Launch (EA1) Patch 3 Notes

Had a try scoring bug. Player was across the line and was bringing him in closer under the posts. Hit A to score and the scoring animation begun, which was interrupted by a tackle attempt that was unsuccessful. Took me a second to realize that the try hadn’t been scored, so the player ran further away from the poles and I hit A to score the try… and the player just dropped the ball. Opposition then picked it up and kicked it out to end the half.

(Have recorded the replay of this, if helpful)


Always very helpful. If possible can you send it along to the support team at certainly want the team to look into this.


Hello team!!!

I hope you are all well and that the implementation of the big update next week goes well!

I finally have some small feedback on this patch after 15 hours of play.

Improvement :

  • The kicks are better and more precise and I noticed the difference if it is the hooker or the fly half who hits the ball.

  • Small improvement on the fight in rucks and turnovers (with pushing or scratching of the defender) It’s a huge pleasure!

  • Improved targeted passes with A, B, X and Y buttons

  • I notice several pods and playing devices during the different rucks. We can’t wait for us to choose live or pre-set before the match!

  • Drop goals are more instinctive and fit more!

In work:

  • untargeted passes are too floaty and are often intercepted

  • Lack of attacking depth (very difficult to make more than 2 passes)

  • Removal of small kicks over the defense :cry: sniff

  • Reactivity of kicks (the player takes too long to kick so we are often countered or tackled before a kick in our 22m)

  • Thank you for putting the LB+RB key to select the fullback (maybe use these keys in attack to put a kicker in depth then pass to the kicker directly? Phase 1 LB+RB, the kicker goes into the ruck axis; Phase 2 LB+RB, the scrum half pass directly to the kicker for kick?

  • Accelerate the possibility of scratching the ball when the defender is all alone on the tackled player

  • The offside rules does not exist.

  • The targeted passes disappear after 2 rucks so I make a bit of random passes lol

  • the scrum half always take a step back behind the rucks before taking the ball

In any case I wanted to point out something that few people talk about on the forum!

We used to play Rugby 08, Rugby 22 or rugby challenge right? But these rugby games are (in my opinion) Arcade rugby games not simulation games!

I started to play like real life and the game suddenly took on another dimension and I better understood the vision of Ross and the whole team and I thank you for that; Even if the road remains “a little” long, you are on the right path and I thank you for really doing a simulation!

I wish you a good weekend, enjoy your time, families, relax and give us a big update!

P.S: Addition of Dupont and Ntamack for the French team please? =D lol.

Calla from France!


I’ve encounter a fair few new bugs in this update

AI seems to not be able to score trys sometimes they just drop the ball into the dead are and then it’s my try line drop out

When I turned the ball in dead time the ball just got stuck in the ruck and I couldn’t move the ball and had to quit out of the game

General passing for me seems a bit too prone to go wrong in this update. In the games current state this is super frustrating as it’s already too difficult to overturn

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Hi team,

Not sure if this is patch 3 related or I just have not noticed it before, but quite often there is a defender seemingly recognising the end goal as a defendable space, rather than just coming off the goal line. Image attached.

Thanks for your attention again :grinning:


Hi Ross and team,

Have played a couple of games with the new patch. Thanks for all the hard work! My feedback below

Re passing

  • This is definitely improving. Passing trajectories a lot better. Still some instances of floating passes and the random pass going 50m backwards, but not as many. Getting a bit easier to get some moves going

  • Running lines still need improvement. Also passing logic. One example of this I’d give:

Player A has the ball, running down the wing, Player B is only 1 metre deep but closer to the touchline. Player C is 3 metres deep but is inside Player B. I want to pass the Player B in this situation, but unless I hold RT / LT and press the face button the game will choose Player C as receiver, when I think Player B should be the logical choice in this scenario.

  • It would also be great if there was an option to throw a quick skip pass without having to hold RT / LT and press the face button. Perhaps if you quickly double tapped RT / LT to throw one?

  • I still can’t execute off loads in what appear to be logical situations, such as player falling forward and not covered by the tackler. Maybe it’s just me? Sometimes I fell like the animations are pre determined so they prevent an off load

  • Passing buttons could be a bit more responsive.

Re kicking:

  • Is consideration being giving towards more of a kicking ark or directional arrow for kicking from hand?

  • The kicking is sufficiently weighty, although I think the odd kick sometimes goes a bit too far?


Agree with most comments above. There is still a step forward animation after removing the ball from the ruck which “kills the momentum” .
This is like the 5th time asking this. Can we please have a description of what each action buttons intention is? Mostly in Rucks, like bind button , sometimes I press once I get one player in the ruck sometimes I get 3, why,
are we supposed to hold the bind button down or tap? Does it matter? At what point can we hit steal? After binding before binding? Before contest tackle, after contest tackle? In order to test properly we need to know what the intended function of each action button is. If we know what we are doing, we can test much better. This is a must to test the game correctly, otherwise we are just smashing buttons. Good rucks are the key to a good rugby flow and dictates the strategy in the game. And you should be able to sometimes in rare instances throw 4-5 players into the ruck. Got to know when(risk vs reward) Variety and dynamic rucks play is huge part in rugby strategy. Otherwise, it is dumb down rugby. In saying this, thank you for accepting request to help better the game, the game has lots of potential but a long way to go. Please, please, give us instructions on what the idea behind the rucks controls are, so we can better test.
Cheers and Salud

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Hi everyone,

My feedback on this patch.

  • Kicks options are good I have tried them but too hard to execute without slow motion mode on easy and medium Difficulty. I have tried some various ones but Ai defence is too quick and it’s a challenge position a kick marker on the field and let the button execute the kick in time before being tackled. I noticed the kicks maybe need a bit more height /power such as the Bomb / Touchnline kick for field position with a clearance but does that depend on the player skills kicking the ball ? I am unsure.

  • Pressing L2/R2 to pass- I tried this once from Scrumhalf in my 22 area and the ball just went straight to no one behind the Scrumhalf and hit the boundary fence into goal into touch.

  • General passing is better with less wild passes going from ruck to sideline missing players.

  • One serious match breaking Bug, if Ai win a counter ruck the ball stays on ground, All players in both teams stand around don’t pick up ball and play can’t continue. I have video evidence and sending a Bug Ticket request this morning.

  • When Ai kicks the ball down the field, I can’t control any of the back 3 players individually while the ball is is in the air. It should allow me to choose any of those players to follow the ball and run to it or let it go into touch or the ball to stop moving.

Can’t think of too much else. Really happy to see the community is picking up a lot of issues and also giving great feedback.


Overall it seems that there has been some good progress with how the game flows but still think there is a little way to go. Some things I have found.

Scrum half picking and going
Still not as free flowing as I would like particularly if there is a break by a player then there should really be a gap and an opportunity for the scrum half to pick and go. Currently they run through the ruck and then back and then try to make a break.

Kicking Positions
This is my main point really, I would really like there to be a dedicated button for getting the 10 or 15 to stand in the pocket to kick the ball away. Currently it seems very random over who the ball gets passed to and there is no dedicated button to reposition so you could be trying to kick the ball out with your flanker who is very flat. It is quite annoying.

I also feel the kicking needs a little more time like in rugby challenge where it goes into slow mo before punting. Also drop goals do need higher trajectories.

Still unable to win a scrum which is very frustrating - so far a scrum is always resulting in me losing the ball regardless if I put the ball in or not.

The referees arms when blowing the whistle do not seem to move which I feel is definitely something that should be brought in. Also the TMO seems to be a little odd as it goes to TMO for a try but when you press A to move on it just skips to kicking a conversion so i’m assuming the try was allowed but nothing was said to confirm it.

While we are on the subject of referees is there any chance they could have actual world rugby referee kit on in the game.


In this case you should follow the indication on screen, LB+RB when he ask to, then A, the repeat LB+RB until you win the scrum. When you win the scrum you either press X for a 8 pick up, Y box kick, left stick to run with 9 or LB or RB to pass.

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In regards to the scrum, I was losing it every time until I figured out I was pressing the wrong button to hook, as well as not timing the pick-up during the “drive phase”.
It’s one of the best features in the game.


Hi team,

Must say I am really enjoying parts of this game and seeing the progress is awesome. I am creating some really cool tries already so can’t wait to see what is possible in the finished product.

This is not patch specific but just generic feedback on a couple of points in the game.


There seems to be an invisible circle around some AI runners that force your player around it, causing the appearance of being on skates. Your defender often loops around them in a wide circular motion without the ability to initiate a tackle. This tends to happen most often when your defender is coming from distance i.e your full back after the opposition has made a line break.

This approach seemed to be in Rugby League Live 4 also and was one of the biggest low points of the game in my personal opinion. If this is a way the game is trying to ensure that the runner can beat defenders … maybe this is not the right way? as it looks and feels unrealistic to me.

Try scoring/held up animations:

At the moment there is the ability for a tackle animation to interrupt a try scoring animation. This often causes unrealistic results such as trying to place the ball back into the field of play as the player has been tackled back in that direction.

It seems like at time of input the animation needs to be selected and not interrupted, whether that be the tackler just then having to miss them, or whether it is already choosing a tackled in goal animation based on proximity of a defender I don’t know but it should be one or the other.

I have a heap more but will hold most back as I think they are probably dependent on future patches and will sort themselves out.

Thanks for all the work so far, starting to see the shape of the game and can’t wait for the first major patch to get an even better picture of the direction for this game. Keep up the great work :partying_face:


Hey guys, havnt had as much time to sit down and play this patch in order to give another full chunk of feedback. But reading other peoples feedback it seems a lot of the areas I experienced in my limited time have already been mentioned.

A new issue that arose today I would like to make you aware of becuse its the first time Ive ever encountered it.
I attempted to go for a drop goal in the oppenents 22. My player got interrrupted by a tackle before getting the kick off, so he just kind of grubber kicked the ball softly.
The AI then picked up the ball and was awarded an “offside” penalty. A full on offside penalty, ref blew the whistle and “offside” appeard in a grey text box on screen (I havnt seen any other instance of Offside being in the game, but the penalty wasnt even an offside offence, they just picked up a loose ball after a bad kick.)
My player then tackled the oppenent before they could do anything with the penalty, and was tackled to ground. Where a similar issue to others occured where no one could enter the ruck, and ref never says to use th eball and they all just walk around aimlessly.
Going to be very difficult to replicate, but if offside is built in to the game it seems to just break the next phase instantly, and not actually stop the game for the penalty.

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Hi everyone, seeing as there is so much great feedback about the gameplay and, of course, the gameplay and flow of the game is crucial, but I would like to talk about the atmosphere of the game.
I have always believed that commentary can make or break the enjoyment of a game, and from what i’ve heard so far with the updates, it can still improve a lot. I truly hope that this is not it for the commentary where i’m going to hear how I “fired out a torpedo pass” from every ruck. Commentary should be part of me getting excited for building phases, gaining momentum, getting more and more excited with every meter I get closer to the tryline. It should make me feel like I need to score the winning try or convert the 2 points or even the penalty to win it. So many times i’ve kicked the penalty to win the game and the cutscene and commentary makes me feel like there is still plenty of time left in the game and then comes the cutscene where my team celebrates a little. It completely takes out the wind in my sails.
Thank you for all the hard work already put into this game


A simple request to developers to explain what each action button does in the ruck would be good so we can test properly. (B Bind) tap or hold does it make a difference same thing for (Y contest tackle) and ( X steal). Does the number of times you tap matter how many go into the ruck? Once you bind can you still steal or contest tackle ? What is the idea behind the ruck system because it feels random at the moment, with isolation or pods behind the ball in hand. If you can get the rucks to play well, the rest will fall into place. Looking forward to helping improve the game. At times the rucks look completely random, at times they seem great with good looking clear outs. Ruck strategy is a huge part of rugby gameplay and momentum.


@JNT_BA @RossSymons first big update this week or next week?


@RossSymons Before I buy an early access, is there a roadmap for SteamDeck compatibilty/offline play?.

is the SteamDeck an active target platform? (It works currently)

Is offline play available? I use the steamdeck for periods where I have no internet access. Once I have downloaded the game I will need the game to launch and play in offline mode? (Except for online matches) Will this change after launch?

I purchased Don Bradman Cricket 14 above Cricket 24 based on an initial review that it can play offline. Unfortunately the developers removed offline play with a late update way after launch. I only discovered this on a 10 hour flight after my refund period expired. I want to know upfront before I support the product based on that learning.

Thanks. EDITED based on new information.


Hey team, curious about the large patch release date. Should we expect it this week?


50 hours + game play. Massive improvements needed. The Passing needs to be more sharp, Direct and instant. With the option of a miss pass on double tap. And not the floaty delayed feeling that we currently have. Player’s directional movement, still very poor and clunky
The Hand off and side step needs to be added easy accessible attack & defence in game options.

Kicking needs to be clear and direct with a clear indication arrow. Scrums need to be kept simple but functionable and contestable. The same with the line outs.

Goal kicking needs a distance accuracy metre, the same for penalty Kicks
Rucks need to be game reactive for smoother game experience
I’m not sure what’s going on with the Maul, I have not experienced one in over 50+ hours of gameplay

Taking elements from some top Rugby games such as Jonah Lomu rugby
Rugby challenge 3 EA Sports Rugby EA rugby 04 EA Rugby 06. This current version of the game feels more like a Rugby 98

player models & kits are decent stadiums and grounds look decent, that’s all they really need to be with an emphasis on smooth consistent gameplay
instead of spending and grinding hours on player models & stadiums, focusing on a smooth, consistent gameplay is key. Also a system formation setup would be good just like FIFA’ we’d have a rugby version 1331 and able to run pod systems or something similar

In-game cameras still require a lot of work, broadcast far behind more camera angles required. Current game status for me is nothing really works, every aspect of the game still feels clunky, and it’s a repetitive grind which becomes apparent within minutes of playing. Button reaction time still sluggish, trying to exit with a kick is nearly impossible in this the early access game. To be continued…update game still crashing. Too desktop.


No update this week big boss Ross said big update happening next week