These types of topics always help players get more enjoyment out of the game.
Will start
The right analog down on offense seems to work better then right analog up for getting pass the defense.
If you tackle while holding the jockey button (left shoulder on defense) you tend to have more standing tackles, and set yourself up for a ruck steal better, but your more susceptible to get fended by the offensive player (Risk vsReward)
You can dummy pass by holding the left or right pass button and then quickly switching to the opposite button. ( and it works to put a pause on your opponent).
Side steps work but you have to anticipate them early, would be nice if they sped this animation up some, so you don’t have to anticipate so early.
Don’t always add 3 players to the ruck, when I know I have no chance to win the ruck, sometimes I don’t add any, or maybe just 1 by tapping very lightly on the bind, or contest tackle button. (and this is why if you could add up to 5 players in the ruck, it would add an extra layer of skill to the game) (let us control how many players to add to the ruck, changes the dynamics of the game.
There is a system to the rucking, a winning combination depending on the tackle, (still trying to figure it out though )
Well, here are few tips, I welcome all to post their tips.
Ignoring the major obvious issues for now I.e crashes - I do feel that the game could become more fun and enjoyable to play by ‘mastering’ some of the mechanics.
Definitely agree with a lot of the points… if anything the right analogue stick down handoff is probably over powered if anything… able to break tackles around 75%+ of the time I use this.
Not tried the jockeying and didn’t know about the dummy passes, so will give this a go!
@Saulman55 shared a wicked tip that I had no idea about earlier in that, you don’t have to press the left and right triggers on the second bar of the scrums - just hook. So maybe this is where I’ve been going wrong with scrums and collapsing as pushing at the wrong time perhaps.
I’d like to understand the rucking mechanics more if anyone has a decent understanding…? @MaD_Dragon_Rugby - your videos from the URC series looked like you really figured this out and was stealing balls for fun?! Any insights? And has this just changed since the full release and just generally now much harder to do?
Kicking wise I don’t seem to be having any trouble with place kicks or punting, but what’s the whole timing/little weird triangle thing moving side to side behind you when doing grubbers and drop goals?
I get timing with drop goals, but surely with grubber kicks you just want to lace the ball forward in whatever direction.
Thank you for the tips, now I’m running through the defense like a train, using the right analogic. It feels the game is way more enjoying after they released today’s patch. Looks promising!
Lineouts can’t be contested since EA4/5 they took that out for some reason, rucks just spam any button it’s just rng game will decide when to give it you, but don’t get ya hopes up you will see each update will just make the game worst, for example offsides doesn’t work yet BA ceo is telling people it’s been fixed with day one patch but doesn’t know it’s not fixed even in day 2 update
Here’s a tip. Do the tutorials and use the passing mechanics, don’t spam the pass button. You can double tap the pass button or hold it and it opens up face button options, this gives a lot more passing options. The same logic applies to all video games. Use all the mechanics at your disposal.
If you press steal without having pressed ruck at least once then it won’t do anything. I’m not saying mash the ruck button. Just at least press it once and then mash the steal. That’s what I am seeing right now playing.
That’s what I’m saying you don’t have to press ruck, just smash the steal button and you will end up with more steals than pressing ruck once and then smashing steal
Well none of my players go near the ruck or attempt to steal unless I press ruck at least once which is also what the tutorial says. Maybe that was the case in the previous versions, but this latest version that i’m playing literally right now you can’t steal without rucking first.
Can I please have some tips for the scrum, it might be my timing but I just don’t know at this point. Are you meant to get the bar on the green area because for me if I land it there it says too early even though the bar is on the green. Would much appreciate some help.
For the rucking
I believe there may be a system there , unfortunately the developers have not explained , what works best in each situation, I think it matters on how the tackle goes, and the tackle animation, and the proximity of the supporting rucking player, and who is supporting, and how many you send into the ruck, some tackles you can get up and contest quicker, like standing tackles, so in that case maybe contest and steal work best, were the tackler attempts to stand up and challenge, were in other animation it takes longer for the defender to get back to his feet , so in that case press bind first and then steal, I think that depending on the situation, certain button combos work best, in any case that is what I am hoping for, that would be a cool feature, almost like a rock paper scissor thing but for a split second you know the rock is coming so you put paper on them instead of the scissors. Also , I have had a few steals while only adding one player to the ruck, you do this by lightly and quickly pressing the join button only once and then spam steal. Maybe the developers are allowing us to discover the system on own? Like that’s part of the fun? Unfortunately, we live in an era where players want instant gratification, so in this case I think they would have less frustrated players if they explained the rucking system better, what button combo is better in each situation. I am really hoping there is a system there and it’s not just random stats at work under the hood. It seems I have seen enough evidence of a possible system in there that does take some planning and thinking, rather than random outcomes . Like sometimes its better to just add 1 rucking player sometimes three,(would be nice to have the control to be able to add up to 5 on rare occasions) I have followed Ross rugby game developments for a long time, (to back to when they would battle it out with Mario of Sidhe) that battle help create better rugby games) in the past Ross has worked with feedback to improve the league games I am confidence this will be the case with this game.
For the scrums, I was doing them completely wrong at first and thought they were terrible, now I have learned how to do them and really enjoying the scrums. What I was doing wrong is I was using the shoulder buttons for the second graph, you are supposed to hook the ball with (A) button I believe on the second graph, then go back to the shoulder buttons, and don’t get to greedy because if you push to hard you will collapse the scrum and get penalized, its a good (risk vs reward) system. Really like the scrum penalties for not doing them correctly, it feels like good scrum mechanics, would be nice if you do get some perfect graph timings in the push that you could get some good scrum meters or an infraction on the opponent for collapsing the scrum. Maybe its possible, will have to further test. will have to test, because I think if you only press steal, the defensive player goes into a spastic moving his arms motion while standing.
It seems you can contest the ruck on offense with Y to counter the defensive ruck push over? I did it by doing on offense what I do on defense sometimes which is bind then contest, this is the cool offensive clear out animation I got, Hopefully it was something I did and not it’s not random.
Couldn’t upload the video , but basically it look like the defense team beat me to the ruck and was about to steal the ball, when I binded 1 player and then 2 with contest, and the offensive rucking support did a offensive push over to keep possession of the ball. Didn’t think that was possible. Maybe there is a good rucking system there just gots to be tuned and figured out. Just add the opportunity to add up to 5 in the ruck, and add hands in the ruck both offensive and defensively with risk to be penalized like rugby challenge 3. Hand on and holding on risk vs reward must be in the rucking mechanism.
Thye’ve changed the how the rucks work a lot since EA6/7 when I did the Ospreys series. Ive done some pretty extensive testing over the last couple of days and sadly not worked out what the game wants the player to do.
Basically, if a player is tackled and pretty isolated, you have a good chance to steal it using X by being the first player to the ruck. But when you are just doing standard phase play I cant work it out. And everyone seems to have found a different solution for them in their own game which is very stange.
Some people have said to exclusively use X (which ive had most luck with0
Some people have said only use Y (which im my game almost 100% of the time results in a penalty against me for being offside for some reason)
Some people have said to alternate X and Y (i cannot find any evidence that works better than just X).
In the ruck themselves, the only consistent feature I can find is when I lose a turnover to the AI from my own posession, I ALWAYS have a center in my ruck, either 12 or 13. Does matter if I have 1,2 or 3 players in my side of the ruck, if a turnover happens against me, its because I have a center in my ruck. So dont nkow what thats about.
Trying to get a turnover off an AI feels almost random. Definitly have a better shot when you have more players than them, but very often the AI get a turn over by putting 1 player in vs my 3 players, and that never happens for me, so I think AI is just playing with a different set of rules at this point.
Ive tested alternating who I am selecting in the ruck to win a turn over, and even tested using x as a player outside of the ruck but got no luck.
I went through all the tutorials and can complete all with ease, but they dont translate to real in match gameplay speed of the AI.
I played a game against The Rugby Guru, and he said he had found a trick to the release version rucks, and he did get a bunch of turnovers against me, and his was a lot more to tapping X repeatedly, but it seemed from my perspective nothing I did could stop him, which is also not a good ruck system, if someone can use a specific button combination and win no matter what you do as a defensive player. But there must be something in that as a trick, because he won far more turnovers in 1 match against me than I have in all my matches combined since the game launched on Thursday.
So havnt got any tips, other than test options yourself and see what works for you. There is certainly something more to focus on the X button, and a key element is have a center in the ruck dramatically increases the chance of a turnover.