Rugby 25 game tips

Yeah I watched the match with The Rugby Guru! Was class :joy:

I sometimes think Iā€™m on to something and get a couple of turnovers in quick succession. But then just when you think youā€™re figuring it out - you go ageeees without one and realise youā€™re no closer to figuring it out.

My go to at the moment on PS5 is :record_button::record_button::record_button: as quickly as possible. Then spam :stop_button::arrow_up_small::stop_button::arrow_up_small::stop_button::arrow_up_small::stop_button::arrow_up_small::record_button:

But maybe going forward Iā€™ll give :record_button::stop_button::stop_button::stop_button::stop_button::stop_button::stop_button: a try lol.

Thing is itā€™s so silly to even be using the steal buttons once the ruck has formed. Itā€™s literally illegal to put your hands in once the ruck has formed.

Iā€™ve got a really simple solution that I genuinely think could sort the mess of the rucks out (take note @JNT_BA @RossSymons) :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Scrap having a separate tackler content and steal button (they are effectively the same thing) and just have the one option to steal. If the attacker is isolated and youā€™re the first man there, then bam steal. Get the timing wrong and press steal after ruck is formed and concede a penalty for hands in the ruck. Players will quickly learn not to spam steal.

The only other option then is to bind and look to counter ruck. At present you can throw three players in to a ruck whilst the AI have only one or two and very rarely does this make any difference without spamming the other buttons. Make this more consistent and the stats more impactful. So for example if youā€™re playing NZ v Romania etc then you would expect to be turning over 50% of the rucks. But two more evenly rated teams would be more difficult to get them, where you wouldnā€™t stand a chance unless you get a min 2 or 3 v 1 in a ruck. Players can choose their defensive tactics to have more a less players split across the field. Players can avoid binding players in to un-winnable rucks leaving them out and on their feet ready to defend and pick and choose a ruck to attack when a player is more isolated.

Simple but I do genuinely think the above would work and canā€™t be too difficult to implement.


Ive noticed that unless you actually manually select a player in the ruck, the steal button doesnt work. This shouldnt be required, at a defensive ruck the cursor should automatically select one of the players bound to the ruck, this would result in a lot more genuine turnovers, as sometimes their player is isolated but i didnt steal the ball as i couldnt select the rucking player in time

Yup, Iā€™ve only felt like iā€™ve genuinely won a ruck when selecting someone after a tackle has been made, make them join the ruck and spam the steal button. Definitely not the way to go about it though.

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Yeah its a bit clunky, i kind of get what they were going for but its poorly implemented and explained

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Yes, the idea is there but not implemented correctly. This gives some hope because if it worked like tutorial explains seems like would be a good system. One button to bind, 1-3 player(prefer up to 5) other button to Jackle or hand in ruck , risk vs reward , another button to contest to press once you have the number binded you like to push over, a holding on button on offense in case you get isolated, with risk to be penalized.

System can be fixed and polished, should be number one priority.


Yeah the tackler contest (Y) should allow the defending player to regain their feet and into a jackel position, then then if the attackers arrive quickly enough they should clean them out (the animation for this does sometimes happen). If dont arrive in time then either the jackler picks the ball up, or a penalty is given for holding on


Help please, how do you bump off when running on offence? Tried pressing the Right stick

You should point the right analog down.

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Found if you kick off send the ball far and down the middle cou will kick it out for a line out to you

So I was playing career modeā€¦ playing as Ulster and Iā€™ve some how got into the top 14 leagueā€‹:joy: not only that playing urc finals the players come out to the rugby World Cup theme tuneā€‹:joy::joy: this game is genuinely shockingā€‹:joy:

Why keep give me loss on recored when i win
online quick match?


If you watch the defense and you see they do not send or have many players around the ruck, on offense you can tap very lightly and push back on left analog at the same time and you will only get one player in the ruck on offense for a quick ball. It takes some practice , but in the correct situation you can execute this move at will. Although sometimes you mis judge and the AI throw 2-3 into the ruck turning the ruck over. Again, risk vs reward makes the game fun, reward is a quick ball the risk is turn the ball over at the ruck, if the defense counters with pounding 2 or 3 into the ruck at the right time.

In the latest steam update 2/20/2025 , you can now win a push over at the Ruck by binding players quicker to the ruck win the offense is lacking rucking support. You can also steal by binding 1 or 2 players if your quick enough. Y contest standing tackle still does not work as intended, I think this will be implemented next patch. Because they are moving in the right direction.

