. Can anyone confirm or give direction please

The digital version is not available until the 13th

Will game sliders be introduced at some point?

This has been repeated a lot of times already. It’s not available until the 13th.

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It is certainly planned but not in release. If you search up MattW posts you’ll see his thoughts and the process of sliders.


Hopefully injury chance sliders, love having to bring in a third choice fly half for the final


Instead of Jerry, Jerry, Jerry, fan base Sliders, sliders, sliders :slightly_smiling_face: Sliders have made games go from a 5 to a 10. I can testify with RC3 and RC4 and a Modded Rugby league 3 with sliders that is my favorite all time rugby game of any code because of the sliders.


Thanks will look got the AFL game they work brilliant :+1:

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Hi Team,

I am not sure if I have encountered an incident with a serious injury to my player ? Seems the cut scene did not happen to stop play ? Really not sure

Please see below video time stamped at 18:54

I did get the player replaced after a Scrum was called.

Thanks Team

Video link

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Yep so this is something I’ve been tracking for some time. A lot of work has been done already around serious injuries, the injury system, as well as interchanging of players. Lots of new rules had to be added to just that system alone.


Any word on whether the grass will be improved? I know it was looking good a couple of EA’s back, but the lagging issue meant it was downgraded whilst looking for a solution.

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I’ve lost track of how many times my grass has changed trying to get that balance. I don’t want to be like yes it’s changed so much!! I honestly don’t remember exactly how it looked😅

I’ll check when I’m back in studio and compare what I see on the current live Steam build and the internal version.