Launch (EA1) Feedback

Have fun with that :rofl:


Continuing on about the player positioning, one thing that has been annoying in other titles, was the fullback never appearing in the backline.

Rugby 22 was a prime example of this, the only time the fullback got the ball was receiving a kick, or in the occasional set play, the rest of the time he just stood 20m behind the back line in attack doing nothing.

The system in the rugby challenge games was quite good when you selected when the fullback joined the line and when he dropped back, meaning if you forgot to make him drop on a turnover you would get punished by a kick or there being no cover defence, but unfortunately when playing against the CPU, its like the code for the fullback positioning was forgotten about, as they were again never in the line on attack.

Considering the fullback is often one of the most dangerous runners with ball in hand, it would be frustrating to not be able to get them involved in the attack.

Would be really good to see the 10 dropping back on a turnover as well to field kicks. Saw this a lot in the just finished Super rugby, the 10 was always back supporting the 15 and the wingers


Game is a foundation for a rugby title we haven’t seen the likes of in years.
Lots of dedicated fans here that want to see it turn into something great.

Just wondering when we will see a roadmap for the Early Access like what TieBreak has?

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also seems to be no cloth physic’s either for the flag

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Hey guys
Just wanting to say, doing an excellent job. This game has major potential and could be close if worked on to Rugby 08.
Afew things:

  1. The passing is way too fast, and players sometimes do not run on to the ball.
  2. The scrum half seems to be almost picking up the ball twice from rucks before passing.
  3. Tacklers are too quick to roll away after making the tackle. It seems almost like they playing rugby league. Players must be slow to roll away as the ruck begins, and players must be given the opportunity to almost be given a penalty for the tackler not rolling away.
  4. When players seem to be side stepping or fending/handing off the other team mates of the defence almost seem stunned.
  5. Penalties for holding onto the ball. The defence should be given the opportunity to get a penalty for an attacker holding onto the ball after the tackle.
  6. Far passing. It should almost be not so easy for a player to pass the ball far out wide.
  7. Player swapping, should also be abit smooth
  8. The AI is also not that great. AI players must also make some tackles where the player is unable to in certain circumstances

If all of the above is addressed and the other points pointed out by the community this game will be amazing.


Thanks guys. A really promising start! So excited to play through the first couple of iterations before we get to the big finished one. Not much more to say that others like @Valhalla_Vagabond haven’t said already. But I’ll give it a shot.


Feels like the rucks are missing that frenetic, powerful and messy energy? I know there is a degree of control when it comes to securing a ruck. But that initial 5 seconds should see players from both sides charging in to smash each other out the way or over the ball. And the player who is securing the ball should really be getting a proper beating from others trying to turn the ball over. It might just be a case of adding some animations instead of changing in depth game mechanics. But just something that better brings across the intensity and power of a ruck would be great!


I used to think not having a dedicated “tackle” button is fine. I still think being “in the way” with your player should be enough to bring them to ground while they gain a metre or so. However, thinking about it again, there could be something like on tennis games where if you want a really powerful serve or shot, you implement a timing bar? Great tacklers like Du Toit or Lawes would have gauges that are easier to time and could potentially make it easier to halt player momentum? Miss time it and you miss the tackle, resulting in a potential line break or large gain. This button wouldn’t need a directional aspect, just as long as you’ve selected a player that’s in the immediate “tackling zone” of the ball carrier. Again, nothing comedic like them getting smashed back five metres and the ball coming lose (that can come in RUGBY 27!) but just a simple solution to giving players a bit more control in defence in a way that isn’t too finicky or wild. I like the “dive tackle” now purely as a try saving ankle top option. Seems to work just fine for something like that.


A few tweaks needed so that the scrumhalf is almost always the scrumhalf at rucks. And that the flyhallf is usually the first receiver. Also, just adding a bit more staggered depth to the attacking line I think would help a lot in terms of the passing coming across less wild. As well as options to pass to the big boys in pods to punch a few holes in the defense. Feels like these pod options are actually just the “set plays” that people are asking for a lot. But maybe I’m wrong!

Love it. And love you guys!



Point 8 - Your saying you want the Ai to Break some tackles ? I would agree. I been seeing a lot of matches with one sided games and the Ai not scoring. I played a few myself on easy and medium difficulty. Ai never really was a threat or broke a tackle.


On attack, defensive team will not tackle ball carrier
see below

As mentioned above, the ball gets stuck in the ruck very often by both sides. To work around that your halfback must pick it up first then pass the ball to avoid it becoming stuck.

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On attack when creating a ruck, at times a player outside of the ruck will be selected and run all over the place.

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If you can make the running, sidestepping and passing physics just like rugby league live 4, that’ll be great. I like Rll4 game physics and would definately be good on this game

A very minor thing, but as punts and up and unders are combined it would be useful if there was a line that showed what path the ball would follow (low or high), as it is it’s hard to tell if you’re doing an up and under or just a short punt.

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Some notes and feedback, Glad Big Ant decided to go into a different direction with game, but game needs lots of polishing. Some good points in the game put needs considerable work.
Does everyone get a weird one step forward animation when picking up the ball at the ruck, regardless of direction you want to go?
Can Big Ant release some notes on how each button action works, example:
When binding B, seems like depending on tapping or holding down a different action happens.
At what point is Y contest tackle in ruck supposed to be used?
At what point is x (steal) used in the ruck.

