Launch (EA1) Patch 1 Notes

Scoring a drop goal crashes the game. (I did it twice and it crashed both times)

Edit: it crashes every time


I’ve also just had my first crash Aus (me) v Georgia - just a tackle on the AI, which I think was a double tackle, but not sure, and the game crashed

Noticed since downloading AI player can stop to a standstill and then slowly move backwards untill their off the pitch, there’s no way to stop this by interacting or tackling the ai player you just have to wait untill their off the pitch

Good first steps in ruck and passing, surprised of how quickly the ruck feels better in terms of flow however the “9” is still very slow to the ruck and obviously the ruck itself still needs an overhaul ( appreciate this is all ongoing)

Really surprised in the speed of improvement and the game is already feeling a lot smoother for only a few days extra of receiving feedback

Still a long way to go I imagine but the teams done a great job so far and love the response from Ross and the admins. This could be the greatest rugby game ever !



There is ball trajectory problem

Is not good.
In the best cases the ball just do an arch even if the player is near,
In the worst cases the ball carrier passes straight ahead in front of him self

Then in the line out the camera first rotate to the teams who don’t get the ball then to the one who does

Frustrating if you win the ball but run backwards and do a forward pass beacause the camera don’t catch up

First, thanks for this quick first patch. I m already sure this game will be the best rugby game never released. Ross can you tell us if new camera views will be added ? With customisable zoom ? Because the graphism are very beautifull but the players seems too small and so far so we can t appreciate the work on the graphism. Thanks. Sorry for my english, i am french rugby player :wink:

Hey there, thanks for the first small patch.

I havent had the bug on rucks not being able to get the ball out, as i was able to call a scrum half by pressing bottom button and then passing by holding left or right trigger and the selected button for the pass. But the scrum half takes forever to come to the ruck and i guess it’s still a bug that we need to make him come to the ruck. Very slows the breakdown too much and cuts all plays.
I have had several forward passes out of the ruck because the scrum half passes to a running player, floating pass that is catched forward when not intercepted. Many floating passes between centers too, leading to interceptions. Passing and tackling are still a pain as the hit box for the tackle is too big and we cant draw the defense and pass before, nor after contact.

Interisting small bug, twice I scored a try in overtime but referee just sent us to the tunnel ( damn you Ross lol :wink: ), no tmo nothing, just perfect tries not allowed for no reason.

Hookers can still outrun all the defense once they have gained full speed, so speed still needs work. About that, a great mechanic from Rugby Champions that could be implemented in rugby 25: when the scrumhalf passes the ball out of the ruck, if you’re pressing the sprint button, the players run to the ball and the scrum half makes a tight pass. If you’re not pressing sprint but just running to the ball (by aiming left stick) you’ll run normal pace to a large pass. If you pass without directing left stick you’ll have to start running from where you catch the ball. And finally by pressing a button you can ask the fly half to go far behind the ruck for a safe kick. Running into the ball or not draws a different pass, sets different attacks ( a sprinting forward close to the ruck with a tight pass can break the line if the defense hasnt replaced yet, a speedy 10 can make the hole if the defense is too slow on such a course, or play it cooler awy from the defense to pass to his centers without defensive pressure), and allows for different defensive reactions. If you could use such an intuitive mechanic it would be awesome.

Regarding controls, i’m using a playstation controller and i’m struggling to interpret ingame wich button is wich (the X on the XBOX you refer to ingame isnt the same X on my plasytation controller and i just cant get used to it), i’m guessing you’ll do that on the way at least for console editions but if you could add ps controllers for pc gamers to i would be great too. And yeah, the turnover button and kicking button being the same cause some chaos. Maybe it’s my fault is i dont really understand the defense mechanic of the ruck, i press top button too much and sometimes steal the ball and kick it right away. I 'd love to find a way to prevent that, other than just me not smashing buttons frenetically, that is unpreventable, it will occur at times eventually.

Thanks, first raw feedback on this first patch, hope there’ll be plenty more to come with deeper changes. Keep it up ! cheers

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Just on this, could you clarify the area’s that you as the developers know that you haven’t got right yet.

Hey Guys here is my first reply/request after the first patch and a few games:

As stated passing and rucking is still an ongoing fix to perfect it.
Players seem to move stiff and at times feel unresponsive, after they start to run the snaky movements are quite fun.
A ball carried back in my own goal area was sometimes called as a goal line drop out and other times it was a scrum.
Had a glitch on 2 occasions where a tackle was made and a ruck never formed so play did not continue.
“B” seems to not work to make a tackle.
The dive on a loose ball control seems to be not yet in the game.
Players are all over the place and there is really no attacking structure but I am sure you are already aware of the “barebones” general play.
The player at scrum half glitches out when he picks & go and runs through the ruck with ease.

Gameplay Mechanics:

Can we PLEASE get a trajectory line for any type of kicks in open play.
Add a mini game for line outs (like Rugby 22) so it makes the line outs more rewarding and not just throw and go. I don’t think people would mind if it were exactly the same as Rugby22. Rugby 25 is already amazingly unique.
Goal-Kicking seems fool proof. But my word is it satisfying!!! Perhaps add a swinging meter mechanic that could make your kick go wide. or even if you kick too hard you sacrifice accuracy.
Scrums are amazing. The mini game for scrums really captures the meaning behind scrums: Power with Precision! Love the pack shouting 1 2 3 4 5 6 or Push or Squeeze, Job VERY WELL DONE on scrums.
Rucks could also use a type of mini game in that way. Similar to Rugby 22 where you had to time the player joining the ruck instead of just button mashing to add your 3 players. It might also be the way to fix the ruck speed because the player dictates the tempo then.
Set Plays: But I am sure they are already a work in progress.


I am sure you are aware that there are no penalties in the game except from the scrum that I conceded two from, when all the rules get added it would be SO NICE if both the player and AI can concede a few penalties during the game and then even go for goal. It would make it more immersive and the scores won’t just end 7-0 or 14-7 or 10-5 and those extra 3 points could spice things up. There can be various ways to get penalized, we know rugby and their millions of laws.
Perhaps add a slider to the menu for these types of things. I would love the game to have more penalties and cards, other players would hate the stoppages.
Side Camera could use a zoom feature to zoom out A LOT, you can’t really see the field of play or your players well enough.
Some controls feel a bit off. It would be nice if you could resort to the controls we are familiar with in past rugby games and should a new feature be added, it gets added to a button, but I make it sound so simple, I know it isn’t.

Needless to say, this game has endless potential and you guys nailed it with the little things. The referee and the touchline referees are cool, stadium atmosphere is AMAZING. I pray you can add the Sing Low Sweet Chariot when England plays for an example. If national anthems are possible, it would be nice, Club chants when you play the club matches in the future, but overall everything sounds and looks amazing in the game. The cutscenes and animations are really cool and it really captures the essence of a rugby match.

Together as a community we can knock down the Rugby 08 triumph.


Rucks are still the biggest thing that needs worked on. Tackling players still getting up too quickly, they should be getting trapped in by the arriving players, and then both teams just standing there looking at the player on the ground.

The rucking mechanic in RC4 was very good, separate buttons for quick and heavy bind depending on where you were on the field and how much support/oppostion there was (not sure what the limit was for the number of players you could put in but it was more than 3), a button to compete for the ball (and the stats of the player competing dictated how successful that jackal was), and then one to remove players from the ruck if you over committed or had lost the contest.

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I’m not even able to play now. Just says “signing in” and then the game quits. Anyone else have the issue?

Significant improvement in the speed to ruck since the patch, however the 9 (or whoever is playing the ball from the ruck) is there much later so slows the game down.

Other than that I’d say more fixes to the passing and depth and shape. As sometimes hard to ship the ball wide due to lack of depth and shape

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It seems that some people like simple conversions and lineouts while others would like it more complicated. Perhaps have a settings option to determine the difficulty of each individual set piece (lineouts, scrums, kicks to goal). Goal kicking in Rugby 08 was great, where you have the directional arrow, with a “winding up” mechanic, almost like bowling in your cricket games, with the wind making it more difficult to judge the correct direction and individual player skill affecting the margin of error.

When the ball is kicked out of play, the scene cuts to the next lineout way too quickly. Take a few seconds to show the players jogging up to position. Also, after scoring a try, too many players are just randomly hanging around the try line. Have 3 or 4 closest players celebrate with the try scorer, with the rest jogging back to the half way line, perhaps throwing a quick fist in the air on the way back. The defenders can mope in the background, with hands on head and hands on hips.

I would like to see more cut scenes, but maybe some people are happy with the current amount. Perhaps have an option to select how many are included (no cut scenes for online/multiplayer and full cut scenes for full authenticity). Naturally have a much more significant build up to the game, with anthems, player lineups and commentary hype.

Add a crowd brush in stadium creation, so you can add crowd sections to grass areas or embankments, including the option to select the density of the brush.

Option to add multiple home stadiums for the same team, where they play at different venues during a season or internationals. Unless you can always select a different stadium under match settings, irrespective of the home stadium.

Some of the laws need updating, like calling a scrum on a mark, or dead ball behind the try line when passed back.

Currently, when tackled, momentum goes backward more often than not, but this should be flipped. More often than not, you get forward momentum after being tackled, unless there is a dominant tackle, a feature which could be included. A slider could be introduced to determine the automatic frequency of dominant tackles.

If you are finding it hard to decide on which direction to go, as far as focus on simulation versus action based, you could introduce a master setting, as previously suggested, like arcade or competitive, with the one where the player has more input (probably more suited for multiplayer) and the other where there is less player input (casual gamer) and more outcomes are determined by sliders and what you had selected (my preference), as sliders create randomness and unpredictability, as in real life. Sliders are the best way to fully customise your own experience and create authenticity as you perceive it.

Ideally have a TV Broadcast camera angle, where it ankers center of pitch, with low, medium and high options.

Since the patch, it takes the scrumhalf an age to get to the ruck. I have never been able to steal the ball. In a match, I had the ball for less than 2 minutes the entire game, made 5 passes all game and 3 of them got intercepted. The rest of the game I literally put the controller down as I had ZERO input into the game.

I feel like the game went backwards with the patch


Thank you so much for getting a patch out quickly, and overall it has made a noticeable improvement.

  • Ruck: has improved but still is the biggest drawback at this point. The two main issues I would say are:
  1. Scrum Half (or acting 9) takes waaaaay to long to get to the ruck. This is slowing gameplay down enormously.
  2. I am still not sure what to do to challenge/ jackal/ turnover a ball.
  • Passing: again, has improved
 but offloading still missing, which would make this really fun to play.

I think kicking and line-outs are fine as they are for the moment. Whilst they are nothing groundbeaking in their mechanics, they work.

On kicks, drop goals don’t seem to be working for me.

All in all, thanks again for this quick patch and also for the work you guys are putting in. Really appreciate it and can’t wait for full version (which I will buy on both PC and PS5).


I still am getting the issue where sometimes players don’t join rucks at all (from either team) and the game just hangs until I exit the match.

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Love all the amazing suggestions but my concerns are how much can be done from all that ? What is « realistic » to ask the devs to do ?


Hi there,

My first reaction to the changes was not positive for me, and there are issues still but I just played a full 80 minute match to try and understand the changes a bit more and it was amazing! I have learnt a few things but will put them in one by one.

A must fix next for me would be the players “Timing out” as in this image. At times I was left trying to defend as one by one my team just stopped playing. They would re-join the match once there was a stoppage in play. It made it really tough to compete at times in both attack and defence for obvious reasons.

I couldn’t notice anything specific causing it but have attached a screenshot.

I do enjoy the improved difficulty. I really felt the intensity of a rugby match!

Thanks for reading.

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Hi me again 
 immediately :rofl:

Another improvement I think should be high on the fix list is the time on the ball for clearance kicks. As it stands there is barely (If any) time to use your 10 to get a clearance kick away so you are resigned to box kicking often at ridiculous angles.

During EA and with some of the bugs being so present, including the ability to at least effectively relieve some pressure with a clearance kick could compensate for all the passing to the other team my halfback seems to love to do :sob:

This would be right after players going idle for me in priority.

I do love the kicking and ball physics though I reckon the team has those on point. Just some more time on the ball to clear would be great :pray:t2:

Thank you kindly.

Hi Ross and team,

Thanks for getting out the first patch so quickly. I have played a couple of games and have some additional feedback. I already gave some more detailed opinions in the locked thread so will try not to repeat myself too much (I know that this is only a smaller patch and out quickly and won’t have been able to address much of the feedback giving so far by people). Will try keep it to the areas addressed.


  • Did find the tackle stick slightly more effective, although still doesn’t react as organically as it should. I think the game should provide more assistance in guiding tackling player to the target player a la Madden (especially at lower difficulties, and the effectiveness could scale down with difficulty raising? Or could be an option to turn tackle assist on or off)
  • Have noticed a glitch where if the opposition player breaks a tackle, it’ll sometimes prevent them from being tackled at all, and every subsequent tackle attempt fails (and basically an automatic try for the opponent)


  • Did find passing a bit quicker and it’s progressing in the right direction.
  • Seems to be too frequent to throw forward passes. Have noticed sometimes when trying to pass to a designated button, the player is well behind, but the passer seems to throw a more loopy flat pass, and as the player runs onto it they receive it forward


  • Scrum half is way too slow to get to the ruck, they need to track them and stay a lot closer like in real life to improve speed of play.
  • I still can’t really figure out how to perform a steal. Think I’ve performed once or twice almost accidentally (and kicked it away as others have mentioned above). Would it be an idea for the game to prompt to when a still is possible by the button displaying above the ruck? A steal shouldn’t be always on just like in real life, and the attempt should not always be successful (could be tied to other things like player stats, how quickly opposition gets to the ruck etc?)
  • Just my opinion but I think the steal button might sit better on Y, or maybe even L3 / R3 like older rugby games (would prevent conflict with any kicking buttons)
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I wish I can get assistance. The game just doesn’t work anymore, stuck on signing in then exits. I’ve reinstalled several times, rebooted too.

Huge thanks to Ross and the team for your vision and effort. I can see the game has masses of potential.

The game FPS runs very smoothly (no dreadful microstutters!), looks excellent and has good immersion with the cut scenes, officals and running out - hope that can be developed further.

Some initial critical feedback and queries:

  1. The attacking gameplay has definitely gone backwards since the patch. Cannot line break as before. Even when trying to go through the phases to suck in defenders before going wide, its just not possible to generate momentum and break defences down. This is compounded by the slow no.9 to the back of rucks (since first patch)
    Glad to see the ruck ball trapped leads to scrum bug fixed though.

  2. The slow no.9 getting to the ruck introduced in the patch has killed any flow of attack.

  3. No ability to offload

  4. The pass functionality where you hold the pass button of LB or RB and then have options of who to pass to with button icons above player heads is great, but the button icons do not always show up when holding LB or RB.

  5. The dummy, fend, sidestep and bosh/maori sidestep don’t feel all that effective. They don’t feel like they give you an edge over the defender to create that bit of momentum to create exciting attacks. I don’t think it should work to that effect on every occassion, but a well executed dummy, fend, sidestep or bosh at the right time should give the attacking side a momentum boost, just as a big hit tackle should give the defending team the momentum swing.

  6. Can we have the Rugby 22 functionality of being able to “pass out the back”, switch-pass and pass to a deep clearing kicker?

  7. Can we have the ability for forwards to pick and go from rucks?

  8. Can we have the ability for the no.9 to pop pass to a forward on the crash?

  9. Can you fix the looping passes between players that are stood just metres apart. Seems to have been introduced by the 1st patch.

  10. Rucks. Can we have some functionality like Rugby 22 where its possible for the human player to affect the outcome by adding more defenders with well timed hits to force the turnover? At the moment, it feels like the only way the human player can get the ball back is if the AI kick the ball to them.

  11. Rucks. What is the “tackler contest” button meant to do? It doesn’t do anything in the game.

  12. The jackal functionality shares a button to kick the ball which results in the jackler kicking the ball away as soon as they’ve jackled it. Can the button for jackal ve something unique?

  13. Can we have a means to form mauls?

  14. Controlling defenders to perform a controlled tackle feels clunky and inconsistent. AI seem to run through human controlled tackles.

  15. Dominant tackles need to give the defending team an advantage at the ensuing ruck.

  16. Big hits which miss should give the attacking team an advantage with a line break.

  17. Any catch made in your own 22 results in an automatic mark being made rather than giving the player the option to call a mark while the ball is im the air before catching it.

  18. AI should give away penalties when they are under pressure by collapisng scrums or not releasing or hands in ruck etc

  19. Offsides are not pinged.

  20. When the team with the ball are tackled back over their own goal line, they are awarded a kick rather than a scrum to the defending team.

  21. How do we dab the ball down in our own in-goal area?

  22. Cannot seem to form maula from line outs.

  23. Can we please have the British and Irish Lions???

  24. Can we have the ability to plan and play a tour? Like the Brtish and Irish Lions.

Really looking forward to seeing this game develop and wish you and the team all the best for the very promising road ahead.
