Launch (EA1) Feedback

To expand upon earlier points:

  • Rugby 08 is a great place to start when it comes to looking at rugby Union animations. Several different types of tackle, some dominant, some not. Diving tackles and higher tackles all included which look slick and realistic, particularly when players slide off the higher tackles. The way the tackler remains in the bottom of the ruck is good too.

  • Rugby 08 also successfully had players running onto the ball at pace with passes being floated in front of players - this made it fun getting the ball wide with momentum to beat defences.


Just a quick note.

My Halfback or whoever is filling in that role has passed to the opposite teams 10 on many occasions. At one point it did it 3 times almost in a row. Once also a rocket pass 20+ metres from my 9 to their 15 30 metres behind play.

Possibly the game is deciding somehow that the wrong team has possesion? IDK.

Just a note, cheers. Enjoying it.


I ve got lot of this bug. I cant tackle the guy …

Did Find the rucks in Rugby Challenge 2011 pretty good and simple yet effective as i play this a lot too because of the ITM cup.

i cannot link it but i clipped the Ruck that’s happing
But you can see when i add quick bind ruck fills up more or heavy bind add a lot more to the ruck.

  • Also, Intro’s when players are getting to the field have a display of the line up’s

  • and wind direction would be ace also Seem’s cannot see any as of yet.

  • Also running slideway’s in game makes defender’s leave massive gaps open and they don’t even close the gap i can just run sideways and score easy try’s too

  • Fend make it like RRL4, R3 stick up , sidestep R3 L&R as it it ATM but it is quite delayed in the input of it like trying to Bind ruck also i’ll smash the button yet very very input delay

  • And last little thing for a tutorial (for people who don’t know rugger)


  1. Scoring a Try
  • Learn how to score a try by running into the try zone.
  1. Simple Conversion
  • Practice basic kicking techniques to convert tries.
  1. Passing
  • Master passing the ball to teammates effectively.
  1. Tackling
  • Learn how to tackle opponents to regain possession.
  1. Change Player
  • Switch control between players during the game.
  1. Loose Ball
  • React to loose balls and gain control quickly.
  1. Cut Out Pass
  • Use cut-out passes to bypass multiple players.


  1. Running
  • Improve your running skills to navigate the field.
  1. Aggressive Tackle
  • Perform aggressive tackles to stop opponents.
  1. Punt Kick
  • Execute long-distance punt kicks.
  1. Chip Kick
  • Use chip kicks to pass the ball over opponents.
  1. Bomb Kick
  • Perform high kicks to challenge the defense.
  1. Grubber Kick
  • Use low kicks that bounce along the ground.
  1. Drop Goal
  • Practice scoring drop goals from different positions.


  1. Kick for Touch
  • Kick the ball out of bounds to gain territory.
  1. Cancel Kicking
  • Cancel a kick attempt to change strategy.
  1. Offload
  • Pass the ball while being tackled.
  1. Side Step
  • Use side steps to dodge opponents.
  1. Fend
  • Push away defenders while running.
  1. Dummy Pass
  • Fake a pass to confuse defenders.
  1. Windy Conversion
  • Practice conversions in windy conditions.


Congrats on getting the game out, having played a few games now, I think this is the most promising rugby game yet.

Having seen lots of comments about the rucks, passing and player and ball movement etc I won’t comment too much on that as I understand with rugby 25 being an early access game that this is something that will improve massively over the coming months.

One thing I think that can be included to add more realism to the game is improved player positioning. For example, every team in modern rugby uses a very simple pod of 3 forwards with the fly half behind when coming back infield from a ruck in the 15 metre channel. Adding this would work perfectly with the passing mechanics as holding down RB/LB and pressing A, B or X will allow the 9 to pick which player of the pod to pass to. Normally, the 9 would pass to the middle man of the pod, therefore I think using RB/LB should by default pass to the middle of the pod. Following this, the outside player of the pod normally runs a “tip” line, with the flyhalf/play maker arcing “out the back”. Using RB/LB to pass to the “tip”, or RB/LB+B to pass to the flyhalf would be good for this.

Adding this feature and features similar would allow for the user to feel as though he is making the same decisions that rugby players make in actual games - therefore adding to the realism aspect of rugby 25. I’ve created some images of what I’m explaining to help.

Thanks for reading and I look forward for the updates to come.



The above 2 pictures are what the improved player positioning could look like


That does happen ATM you have to hold down the i think L1 or R1 and then it show’s up :smiley: but i do get what you pointed out as it does that in RRL4 :smiley:

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Helo first thing is graphics needs to improve its rugby 25 cant look the same as the older rugby games. Second need more camera angles and players need to respond faster to run with ball in hand when they catch the ball from a kick. the carmera needs to move with the ball not change when the ball is in the players hand. Players movements also needs to loosen up when tackling passing running and kicking. Lots of bugs to fix like in the ruck when u cant pass it turns into a scrum loop passes. Line dept also need to use put players deep and wide. Try to keep the passes from ruck and movement from player receiving the ball ballnaced so that the runner can have running space and not receive the ball and the the deff is already on him especially if the line is set deep. If player gets into space the support runners stays behind they need to respond quicker. Hope u guys can sort this out focus on the gameplay thats the most important face scans can come later. Last thing put the players in order forwards for pods backs to run the ball like rugby is played here and there there wil be a forward in the backline thats normal.

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Hi guys ,

Just some feedback on player bodies. Is it possible to please consider having some good variations with creation tools to make players look like their body type for their positions ?
I got some screenshots here from Rugby League Live 4 and Rugby Challenge 4.

The different aspects to adjust such as stomach , arms, chest , being able to make them look large, muscly , skin or skinny etc. Weight size by Kg could adjust the body appearance the more or less that figure is.

Some Locks can have a bit of weight on them and others look slim. Props can look large and bulky.


Hi Guys

Competition Difficulty setting.

I actually can’t see one when you create a competition. If you could please add this in for the future with early access competitions. Thanks

The top 3 priorities to sort next which took enjoyment away from playing, for me.

  1. Lateral passing - after breaching the defensive line. This needs work as supporting players sit too far behind rather than race up into the space to allow that final pass to score a try. What happened to me was the player passed directly back to a player so far behind him they got tackled and this makes the defensive break feel pointless.

  2. Rucks - a couple of things happened to me in this area. The players seem to stall after the tackle for nearly 2/3 seconds before a ruck is even initiated. This needs to be immediate. The other thing that happens is I have no idea if I should keep competing. The ref could be used here with a ‘Leave it!’ which would let you know to stop trying or suffer a penalty. Lastly as I cannot tell if I am winning the ball successfully, I end up sometimes winning and then hoofing the ball over the top of the ruck. ‘Y’ on the controller, of course, is to compete for the ball but when you win it then becomes punt … maybe consider changing the load out to avoid pointlessly kicking possession away or maybe making it clear whether you are winning the ball which could help here.

  3. Dominant Tackles - Like Rugby 08 the option to dive tackle (dominant tackle?) is there… this does need work, maybe some kind of nuanced assist with it. The problem at the minute is you have to be SPOT ON to actually initiate a tackle. Rugby 08 seemed to have this mostly right in that you had to completely and utterly miss to not actually tackle the intended player.

The positives:

When the above issues didn’t impede my enjoyment it did feel much like Rugby 08, which is the benchmark for an enjoyable rugby game. Kicking and conversions being fairly simple; this should be kept. No need to make that as complicated as I have seen in previous games and the Rugby Challenge series.

Loads of nice touches and the music seemed pretty good on the whole. Commentary was ok for now, maybe needs the odd tweak here and there.

Player positioning seems ok which I was surprised about. In other rugby games the defensive line would just disappear and it was players scattered all over the place. Good to see that defensive shape sustain.

Star players - yes! I love that element in Rugby 08. It allowed the game to open up when they got involved.

Keep line outs simple much like kicking. Competing for it should be the case that if your jumper is slightly in front they have a chance of slapping it down/back towards your team.

Things for the future:

Offloading was near impossible and passing just before a tackle was not happening. These things should be in place in the future to allow the game to break up.

Fitness or stamina needs to be introduced as I was able to weave around the opposing team with my fastest player who seemed to have unlimited fitness.

Defensive patterns:

Blitz/Drifting/Sitting/Tight/Loose - these styles should be considered for teams and set at the “team” level. As you will notice teams in the real world are renowned for having a style of defence and attack. Japan for instance are fast and offloading constantly.


I assume some form of running plays will be introduced. What I haven’t seen before is a cancel the call option which might be useful. So for example you make a play and then realise that just running it is best and just pass/offload. This will allow you, as the player, to be as complicated or as simple as you like when playing the attacking side of the game and both styles should be effective when done well.


Good morning. I wanted to notify you that my game closes several times during a match. I checked the integrity of the game files and nothing changed.


I use console so have not played the game but from what I have seen here is my main take on what should be implemented to full release:

• ARCADE mode or COMPETITOR mode

• ARCADE - this mode is more so for scoring crazy tries and playing with friends in an end to end game. This mode would consist of not loads of kicking or penalties like in real life but mainly running rugby from your own half. Games could end up with scores in the fifties for this to be a crazy game purely based for having fun and scoring loads.

