Launch (EA1) Patch 3 Notes

  • Improved Passing
    A first pass of ongoing work to improve passing has been made, this will improve the targeting of passes to better intersect players on a run, maintaining forward momentum better and reducing, but not eliminating wildly missed passes. Further refinement of passing remains a high priority of ours in upcoming updates.

  • Resolved Incorrect Ruck Scoots
    This update should reduce cases where the half would run forward through the ruck before being able to use the ball.

  • Adjusted Kicking and Player Switch Controls
    Based on feedback from the previous update, we have made a few changes to the control scheme. The “Up and Under” and Punt kicks have been switched, so that Punt is now on the A button. Switching to the Full Back has been shifted from Y to LB+RB to avoid a common conflict with the Tackler Contest input in the ruck.

  • Improved Camera
    Adjustments have been made to the camera switching into gameplay after the conclusion of lineouts.

  • Resolve Graphical Corruption
    Ghosting effects present while playing with screen aspect ratios requiring letterboxing, such as a number of common handheld devices including the Steam Deck with a 16:10 aspect screen, have been resolved.


Thanks for this! Only played one game, so initial thoughts only

feels much better, immediately. Regardless, I’ve already had two instances of my player just pinging the ball back at super speed at his own posts from halfway, and a couple instances of those super floaty passes that get immediately IT’d.

General Thoughts
@JNT_BA , I appreciate you said before that if not mentioned in the notes, then nothing has been changed, so this is more of a broad pondering section.

Momentum and tackling
It seems clearer to me now that the lack of feeling of momentum is mostly based in the tackle space. Rucks essentially form where the tackle is initiated, almost all of the time. Fundementally, momentum is getting over the gain line, and defensive momentum is smashing the player backwards. There needs to be more of that, on both sides - throwing the big boys into the narrow channels needs to make you ground slowly, but be more likely to get you over the gainline

Running lines
Especially given the better passing in this update, the lack of good support running is more obvious - especially on the wing, there is a couple time that I would make a break in the 13 channel and the winger just wouldn’t keep on the shoulder to support

Still a bit poor - like a mini scrum

Thanks for the update though, much more fun!


Yeah like additional anything is always welcome. Was more to address the “This still happens!” Type of situations when the patch updates the more specific areas.


Will there be an update that will fix the player positioning on field and supporting lines when attacking which will improve the flow of gameplay?


Thank you very much, the kicking game is really really better !!! You re on the right way.

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Appreciate the update but c’mon guys under Resolved rucks you have mentioned dummy half which is the sole reason why the game is terrible. Seems like the foundation you have built this on is with RL fundamentals which includes all aspects of the game, kicking, passing and obviously the rugby league tackles are just unbearable to watch.

I’d seriously get someone who has played the game professionally in real life to give you some pointers in order to improve the experience of what RUGBY not LEAGUE actually feels like


Hi team,

Firstly thanks for the patch! nothing seems to have broken and the game feels a little nicer to play, big hopes for large patch 1. my initial ***feedback on the points is below.

Improved Passing
A first pass of ongoing work to improve passing has been made, this will improve the targeting of passes to better intersect players on a run, maintaining forward momentum better and reducing, but not eliminating wildly missed passes. Further refinement of passing remains a high priority of ours in upcoming updates.

***Momentum generally seems to be retained and works better overall—there’s a noticeable improvement in general play. However, there are times when players being targeted are running sideways or backwards on the wings or in the backline and they continue on this path for a while until receiving the pass. This has led to multiple instances where the receiver runs out of bounds while getting the pass. There needs to be something included so if the runner is targeted and a pass initiated the runner corrects their line with momentum and then receives the pass.

There are still very bad floaty passes which occur close to the ruck when players are bunched. An introduction of a shorter sharper pop pass for these occasions may help?

Resolved Incorrect Ruck Scoots
This update should reduce cases where the dummy half would run forward through the ruck before being able to use the ball.

***I have seen zero improvement in this area and are yet to have a halfback not still do the back and forward movement before eventually being free to run a path.I use this a lot so am keen to see it happen.

Adjusted Kicking and Player Switch Controls
Based on feedback from the previous update, we have made a few changes to the control scheme. The “Up and Under” and Punt kicks have been switched, so that Punt is now on the A button. Switching to the Full Back has been shifted from Y to LB+RB to avoid a common conflict with the Tackler Contest input in the ruck.

***The switch is working and feels intuitive. Great change mapping wise. Execution wise - Drop goals need a higher trajectory, box kicks need more precise accurate targeting/power control and up and unders need far more hang time. As well as there is actually no time to perform kicks effectively, kickers need more time. Hopes for future patches.

Thanks for the work on improving the game and response to feedback.