Strategy and designed plays need to be added.
They need to improve or even add offloads, even though the play-by-play announcers talk about it all the time, you can’t offload, is there a special button or timing? Offloads need to be better than Rugby league 4. The game feels like a combo of Rugby league 3 and 4.
There is a weird one step forward animation as you pick up the ball at the ruck.
The game has crashed a few times on Steam (have system that can handle full specs)
Not sure what steal (x) and contest tackle (Y) in ruck functions are? They both seem to steal ball at the ruck.
Game notes should be released to explane intended function of each action (bind, contest, steal) for example bind (B) works different if held down vs tap. Does it matter which button you press first?
Lineouts and kicking for points, (way to simplistic and easy, no challenge whatsoever) Some of the older system worked well, or even rugby league 3 or 4 extra point kicking is much better. No challenge in the new system.
Need instructions on how scrums work
Many times, when there is a break in the line and you try to pass out to your wing, the receiver of the pass will stop or stutter instead of catching the ball on the fly and keep running.

You seem to be able to enter the ruck manually as well giving you an edge in the ruck( A rugby video game first)
Dummy pass seems to work well, as intended.
Cool new hand off and sidestep and spin animations.
Multiplayer tackles
On field kicking seems to work fairly well. Up and Under could go a little further.
Ball bounce seems fairly good
There are scrum penalties (not sure how it functions though)

Some general notes and feedback
Need an offensive counter to steal the ball at the ruck (maybe holding on with risk of infraction.
Need rucking penalties (hand in the ruck) (holding on) these are essential for Rugby simulation.
Need offloads
Back to your feet animation after tackle to try and Jackle needs to be improved (very slow and cumbersome at the moment) should be more like Rugby Challenge Jackle.

Just some quick notes


@RossSymons & @JNT_BA

I don’t want to write an essay, I will keep it short. I don’t expect you to rewrite your entire game, and I don’t know how easy or difficult it is to map the controls. But maybe you can consider our feedback regarding this.

I started a small poll on the forum, I know not everyone has seen it yet, but the few votes already gives an indication that most players would prefer controls to be, more like the Rugby Challenge series, maybe a combination of Rugby Challenge, Rugby 08 and Rugby 22. Most of those controls worked well, the developers just needed to elaborate or improve certain aspects to make it better. I personally just find the current controls make certain things difficult in game, and if you can bring in familiar controls but improve the game play, you will have one of the best games.

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Hey guys shot for a new rugby game…a bit delayed but we’ve got something new. I see alot of potential in this game. Many peeps have mentioned quite a few of the obvious so won’t waste your time with those.
What would be awesome is improving the AI. When holding the pass you get player options to pass too. If you release and hold the other pass you get players on that side too. What would be nice is if those players that are included in the pass options ran different lines depending on the defenders. Currently they hold formation rather than ‘thinking’ where to receive the pass. In the end you’ll hold the pass button, watching your option players and then hitting a good gap.


BA forum admins right now :joy:


Have you been able to offload, seems like offloads needs improvement, unless there is a specific button for it.
Seems like the rucks can be more interactive then in past games, just got to figure them out, bind B , steal x, and Y contest tackle all play a part. Just wondering will writing this if contest tackle works on offense Aswell to prevent the Jackle (going to have to try). Also noticed if you manualy switch to a supporting rucking player after you get tackled and press any of the rucking actions (bind, steal, contest) they all seem to work better and you can get to the ruck faster as an individual player, also holding down B seem to send 3 in at the same time, but may take a little longer. If you tap once seems to send 1 or 2. Seems like there may be a really good system in there, just got figure it out and polish up the animations for it. I noticed on defense if you press the x button the player physically does something with his arms. Dummy’s seem to work well, hopefully not to well, scored quit a few tries with the dummy. Also hand off seems to work well in front of you when pushing down on R3 button. Sidesteps and hand offs seems to work well because it seems like you can chain them together, there are short animations which feel more natural then a long animations in previous rugby games. (First impression, these actions need polishing but feel good). The spin animation is a little long it seems a little counter productive. Awesome that there are scrum penalties.

I think Big Ant needs to release some notes on how each phase of play should work with the controls a manual of sorts , and what the intended action of each, action button. Example rucks, what are the benefits and functions of (bind B, steal x and contend Y? Do holding down action
buttons differ from pressing multiple times? Can you offensively try to hold in the ruck in risk of holding on infraction being called? Lots of questions with the controls, the on field kicking seems to work fairly well. The penalty kicking and lineouts are way to simplistic , no fun or challenge. Past games have done a fairly good job at penalty kicking and lineouts. Instructions on how to scrum is needed, how do you prevent infractions in the scrum, is it risk /reward system. I like that they have done something different and see enough to see it can be made into a great game, but there is still a way to go. Thanks Ross and team, look forward to giving feed back to help make this the best rugby game to date.

Cheers and Blessings

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I think its ok, but the animations seem longer and more sticky in RLL4, in this game seems you can chain actions better. I think animations can be better and more intuitive in this game then RLL4, this game is like 3-5 years newer it should be better then RLL4. Also would like the offloads to be better then RLL4, I have played like 3 hrs and not been able to offload once.


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hey, i dunno if being stupid but how do you dummy pass?

Not sure, If I agree. I think there may be a really good system hidden in here if you can just get the animations to match. They should release some notes/or tutorial for the function of the action buttons in the game. Its the first game (other then Lomu Rugby) that you can manually change into a ruck supporting player to get him into ruck support faster after being tackled or after tackling, seems it can make the difference between retaining the ball on offense, or stealing on defense a cool feature, not sure if it was by mistake or intended to be that way, can make ruck a little more fun with optional manual control advantage. We need game release notes on how to play the game not just the control figuration. For example you can dummy but that is not in the control scheme display. Dummy is hold down the pass button and without releasing press the other pass button and visaversa , seem to work well.