Launch (EA1) Feedback

This suggestion will elevate the game to another level, I suggest the team has this on high priority @RossSymons :facepunch:t6:


However for this to work properly, the ai opposition have to react properly by being held and drawn in by the pod, opening up room outside for the 10 and outside players to run into


First off, the game appears to have a solid foundation for such an early build. Mechanics are fundamental along with other areas of the game whicj naturally will evolve over time. It seems intentional that the “base” of the game has been released with a view to flesh out content, gameplay/AI and features etc… some dot point to consider moving forward.

  • Lighting (ray tracing) needs adjustment as it “washes out” texture mapping/shadows with high contrasts.

  • Sound (music,UI, ) is ok but options to customise by an ability to import music through fanhub in particular compressed file format .ogg for example and share across platforms

  • Sound fx ( in game) will most likely be improved but crowd chants, and player actions such as kicking, tackling, field chatter and ref calls to provide some ambience in important match ups ( Finals/GF, Top of table clash, rep matches)

  • Fatigue must affect AI and user players negatively in all gameplay facets ( tackling (weakened or ill disciplined), getting on side, pass and kick accuracy/power, lack of ability to get into position for plays or defence etc…)

  • Gameplay/AI - alot of room for improvement which i think the dev team has plans for. Passing and AI player position seems to always pass directly behind instead of along backline movements with players not running onto the ball. Flat, deep, long short, to play maker are most likely options in mind for dev team. Set plays would be a nice inclusion with an ability to create set plays as well.

    • Kicking : Good start, feels innovative but kicking should be significantly harder when under defensive pressure, fatigued, concussion/injury, environmental (away crowd, rain and wind and sun glare) should include usual suspects such as grubber, chip, up and under, cross, banana (modifier)

Running/Player movement: Looks ok but better responsiveness.

Tackling: Options for ball wrap (high) or legs tackle, ankle tap etc… select defence structure (wide, compressed, up and in, sliding)

Ruck/Mauls: Good beginnings with some glitches occurring “use the ball”. Pick and drive, release players to defensive line all will be included i feel.

Attack: Set plays, deep, flat, cross kick, shape with decoys that the lower defence rated teams or fatigued players will typically follow lead runners creating space to attack.

Cameras: Side (dynamic, low and high), Behind (low and High and blimp cam), Broadcast (default) broadcast tv (snaps between close up on rucks/mauls/stoppages then snaps to wider view when attack is about to play out but giving player time to select type of play before hand and assess defence line for weak points (fatigued player, spaces from defence structure etc…)

ideas for player immersion: Locker room cam, make finals and rep matches a greater spectacle against the backdrop of the main round to round game. Commentary should be heightened with more “colour”, Pre Game, Players run out, ceremonial (anthems etc…) Half time comments, full time wrap.

Customisation: Gameplay sliders is a must, Fanhub with ability to import music on top of what existing fanhub capabilities are…

Promising start, i look forward to the evolution which i feel should be an improvement on AFL 23 which i am really impressed with.



The pass selection options (Y,X,A,B) only appear a fraction of the time when pass buttons are pressed.

Also as they are not running lines as such yet (Hopefully in this or an upcoming patch as noted) much of the passing results in unrealistic player motion and ball flight.

Not sure if there is a delay when you press LB or RB to show receivers, but if there is it is too long.

Having the buttons at least always visible when the LB or RB is pressed now in EA would help choose runners that best suit their current positions and avoid much of the unrealistic passing in the immediate term.



I don’t think you should be able to bind as many players to a ruck as you want. It should be 2 but a max 3. If you ever watched or played rugby, you’d know that there are usually only 2 ruckers.

Only time you should be able to add more is to guard for a box kick.

And opposing that, the defensive team should only have 1 player poaching. When do you see more than 1 defender trying to poach at the same time. Almost never unless the first counter rucker blows up the entire ruck

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@RossSymons do we know roughly around what time the update will be pushed out?

When it comes to the updates, especially fast ones like this. It comes down to a matter of “when it’s ready” situation. Final touches are being put on it when that gets double-checked it will go out as quickly as possible, won’t be soon enough to refresh Steam over and over, but we’ll update here as soon as we know when it’s going out.


Also aerial capability shots like they do with televised games such as Grand Final

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I reckon we need these controls for the ruck.

A- to seal the ruck
Y- to clear out a ruck
X- to jackal a ruck
B- line up players for box kick


Hi everyone, first time commenting.

Apart from every very useful suggestion i’ve seen here so far, I would just like to add a few of my own. What I would like to see is some effort into making the game feel more immersive.

  • Commentary: I would like to see the commentary become a little more than just a few lines being repeated over and over, I am not sure what the constraints are with this and perhaps there’s a good reason why, but if possible, I almost want to say that it must feel like the commentators are watching my game live, you know?

If I need to kick the last penalty or a conversion of the game and this kick will determine whether I win or lose, I want to feel the pressure. The commentators need to be as tense as I am, perhaps add a heartbeat depending on the significance of the kick?

Another thing that i’d like to suggest is live tracking of my team’s performance in a tournament or season. Perhaps pre and post match interviews and comments by a panel of pundits? If I was playing Super Rugby and I lost the first 3 or 4 games of the season, my team needs to win all their games from there and I wanna feel it.

I like the training feature you put in the career mode of the cricket game, maybe add something between matches for my team to go through training drills depending on what they need to work on?

I saw on a video a match being simulated with the EA, when a lineout was called it immediately cut to the hooker standing ready to throw, maybe add some cutscenes between these like players walking or jogging up to the lineout or scrum and discussing a strategy?

Maybe add a proper build-up to a match, again like a pre match discussion between pundits and announcement of teams, maybe a look into the locker room with the teams having a few last words before going into the tunnel.

I really like the suggestion that’s been made of being able to choose how packed your stadium can be depending on the teams played, obviously a match between two small clubs won’t be as packed as a match between Munster and Leinster? And please, the crowd can not all be wearing random clothes to a match between the Springboks and All Blacks, they need to be wearing green and black with some flags in between.

I don’t know if this is too much to ask, but those are my suggestions for now, thank you


Also one other thing i noticed is that players don’t feel like they’re position, so like flanks are running as fast as wingers and props don’t feel heavy and bulky. So it would be nice for these to all be realistic to positions if that makes sense


I wonder if all the commentary lines have already been recorded or whether they just have enough for early access at the moment. That could mean there are further commentators or pundits to be recorded. For the most part the commentary sounds good, albeit without player names (because they arent in the game for teams apart from france and aus atm).

Its great to hear Cotter and Jiffy in a rugby game, just a shame that the late great Eddie Butler is no longer with us to be a part of this game, as a Wales supporter growing up in the 90s and 2000s he was THE voice of Welsh rugby for me



So i assume no patch today(?)

Now should be almost 7 pm in Melbourne so i assume the work day is done


I don’t know how patches work, if they have to update it to steam, how does that process work?

Perhaps they loading the stuff but it takes time, I don’t know.

As admin made it sound earlier it’s more if the devs are happy with the update and think it’s ready to go than it will happen, so there probably been issues that they are not happy to send it out today

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Hmmm I’ll check in to see the status of it.


So looking good. One last test and if that’s all good it will go out tonight. If there are any issues we may have to push it back a little until we can make sure it’s stable. Any updates I hear I’ll pass on.


preciate it my heart

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Thank you for letting us know, appreciate the work the team is doing and communicating back to us.


Thank you Sir and your team for getting this patch out to us. Thank you for working overtime to give us the best possible rugby game.

Kindest regards,