Starting to feel a lot better
Just a quick few dot points from myself, most of this I’m sure you’re already well aware of

The rucks, definitely need a revamp

Lineouts, I actually really really like, never been a fan of the mini game type

Player with the ball being able to be “unselected” and just have the AI control them, unsure how I’ve been managing to do it but seems to happen fairly frequently

Scrumhalf, when going to pick and go/ snipe with the ball running into the ruck and slowing down a major amount, really killing momentum and any potential gap

Fullback or last man in the line, when the ball is kicked and I’m controlling that player I can’t make them run anywhere but straight at the ball, which if a kick is going to go dead and I want to leave, you can’t and they will just run into it

Every time I get the ball on a ruck turnover I accidentally kick it away immediately but this could definitely be a skill issue, potential suggestion of making you have to hold down a trigger to do rucking actions? But I also could just get better and not have this issue ahahah

Also defensive line seems to be on your kicker very quickly making it crazy hard to do a tactical kick, whether just making him able to fall into the pocket would fix that or maybe the slow mo kicking, a bit rugby challenge esque, might help out?

And finally up and unders I feel like don’t go high enough, and pretty hard to chase

But really starting to feel much better, really excited for what’s to come and very appreciative of all the effort that’s gone in, can’t wait to see what this turns into


I’ll cop the wording as a screw up on my part in drafting the notes, it’s really not a reflection on the wider team. There’s some people who work on the game who are more league fans than union - I come from a background as more of a league fan so I fumble over terminology from time to time, but the course of working on this project has me building up far more appreciation of union - plus it helps the Wallabies are finally winning…

But we’ve got a bunch of people on the project who are huge rugby fans and would have cringed with you on that. Ross especially as the big boss - huge union fan, it’s the game he played growing up, a fact I will hear hundreds of times throughout the development process; but also the team designing the game and the core testing team all make sure there’s people who are rugby fanatics looking at it at each step.

I know the game’s not there yet at being a great rugby sim, but that’s the reason for the EA process, more eyeballs making sure nothing’s overlooked.


Matt, just a word to the wise as someone who’s having to wait for console (don’t have a PC able to run the Steam version) - it’s great to see BA using their Union fans within the team to help make the game better. But it would be a wise idea to get some active coaches/players/referees actively involved in the development too. I know here in England all the Premiership clubs are now back in preseason, and there are many players who are big video gamers off-field. Get a build in their hands, especially on the league’s media day in a few weeks, and let them cook.

Plus, as has been posted elsewhere we know Ross met with the lads from Squidge Rugby’s YouTube channel at a photogrammetry session. It would be wise to work with Robbie and Will, the genius minds behind that channel, to nail the tactical elements when they’re introduced to the game (maybe even have them do the tutorials on what a 1-3-3-1 is for example). Still a long way on the road but I still believe a staggered EA approach as you guys have been doing was the right call. Dying to see the major update next.


Agreed I think this should be a priority and I know squidge and will would probably do that for free

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Not to insult anyone here but all the boys are right, i think if you want to do the best game ever, the right thing is to bring pepole over at your studio ,of course it is great to see that you listen to us but it’s way more easier to build something when your able to see it than just talk to it . and even if maybe it could cost you money to bring people from all other the world go for the locals , I’m pretty sure you made plenty of contacts on your journey of photography and again if it’s just a money issues real fans could be keen to do it for free , i had the chance to be one of the beta test runner for rugby 22 and they make a great game working with 4 of us to test the game before and guide them. i m also playing this sport since 15 years now at high level I’ll be glad to help you out for free cause i want people to believe in your project like we all do on the forum and again if it’s not me or someone else on the forum look up for some people who’s actually playing this sport again have some ideas on paper and face to face is completely different. whatever decision you make we support you keep going on the good way


I’ve played 3 games on easy setting. Here is my feedback on the changes you have flagged

Better and I note you’re still working on it.
Issues of floaty passes and passes still shooting out need to be fixed. Players overrunning the ball carrier needs to be fixed.

This issue has not been fixed as far as i can tell. No.9 still steps through the ruck.
He’s picking up the ball without input from me. Ball should stay in the ruck until I press a button to pass it.
Frequently cannot box kick.

Definite improvement.

Feels ok.

Not noticed this.


  1. Steal button X is same as up and under. Everytime i steal the ball, i immediately kick it away. Can you somehow turn off or delay the up and under functionality for the stealer to mitigate this. Or change steal to R stick click down?

  2. Taking the ball back over my line and touching it down results in a clearing kick to touch for me when it should be a 5m scrum for the opposition

  3. No.8 for France is the dead ball goal line kicker when it would be no.10 or no.15

  4. When i put players into the ruck with B and then spam Y to contest the ruck, nothing happens. Had one turnover animation play, but then the game got stuck with either team unable to play the ball. Had to quit to restart the game.

  5. No time to execute kicks.

  6. Cannot execute any type of kick after performing a shoulder charge, sidestep etc with the right stick

  7. Not enough power on kicks to clear to touch

  8. Button icons over player heads keep disappearing

  9. Hardly ever see an offload

  10. The ambient sounds feel like they’re improving.


But besides all of this the major thing you have to put in the big update it’s the players position if you do that the game is already gonna be way more better and we need to add a mini game for the ruck and the lineout the game have to be competitive and challenging when I’m playing the ruck and the lineout are really boring rugby challenge had the movement and the accuracy of the throw that was really fun and rugby 22 was more technical with the fake jump and the mini game of speed when you were jumping on the same zone i think you should inspire you from both, for the scrum keep it the way it is it’s the best thing on the game so far it’s challenging and fun.

When you are defending, my question is what’s the point of selecting the closest player to ball with the A button, if you can’t control it properly to make a tackle or do something, You just select it but it’s very difficult to tackle succesfully, so the AI ​​does it most of the time… It is frustrating to select a player and see him pass by the attacker and not be able to tackle him correcltly. This is something that has happened since the launch of EA.

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Kicking animations ain’t realistic and need some work the ball moves at times when the player don’t even kick the ball
Up and unders don’t go high enough up into the sky and ain’t realistic to real rugby


Since the patch, the opposition half back seems to have a problem navigating around the back of their scrum when won. They pick up the ball then get stuck running into the back of it.

Did not happen prior as far as I had seen.


hello to the whole Big Ant team!

Thank you for your weekly follow-up with updates.

For this update I noticed an improvement in really nice passes but it’s not there yet because of the placement of the attack line.

I’m looking forward to the big update so I can help you and give more concrete feedback than repeating myself on this post.

Courage to the team. Don’t give up! :heart:


Hello Big Ant,

so, improved passing:
well not really. When i pass the ball, i control the guy next to me be he doesnt receive the ball because he is ahead. So during normal passes between my centers, they usually end up received by another runner than expected. Also i noticed that those normal passes have been kinda slowed down somehow, doesnt feel right. It emphasizes the fact that while the pass is in the air,the automatic player selection doesnt switch to the good receiver.
When support is pretty close, the pass is usually floaty while it should be a quick almost hand in hand pass, cause when support is that close and the pass is made before contact, there’s is no reason to get intercepted as it happens too often atm on those passes. I’m not saying they should disappear, as they could be helpful if support is late, as in real life.
At the moment, the only passes going to the runner i really want to pass to are after the ruck, because by holding the pass button i can select the player i want to pass to precisely by pressing the shown buttons (and i hope i will later be able to control his positioning and route, either taking gaps, passing, kicking…). After those set plays, it’s impossible to hold the pass button, looking for which button i should press to select the receiver i want, while running at the same time (for me at least, and I’ve watched a few streams, i don’t see anybody using it during open play). I believe that while running and ball carrying, a single tap on LB or RB should pass to the guy closest to you, a longer hold for a skip, eventually an even longer hold for double skip passes while running, but no more than that. If during open play a support player runs behind the player next to you, a quick tap on LB passes to the front runner close to me, but L2 LB should pass to the support player, the front runner drawing defense on the fake, so support player on catching the ball has time to deliver a long double skip to the centers eventually. We see this often in modern rugby, often behind pods too, i think an alternate button pressed simultaneously , like L2 which is not used, could add some serious depth to passing when some kind of second attack line is available.
Since this patch, I’ve seen IA players doing 30 meters passes on their inside shoulder while running, that’s impossible. Inside passes should be quick and close (eventually floaty if support is late), so it shouldn’t be possible to do an inside pass to a player further than 5 meters away.
Often, on receiving the ball, my runners still stop on catch, then run again. Happens a lot near my endzone, like they are scared to run it i don’t know. More than on the rest of the field it feels.
And yop, i can confirm their are still some crazy endzone passes but a lot less.
So passing still needs correction, maybe simplification first, then we will help you with feedback for deeper passing mechanics. I feel like in open play i never know who is going to receive the ball. So, make it simpler for EA, like only have one ball speed on passes. One tap passes to the closest. Double tap or longer tap (your call or the communities idc) skip passes. Or double skips. But not longer passes than that in open play, only on set plays after rucks, mauls or scrums do players do 35 meter passes.

Resolved Incorrect Ruck Scoots:
nope, not really resolved. Still i have rucks with no scrum halves, have to call in with A button. And the step back before the pass feels not right, he still does a little tap toe forward before the step back. Kinda like receivers near my endzone if i try to run it they will stall before running.
I would say that’s an aera that’s probably more bugged than it was, it’s behind the scrum. When AI wins the ball, the scum half bumps into his flankers, doesnt pass to the back line, i’ve had that several times since this patch while before that he would just pass it without particular problems. So that was new to me.

  • Improved Camera

  • Resolve Graphical Corruption
    i don’t even know what you’re talking about, so hey, good job i guess !

  • Adjusted Kicking and Player Switch Controls
    well, gonna need some time to get used to but seems more logical at least so we’ll see, could be for the better.

To be honest, you’re working on slightly changing some stuff here and there and sure, we do feel some changes now and then while playing. Adjusting kicking, adding offloads as you did in previous patch, slightly changing passes physics on this one while running lines are still a mess… it kind of looks like a waste of time considering the obvious real issues being the core of rugby not being respected in this game. Sure hope the big july patch deeply changes rucks, tackles, and passing. Because while at times this small updates might give me some hope, each game played denies it.


This is a great point. It’s great to get feedback from forums from people playing the game but I agree that they have to work closely with actual professional players, analysts, coaches or something to get a professional feel to this game.