• COMPETITOR - this mode would be for more realistic gameplay. If you play on competitor mode there would be lots more kicking and more penalties given at the breakdown and scrum to make for more realistic score lines. In real life it is very rare that a game ends 14-7 so i think a mode that could make for more realistic scores and gameplay would be great. In top level rugby kicking is a massive part of the game with most top sides kicking over 30 times a match. In rugby 25 EA the teams rarely kick. I’d like to see teams kick the ball more specifically when they are not gaining ground in attack or are in their 22 and under pressure. Obviously every now and then include a chance for the team to score a wonder try from their own try line but these are very rare occasions and most sides would kick clear when on their try line. I also think kicking battles could be implemented a lot better in COMPETITOR mode. Rugby 22 has a great kicking battle system in my opinion and you could 100% take tips from their system of kick battles alongside real life matches. Another realistic addition to COMPETITOR mode would be more penalties at the scrum and breakdown. Sometimes teams win games without scoring tries due to them having a very strong scrum (South Africa) or a great defensive side at the breakdown.

I personally believe that adding these two modes would benefit everyone as there would be the option to have a realistic simulation like game in COMPETITOR mode as well as having the option to play a more fun and crazy game in the ARCADE mode. Specifically for things like manager career I think more realistic gameplay in COMPETITOR mode would be a great addition to help the game feel like it’s real.

Hope this gets taken into account, good luck with further development.


Im not going to talk about the mechanics as every single aspect needs a lot of work and everyone is already discussing that, instead I want to comment on 3 things I would like to see.

  1. The community creation function needs to be added as soon as possible, as it would allow for much more hours being put into the game at an early stage, and would allow the community to start creating players, teams, sponsors and stadiums already, allowing us to start playing the matches and leagues we want to play before they are even launched officially, but also start creating those items that will not be part of official launches. Would also allow much more content for the youtubers. As these assets take a lot of time to build, it would be great if we could start with that already.

  2. The camera options currently are behind the players and from the side pitch, on a high level. I assume that means there will be low and medium height side pitch angles as well, which is great. Just two things on that - firstly, the camera height needs to be set at a stadium level, so that if you create a stadium, that always has a low angle, this is set at creation stage, and the same for any official stadiums, so you dont have to change the angle ahead of each match. It is already preset for that stadium. Secondly, it would be great to have a dynamic camera zoom, so if you are playing close to the rucks, it is kind of zoomed in and you can see more detail, whereas once you swing to the backline, the camera zooms out to provide more coverage of the pitch. This will make it more realistic to actual tv broadcasting, but also I hate rugby games where it is always zoomed out so much that you can hardly see anything and the players are so small.

  3. Lastly, for more realism, it would be great if you could select the crowd size ahead of each match, as per the match settings, to more realistically represent the significance of the match you are about to play. Say no crowd, small crowd, medium crowd, large crowd, full capacity. This has been brought up with previous Bigant titles and I really hope it becomes a thing.


I currently find this game unplayable and the shadows need significant improvement, but I am very optimistic that the final product will be incredible.

Just want to add a few more requests:

  1. More than one version of the scoreboard. I like the current one top right, with abbreviated team names and team colors, but would also like an option to have one center bottom, with full team names and team colors. When creating a league, this could be set as default for that league, or when playing a match, it could be selected under match settings. There are certain leagues/competitions that use the center bottom one and I would like maximum authenticity.

  2. The current commentary team sound great, although I have never heard them before. It would be great to have a second commentary team representing the southern hemisphere, so that you have the option between the two. This can be selected under the match settings pre-match, depending on where your match is played. Possibly also select one when creating a custom league, so that it defaults.

When starting a licensed league/competition, these settings could be customized before starting the new league.

Taking into account what ViCe_ZA wrote, I also agree that BigAnt should give maximum authenticity to the video game through more than one version of the scoreboard; this would be achieved with a design for friendly or exhibition matches and also by implementing official scoreboards for each competition. Just a few days ago on Twitter I made a post with this topic. My comment was:
“I want BigAnt to implement in the new competitions licenses the official scoreboards and broadcast graphics like the ones we watch on TV and internet for each league. This addition would provide a lot of immersion and improve the video game experience”.


The scrum sounds are very weird, with no sound on the hit (set) and the players awkwardly counting to 6 like they are in a math class for 6 year olds.

Also want to hear much more communication from the referee.

Another big suggestion is for customizable assists options for the casual gamer, where you automate things like fend-offs and ruck steal attempts or infringements by players, like high tackles, with sliders that determine the frequency and/or severity of the infringements, further affected by individual player skill or characteristics.


What you wrote is totally true, I especially identified with what you wrote in your first paragraph.

  • Move the Boards Back: Adjust the position of the boards to create more space on the sidelines. This can provide room for AI referees to move freely.
  • Add Fencing: Install fencing between the stands and the field. This can improve safety and allow more space for movement.
  • Widen the Sideline: Increase the width of the sideline area. This will give referees and players more room during the game.
  • Modify Stand Layout: Redesign the layout of the spectator stands to provide a more open feel and avoid obstructing the sidelines.

Screenshot 2024-07-01 094557


Y’all need to stop being amazing and helpful. We have so many amazing replies to go through. This is exactly what we want to see.

The Rugby community is amazing!!

Time to keep sorting through all of your essays :rofl: