Launch (EA1) Patch 1 Notes

So I’ve just watched a video with footage of the new patch for Rugby 25 where they have speeded up the animation adding players to the rucks. That’s a good start well done Big Ant. However, the scrum half still takes forever to get the ball out of the ruck. I guess this is because they are using animations from their rugby league game. In League the game stops every time a player is tackled, but in union it’s all about fast ball and the scrum half passing it out of the ruck as soon as possible. Please Big Ant speed up the scrum half getting the ball out. If your team wins possession quickly you should be able to get it out immediately most of the time, just like in real rugby. Thanks. Looking forward to you improving this most important aspect of the game.

Another problem I’ve noticed is that the scrum half number 9 is not the player passing the ball out of most of the rucks from what I’ve seen. The 9 should almost always be the player passing the ball out of the rucks

If you need help in improving the rucks Big ant, please just copy the way Jonah Lomu Rugby on PlayStation 1 did rucks back in 1997. It was perfect. Fast, fun and easy. The team with momentum won the ball, and you could simply add or remove players from the ruck, meaning it was very tactical, because if you added too many players you risked leaving holes in the backline defence, but if you didn’t add many players to the ruck then you would probably lose possession at the ruck. also if your player got isolated at the tackle you would probably lose the ruck! Jonah Lomu Rugby had the best ruck system in any video game

Hi , I’d like to say thanks guys for work done so far, it’s so good to see a new rugby game on the horizon later this year

The cutscene graphics and player models and faces look awesome

I’d like to ask can we get another side line camera with maybe a zoom slider to get in slightly closer and lower

I also felt graphics were not just as good from distance but maybe that’s just a camera height issue

Also for academy can I ask will there be any restrictions on amount players and teams we can create or no restrictions like cricket 24?



So with academy there actually is always some form of restrictions. With Cricket 24 to help with the issues of academy we put caps elsewhere. But in the end there is still a data cap which has to be there for data integrity as well as caps set by platform holders.

So a few games after the patch and heres my assessment.

  • Im actually happy that the passing speed has been lowered, the bullet passes before the patch felt unrealistic

-as the passing speed has been lowered interceptions are way to frequent, to remedy this you need to have attackers lining up deeper than they currently do particularly players lined up out wide. An option to have pods run crash ball closer to the rucks would pair nicely with this.

  • ive seen a couple of new sidestep animations since the patch which is cool.

  • ive experienced a lot more crashes since the patch rolled out.

  • wingers always line up far too shallo so once the ball has been passed out wide theyre usually ahead of the ball carrier making overlaps impossible to exploit

  • please add some structure to attacking play, players line up randomly at different depths making it impossible to plan or execute any sort of attcking move

  • rucks need to be sped up, and a jackaling system added. If i get two players to the breakdown 3 or 4 seconds before any opponents arrive i expect to be winning that ruck.

-please add offloads to the game

-clearing out a ruck seems to work backwards pressing y to attempt a tackler competer always results in my player being driven backwards but one of my players steps around the side and collects the ball

With your stability issues please let the support team know. Along with what was happening in the match at the time if you can remember asap so we can sort those out.

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Thanks for reply appreciate the transparency

I was hoping to create 32 teams approx not sure if this is inside the limits

But thanks getting back to me

Echoing the point stated above on slow player playing scrumhalf role to get to the ruck.

Focusing my feedback more on defense and rucks.

When I’m playing a match, I’m finding that on attack for ~20% of the time and on defense for ~80% of the time, with the reason for this being no effective/perceived skill based way to win back the ball, which makes defending feel very unrewarding and pedestrian. In my last match, I managed one counter ruck, but I’ve got no idea what I did differently to my other ~70-90 defensive rucks in that match which caused that one to be different (I also kicked it away immediately accidentally because of the button bindings for contesting being the same as a kick).

My only reliable tactic to get the ball back is keep knocking the attacking team back to around the half way line, at which point they kick the ball back to me.

Overall, defending just doesn’t feel rewarding, and there doesn’t seem to be any benefit to isolating an attacking runner from support ruckers or getting players to the ruck earlier (also echoing my point from the previous post).

The ruck itself is the key driver of lack of reward, and the lack of any visual guidance of doing something right or wrong or any increasing likelihood of winning the turnover would at least make it feel more dynamic vs now where it feels like it locks into an animation of players pushing against each other with no movement and the ball available.

As a reference, of all the rugby games, Rugby Challenge has probably made the ruck the most risk/reward and dynamic in nature, albeit probably a bit slow. The ability to bind light and fast vs slow and heavy was an entertaining mini game that made it strategic. If you have a lot of players nearby to the tackle vs the opposition, you can afford to go for the heavy binds with a greater chance to win the ruck, vs if you’re far away, you want to throw in the fast binds, while it’s a mix inbetween for all other combinations of player proximity.

In a final version, it would be great for the players nearby to matter in the ruck and also their ruck skill/size/strength to matter on the impact on that ruck and likelihood to retain/lose/win the ball.

Agreed, but the problem is we have no notes on how the buttons function, do we tap B or hold B, is there different senarios for each? Contest tackle “Y” in the rucking is to slow, what is its function in relation to x steal. Before the patch it seemed if you tapped B once you would get 1 or 2 binding in the ruck for quick play, know it seems a lot of times its automatic 3 in ruck with no dynamics. The speed is better in the patch but the functions seem to be of some. seems like a good system hidden in there but needs lots of tunning. Also should not be limited to 3 joining the ruck, if you go crazy on the Bind button, you should add 4 or 5, there should be strategy in the ruck, its a big part to make the game feel like a simulation.

Agreed and

Quick play of the patched version, passing improved and receiving the pass on the run tremendously better, I noticed when I try to combine sidestep followed by sidestep and other moves it works but the game crashes when you have a really good break with these moves. Binding players to the ruck is quicker, but not sure if it is random amount of players or how long or how often you add players makes a difference, would like to have more control of this. The contest tackle Y is still slow to add a player to try and jackle, it seems like it really is more of a clear out so the rucking player behind you can pick up the ball and steal/jackle. Will do further testing. Can the developers please release some notes on how these buttons are intended to work in the ruck, bind, contest the tackle, and steal. Do we tap buttons or hold down buttons. Can you offensively hold on to try and prevent the steal with possibility for holding on penalty. This really should be in the game, and its the only way to defend against the steal/jackle. Still no offloads, this is the worst part of the game. The game would play fairly well for early release if offloads were implemented, maybe even a short window popping when the opportunity to offload comes up and a particular button press? Anything is better then current status of offloads. I don’t know if its just a flaw of this RLL4 like engine? Offloads must be implemented with risk of knock on if you do it at the wrong moment. Otherwise you feel like the ball is super glued to you.

One thing I’ve noticed that I don’t think I’ve read above is forwards especially are re-aligning off the ball quicker than even possible in real life.
Off line outs by the time the halfbacks passed to the first receiver, the line out forwards for the attacking side are nearly in a position to catch the ball. This needs to be slowed down somewhat. Also when team A kicks to team B. By the time Team B has caught the ball he’s nearly got a full team to pass to. This needs to be altered somehow. Anyone else notice this?

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@JNT_BA Sorry to tag hate doing it , Morning also is there a crash log in the “Data” area so can make it easyer to find crashes and causes?

Also an idea with rucks… why not approach some of the teams your getting face scans of & request info from the breakdown coaches & ask them Spefically how teams win rucks and replicate what they tell you?
It’s got to be better information than anyone in this group.

Hey guys, apologies for late feedback since the game went live on Friday, but thought its not worth adding to the pile of feedback until the patch was out and things had changed. No doubt there will be cross over with other peoples feedback so feel free to just ignore any points im sure you have read before, I just want to be thorough.

Want to start out with the positives.
Visuals - Personally I think the photogrammetry has been worth the time and effort, the France and Australia team look great. And the kits overall seem like a massive step-up from Rugby 22. Cannot wait to see more implemented to all of the other teams across the game. I also like the visuals in the menu, colour scheme much better than Rugby 22, everything seems sleek and modern which im a fan of.
Music and Audio - Big shoutout to the Sound team on this game, I think its something missed off a lot of feedback, The sound team have done very well. The choice of music in the menu is awesome, having multiple songs is great (rugby 20 and rugby 22 on had 2 songs and after 100 hours you’ve had enough of listening to them). I’m a big fan of the incorporation of the music in to the match aswell after a player scores a try, really adds to the feel of a try being scored in a stadium and music plays over the speakers. Sound effects in the menu and in game all fit well, havnt heard anything that sounded wildly out of place. Ive been enjoying the commentary team in the game, seems like a decent variation in the spoken lines and im sure more will be added later (only small gripe this early in the game is commentary lines can be misplaced, like smashing a kick completely wide of the post will still hear the commentary team say “it only just gone wide”. But im sure this will be fixed with more lines over development.
Last thing to mention on music which is very niche. There is one song, that gets flagged on youtube for copyright called “party is a good idea”. Its the only song Ive noticed youtube will hit a video for. And its nice that as a player you have the option to turn it off. But the only time the song plays is during the players walking on to the pitch during “competition” games. So its unavoidable, and means anyone making videos, either has the players run on in silence or will have to cut that part of the video out to avoid the video getting hit. As I said very niche, but showcasing sports games on youtube is a massive thing and it might impact coverage of competitions you add in to the game later if that same song takes videos down.
TMO - Love that this is added in to the game, pretty hard to get it to pop up, seems to mainly focus on scoring in the corner, but the inclusion is great and look forward to seeing it more refined and be an exciting watch to see if a try will get disallowed or not.
Replay Camera - YES!!! Thankyou Bigant for finally adding a proper free cam in the replay camera, something a lot of us have been asking for, for a long time! (I know it may be a big ask, but I think it would be great if at the end of a match you could go back and watch the ENTIRE match on the replay camera so you can go back and watch the best parts again from different angles, rather than needing to break the pace of the game by pausing to view it on the replay camera. Ive seen this done in racing games such as forza, and I think F1 has it too. But not sure how hard it s for a rugby game, as there’s a lot of transitions to different set pieces.)

Patch Update Thoughts.

  • For me the quality of life improvements that came in the patch have been useful. More tackles being complete, the rucks have now lost the glitch with the ball getting stuck from passing to early. Label changes to things like the side camera make the menus better.
  • I had my 1st start to finish counter ruck turn over today and it was great to see. The AI players got stuck and only bound 1 player to the ruck, I got 3 in, and a full animation played of my players performing a huge counter ruck and clearing out. And it looks GREAT, its nice to know this is in he game, and as the game develops we get to see that more and more. Its the only 1 I’ve had in nearly 10 hours of play. So once rucking flows more smoothly I think that will be a fun mechanic.
  • Ive noticed in every single ruck that there is no one ready to play the ball in the scrum half position, I know its been mentioned that roles aren’t yet in the game, but after every single ruck you sit and wait 3-5 seconds for someone to run up to play the ball which adds a lot more stagnant time for the player.
  • Ive noticed on “hard” and “hardest” the AI will now match the number of players bound to the ruck to exactly to what you do as the player. If you put 3, they put 3, if you put 0, they also put 0. Meaning rucks are always even and therefore turnovers just never occur.
  • ive noticed a lot more long hang time passes, and the AI is picking them off with interceptions really frequently.

Broader things in the game that need attention.

  • Control scheme. I know its been mentioned before but wanted to add my thoughts to come crucial areas. (I play with an xbox controller for button letterings mentioned below)
    Kicking - I really think Punting and Up and Under’s need to be on separate buttons. Tactically you would use those 2 actions at very different times during the game, and having them locked to the same button takes that away from the player. I’ve seen a lot of peoples videos and something that is in everyone’s video is the line “how do I kick the ball” and I imagine this must be the experience for every person picking up the game. “X” is fine for up and under but should just be power decision to hold down the button for longer. From play testing, the “A” button does not do anything when your team possesses the ball, and as such it would be much better to have punt moved to the unused “A”, which is what most players expect the kick button to be on.

  • Player changing - I think it should be looked in to, to change this to either LB or LT, currently in defensive open play your left hand doesn’t seem to do anything even though the controls say there are actions, whereas the right thumb is responsible for changing player, B tackle, adding players to the ruck, and analogue stick tackle. Moving player change to either LB or LT gives the left hand something to do constantly throughout defensive play and means you don’t have to take your thumb off the tackle button to swap players.

  • Adding players to the ruck. If the rucking system stays the same to full launch, I think binding players needs to be swapped to “A”. Once the analogue stick tackle is fixed, its much quicker to then slide to “A” to add player to the ruck, rather than skipping a button and going over to “B”. At the minute the currently used buttons in a ruck are “Y, B and X” which are all bunched together and is pretty tricky to get from one to another at speed without error. Just holding the controller in your hand, its hard to cover all 3 of those buttons with your thumb without having to remove your thumb, you basically have to lay your thumb horizontally across them. Whereas if it switches to “Y, X and A” your thumb can sit naturally across all 3 buttons and different parts of your thumb can hit each button as you need it, without removing your thumb fully. This is doubly apparent if you tackle using the analogue stick, you just slide off the stick to cover “Y, X and A” but including “B” means needing to fully release and jump over to hit B.

  • lineouts - lineout controls still don’t do what the control scheme says. The controls say “B” is middle jumper, but in game it is “X”. And the Controls say “X” is for a maul, whereas im yet to get “B” to fill that slot.

  • Obviously a lot of people have mentioned the tackling and rucking, so don’t want to add to much to the pile. Im sure fluidity of tackling and extra tackle animations will be added over development. At the minute it feels very 1 on 1, if passing speed could be increased and getting more offloads I feel this could help improve the sensation of being 1 on 1 all the time. At the minute it feels if you get in a certain radius of an opposition player you cannot pass and you are destined to be tackled and go through another ruck. I also imagine once set-plays are added this will help you to break the line more.


  • There is still a glitch where an opposition player becomes IMPOSSIBLE to tackle, this is caused when a analogue stick tackle fails, or your player misses a tap tackle. The opposition player then proceeds to do small bursts or running and stopping completely. And no matter what you do, that player cannot be tackled, and they slowly march up the pitch to score. You can also swap sides and play as this player and the AI just walk around with you, I can supply video clips of this if you want a full look.
  • Walking through posts. Ive had a number of tries where the player dives through the post to score. I have tested it with kicking, and it seems everything from the crossbar upwards has collision. But everything below doesn’t have collision. Would like to see the posts become solid, and even a mechanic where running in to the posts could make the player drop the ball or get knocked over.
  • Still a lot of players teleporting to rucks, especially since the patch, the tackler seems to complete tackle then stand in place and then zip to the ruck if you press bind.
  • Placing the ball for goal kicking, your kicker seems to just stand beyond any point of you kicking, think it would be better to just have the kicking Tee move on the pitch and drop the player model when choosing where to set up the kick. If you go back to the 50m line to take the kick, there is a ball of players all running in to each other.
  • Interceptions - Since the patch im noticing a lot more incidents where I try and intercept the ball, my player even does the catch animation but the ball goes through his hands to the next opposition player.
  • If you select a player away from the ruck while its still going on, and repeatedly tap “X” your player does a funny dance (i almost want you to leave this in because I found it very funny but it should be fixed)

General Improvements:
Goal Kicking - At the minute its very easy, you just line up the trajectory and slot it through from anywhere on the pitch, you cant miss unless you go out of your way to. No accounting for wind, no power bar, no way for you to mess it up be getting something wrong. So would like to see this system changed.

Rucking - Having seen the counter ruck animation work properly, I think there is ways to keep the style of rucks but make them more interactive. And this would be to have 1 button to add players to the ruck, and another button used for button mashing to be your players pushing in the ruck. My suggestion would be to look at Rugby 2011 and the way you had to tap the “A” button to compete for the ruck. You had to compete at every ruck, but pushing too far would penalise you. If you add that to the Rugby 25 mechanic, you could choose how many people bind to the ruck to support it, then add the button mashing to attempt/defend the counter ruck. And if you see the AI havnt competed for a ruck you could very quickly add players then button mash to compete for the ball and perform the turnover.

Inclusion of more rules - obviously at the minute there is no offside penalty, but I have also had times where a free kick after the buzzer still needs to be played out, even if its not a penalty.

Scrums - A lot of people seem to be struggling with the scrum mechanics, Ive pretty much got them down. But there are some strange occurrences. The first bar during the “bind, set” action seem to have no impact, you can just wait for the “hook” mechanic and nothing changes, so not sure the purpose in the first set of bars. I have noticed an issue with “early” popping up when hitting the triggers to push the scrum, even with the bar 99% full, and any time “early” pops up, the scrum just collapses instantly granting the opposition a penalty. Even when you steal an oppositions scrum and drive them back loads, 1 wrong hit and the whole thing crumbles and gives a penalty. There is also an issue where sometimes neither team seems to hook the ball, and the entire scrum rotates like a tank on ice, and just collapses and there’s nothing you can do to stop it.

Scrumhalf stuck - I know the roles of scrum half may change this one. But when in side camera you pick the ball up from a scrum or ruck, the scrum half player will run directly into the ruck/scrum and get stuck before actually running away and getting tackled instantly.

Sideline camera confusion - Currently on the side camera there are some issues with positioning. When performing a kick off, after the kickoff happens the camera jumps to where the ball is going to land as opposed from tracking from the kick off position. And can be quite disorientating having to make players run in to shot from a static camera until it is caught.
The sideline camera also has some issues with the lineout and scrum orientation. The camera only wants to be locked to 1 shot, however depending on which side of the pitch you are on or where you are on the pitch, the camera has to do a full 180 degree spin. And often you can be running one way while the set piece is happening and then when the camera goes live, you are running the opposite way. The sideline camera should stick to being on one side of the pitch. So lineouts taken facing the camera should stay the same. But if its on the far side of the field, we as the player should be looking at the players backs when jumping rather than the front to keep the camera orientation correct from our perspective.

Setplays - Im sure setplays will come as the game develops, but the ability to drop in the pocket needs to be one of the first actions to get a safe kick away. Along with the ability to change player spacing and depth to arrange your defence in a way to combat the harder difficulty AI.

Kick trajectory in open play - Im not a massive fan of the way the graphic onscreen shows where you are kicking. The way the players kick feel nice. But there need to be a better graphic to tell the player where you are kicking. My best feedback for this would be to add the kick trajectory line like in the goal kicking, to open play kicking, to show a line where you are kicking and then end with the circle to show the general area the ball will land, maybe the circle can grow the further the kick goes. At the minute I hold down kick, point where I want and just hope it goes where I wants. Very often it goes straight out even though it looks like it should be staying in. The current graphic also sometimes flashed on the screen and actually disappears rending my choice of kick useless.

Bit of a funny one but probably needs fixing before full release, in the “replay” mode, as you change your camera angle, the Stadiums television screens also change live to show exactly what you as the player is looking at through the replay camera, which you can probably get away with, but in some close ups with the stadius television screen in the background, would require the camera man in the stadium to be 2 inches from a players face which im sure the crowd would be frustrated about.

Sorry for such a long post. Wanted to try and get as much down as possible. I thing the game absolutely has the opportunity, to become really solid by the final launch, looking forward to future updates and seeing the game develop. If you want any video clips or a further breakdown on any of the points raised, feel free to drop me a line.


Sat down and played a few hours today.
Appreciate the team working late last night to get the patch out!

Some things that I would like to see looked at:

Kicking seems pretty tough to achieve in game. I know the attacking structure is pretty barebones at the minute, so the option to put someone in the pocket for a clearance kick is not available, however even when passing out wide to kick by the time the defence rush up you have a very small window to get a kick away.
I’m not sure how others feel about it, but I know other Rugby titles had a slow-mo for when you kicked in general play. I think this could be a great addition.

Once again I know the game is very bare bones and you guys are phasing content out to allow for feedback on the core game currently. But with this new patch and improved AI defence, it seems a lot harder to progress down field and gain metres.
Hoping that we see set-plays added soon to add some tactical attacking plays :crossed_fingers:

Players and AI are joining the ruck much quicker now, which has been a noticeable improvement. Just going to reiterate in this post that no one is acting as the scrum-half currently. So there is that awkward pause period between the ruck being formed and being able to use it for 5 or so seconds. This also is a big momentum killer currently. If you take the ball into the tackle and have an overlap out wide, the waiting period for someone to fill the 9 spot is allowing for the AI to fix the overlap which puts a halt to any momentum or advantage you had after making a break.

The glitch where the ball would get stuck in the ruck seems to be gone, which is fantastic.

Glitches I have noticed:

  • Players are running 5-10m past the ruck and then slingshotting back into the ruck, not sure if it’s an error with the animation. Seems like they are running to join the ruck and for some reason the animation isn’t triggered?
  • Sometimes when holding down RB or LB to select a player to pass to from the ruck, the symbols for which player corresponds to X,Y,A,B doesn’t appear.

Like a lot of people had said looking forward to continuing to follow the development of Rugby 25. Can 100% see the foundation laid for improvements over the coming months :slightly_smiling_face:


One thing that needs to be said while we are on the subject of updating the rucking.

There is rarely to NEVER 3 players joining the ruck from the offensive side in real rugby. This NEEDS to be changed. Please make the amount of offensive ruckers to 2 players.

On defense, there is typically one player counter rucking (trying to poach). Sometimes two if the first player blows up the ruck.

CHANGE: make it 2 offensive ruckers and 1-2 defensive counter ruckers.

The two offensive ruckers also line up behind eachother at the breakdown. Not side by side


Screenshot 2024-07-04 175319

think they need to make Boss man bit happier lol


Hey I got some ideas that could be implemented.

Rucks: Maybe creating a player animation jackling for the ball in the ruck and have individual or a couple players clearing them out? Them being static in the ruck does feel weird.

Running animations. Instead of having it tucked in all the time, have the ball carriers carry with two hands maybe? and having the players to tuck in low and drive?

Tackles: I can see the help up animations is implemented which is nice but the one thing that frustrated me in league live 4 was how there could’ve been players joining in the tackle to try hold them up instead the ball carrier does that go forward animation and ends up scoring. The dive tackle when someone makes a break and it does that cheek to cheek tackle is nice on league live 4, would like to see more of cheek to cheek tackles in this.

Player builds: Now in league live 4 everyone has somewhat a similar build, it would be nice to see players like props or skinny wingers have proper build.

Try Animations/ Celebrations: It be cool to have players do their own try celebration animatons :slight_smile: Even when someone scores a last minute try or a drop goal that was added in Rugby 06/08 was cool to see. Some of the hand down tries dont seem to real, having the one hand plant down or the classic dive try is nice. Ariel tries on the corner post aswell. Simple double tap aswell.

Haka/Anthems: Instrumental of anthems would be fine, it has been done for league live. Have a option to fully watch or skip the anthem segment and add crowds singing the anthem aswell such as the welsh anthem as a example. The haka and other war crys like the siva tau, cibi, sipi tau & the super rugby nz teams hakas.

Commentators: It would be nice having a more diverse range of commentators to commentate the game and have more lines.

Set pieces: I think the scrum is nice minor tweaks, line outs can be better. having options to switch/move jumpers in lineouts similar to rugby challenge 4 but implement your own style.

For Career Mode: If you choose to be a coach I reckon what would be cool is too add your own friendly matches or choose opponents you want to face in the calender. I think thats what I loved about league live 4 is being able to play international matches however what was unfortunate was not being able to pick the opponents on the test matches. I think having say your own northern tour or americas tour that would be a cool idea.

Player customization: I think what would be cool is to have more different varities of tattoos like polynesian tattos etc.

Soundtrack: Please implement some soundtrack into the game from proper artists from around the world. If you need help picking i can help lol

Set Plays Passing: I would like the double tap pass to be brought in and use as a short ball option. Also when doing set plays having the same direction as league live for or options to have players pivot around you or run the inside channel etc.

Bump offs: The low bump off animations like in 08 would be a good addition to make it feel realistic.

Pods system: Having players in pods the option to pass to the game driver or the tip man runner.

I will add more as the updates come but I have high faith in Big Ant. League live 4 is still to this day a game i enjoy playing. Keep up the good mahi team, if only World Rugby could help more with funding aswell.


BA thanks for the first patch. Player movement feels a little better, a lot of the feedback that everyone has given has some good points. I have one major gripe with the current patch, and that is passing. If you use the “targeted passing” (Holding down LB/RB) it is not so frequent. But manual passing by taping the triggers are terrible for me at the moment. If my passes do not go forward, then it gets intercepted. It is really frustrating to try and play it like this, hope this will be addressed soon. Below are some passing issues I clipped. The passing issue 4 video - Lets the AI get away with a forward pass and they score a try.


Second biggest issue for me (I think someone did mention it before)

At ruck time, when I need to press the Y button for the Tackle Contest, I can see how my Fullback gets selected at the back and I am then controlling him. The Y button to select the Fullback in my opinion should completely be removed/replaced with another button. My suggestion make it that you need to press both the LB+RB button together to select the Fullback. You already have the LB and RB buttons that can shift between players now if we can just select the Fullback with the suggested button combo, then it should not interfere with the Y button at rucks. JUST MY SUGGESTION.