On offensive if you want to bind 3 to ruck quickly just tap b 3 times without pressing the analog in any direction, if you hold the analog you may only bind 1 or 2 and run from the ruck , or lose the ruck to the defense.


This is an absolute game changerā€¦.

I didnā€™t see this post but accidentally figured it out playing with one hand briefly while trying to record how bad the rucks were with my phone in the other hand.

In doing so I couldnā€™t use the analogue stick and couldnā€™t believe the difference it makes just pressing bind on its own. Gone from having one (or occasionally even none!) joining the rucks, to three almost immediately and regular turnovers.

Iā€™ll have another crack at it in the morning, but totally changed the whole feel of the game. Suddenly I am able to play territory and kick downfield knowing itā€™s possible to win the ball back instead of constant defending. I was able to use forward pods and retain possession and then put the ball through the hands with the backs and score some really good tries with the outside centres and wingers!

This was on medium difficulty and so not sure how it will play on easiest vs hardest yet. But such an enjoyable game and really looking forward to playing it some more tomorrow.

Obviously there is still lots of work to be done ie improving the passing, defensive and attacking shape, ability to put someone in the pocket - as well as stuff like the correct names showing and being able to add players to teams etc. But for me my biggest bugbear being rucks now doesnā€™t seem like too much of an issue anymore and starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel in terms of what sort of game we are going to end up with in the coming weeks/months - which I honestly think is going to be great.

Big Ant have taken a lot of flak over the last week or two and can tell that the replies and everything has started to get a little bit heated with lots of comments being deleted and users blocked lol. But actually just want to say well done to the guys and please, please continue with these patches and improvements. Itā€™s probably not a million miles off becoming a really decent game. People including myself get frustrated when they are left in the dark and donā€™t know what to expect or when to expect it. So would be awesome if you/Nacon could get this roadmap together to help us understand and set expectations going forward. But Iā€™ve already told a few mates to now buy it asap after this revelation last night, having previously struggled to recommend it! :fire:


Good postā€¦ but I am not sure this is such the revelation, in that there was a patch yesterday where they have tweaked the rucks and now there are constant turnovers.

I could be wrong though, and maybe the use of analogue stick is affecting. Will test it out myself later.

Thank you.

I had a quick game after downloading the patch in hope that this would solve a few problems, but I was disappointed to find I was still having the same ruck issues.

Yeah give it a try - it does seem to be a noticeable difference in attack retaining the ball, but also in defence getting players in there before the CPU and getting turnovers.

Other upside is that if youā€™re only tapping bind and not touching the movement stick, then your scrum half doesnā€™t suddenly pick the ball up and run either! :raised_hands:t3:

I feel that we can be positive and look forward to improvement in the game.

Some tips for hopefully a better playable game.

  1. Side steps animation.
    It kind of feels like Iā€™m running trough the opposition in the limited step animation. Like in nfl can we try and ad a Juke, only left or right. I truly believe this would be a better animation.

  2. Bump off / hand off
    I am revering bak to nfl again. If we add an animation where the colition is more real life situations.
    Animation atm feels like Iā€™m running trough the opposition also.

  3. Commentators
    Can we add multiple options to this
    For example - urc Commentators on their games, six nation on theirs, etc.

  4. More competitions
    Currie cup
    Japans league etc.


With the commentators in mind, itā€™s probably a bit late to be adding new recordings in so sadly donā€™t think weā€™re gonna get other commentary teams.

Could we however get the commentators to just shut up when you kick for touch on a penalty, I either havenā€™t found touch (when I have) or I get an exasperated ā€œthatā€™s gone out on the fullā€ OFCOURSE IT HAS!!


You have to make sure you start a new game or tournament. Donā€™t use saved ones or the system will use the old stats, the updates work better with the player updated with the patch, If you use a saved game, it will not play correctly, I noticed this because my roster ratings were different with a new game then with the saved games. The first time I played the game with a saved tournament,(xbox-s) it played bad, ping bong rucks, but after I started a new tournament with the new patch it played considerably better with the new player ratings. Not as good as steam, but better.


Ah, nice spot. Will give this a try (pun intended) later on.

Hi there. Can someone please help me out by explaining how the scrums work on the PS5. Iā€™m loving this game especially after all the updatesā€¦ but I just need to still figure out the scrumsā€¦ Iā€™m sure it will be so obvious once I get itā€¦ but yes will really appreciate someoneā€™s help please :slight_smile: