Rugby 25 game tips

For scrums on the first graph, left shoulder right shoulder as the graph ramps up but don’t go over on the graph, second phase hook with A button same thing don’t get over zealous to get the graph to high, and 3rd phase again Left and right shoulder without going over do it twice (stop the graph short, it easy to go over on them), if it goes red you pushed to hard and get penalized, after the the last phase of graphs press and hold the pass button to pass right or left. This is how I win scrums, although have not figured out how to maintain the ball at the feet and keep pushing forward, not sure if that feature is in the game, like rugby 22. I practically gain control and pass it to left or right I have wheeled the scrum once and I thought I got the AI to get penalized, :slightly_smiling_face: happened once but not sure how it happened


How do you do a Up and Under? Did the tutorial but couldn’t perform it

Tutorial if it hasn’t changed is wrong, it’s not Y for up and under it’s X , Y is drop goal., in saying that I think different players Depending on in field kicking rating will have the meter pop up faster. I think🙂

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I am having lot issues passing the ball doesn’t seem to go to the players I want it to go too

Hold down pass bumper and use the buttons to select who to pass to

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Can we please fix the name bar at the bottom corner… To show the players names and not the position?


Plz someone give me tutorial on how to get a yellow card what buttons and everything plz

Yes, this would be good. Makes a big difference when you know what player you are turning into.

Anyone have tips for 50-22 kicks? I have career goals to do 1 in a game and when I kick from half way into the 22 and out of bounds it NEVER works. Is this bugged?

They dont work at the moment. Its bugged. Which is annoying. I had nailed an amazing 50-22 yesterday… but it didnt count and the oppo got the lineout. :sob:


arg! same. thanks for the reply.

Same with drop goals, I score 3 yday and although the score reflected the stats said I only scored 1

How many were with your second row? :rofl:

A bit annoying you can’t get the FH back in the pocket to take them.


Haha not quite, Ben curry popped up with a cheeky one though!

I’d like tips on how to win a bloody match because I have lost every single one convincingly and it’s getting to the point where kilts driving me insane!!

I can’t seem to get support run etc and I just can’t steal the ball at rucks, all because the blooming AI is on the player like a shot!!

I’m just not finding this game enjoyable with every loss, I’m going to seriously consider waiting until the next Rugby game release and look into getting FC25 because I know I can actually win matches!!

Some tips :

  • Don’t try to compete in every ruck. (your players will be tired and ineficient)
  • When the 3 identified players (triangles) are close to the ruck and the tackle was fast, you have the better chances. Smash the “B” button and then the “X”.
  • Passing : Don’t use the sprint button when passing. Only press It when you want to try to take a space. You will manage to bring the ball to the winger far more easily. and the supports will be closer.
    With those tips, I manage to really play 2vs1 and get balls.
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Make sure when binding players with the B you are not pressing any other button. (Not sure but sometimes it feels like if you hit the correct shoulder button at the same time as B or slightly before you can bind a little faster, not positive on this one but it feels that way) Also turning into a player close to the ruck and manually, pressing bind and steal seems like it gives you an advantage at the ruck. You have to watch the opponents rucking support and adjust accordingly , with the lates xbox-s version 2/25/25 update, on Hard difficulty have had some good back in forth rugby, there is a fair number of ruck turnovers, without it being ping pong rucks. Depending on the situation, you can add 1-2-3 or players to the Ruck does this by only tapping B once, twice or three times, hopefully in a future update you can add up to 5 on those rare occasions, but that doesn’t mean you should add 3 all the time, most of the time on defense I am only adding 0 to 1 players to the ruck, you have to wait for the correct opportunity, when to smash by binding 3 , or when to just add 1 and quickly press steal. The problem is that it is the same animation , but the end result is ok because you get possession at the ruck, stealing and overwhelming with a push over is the the same animation except with stealing at the end of the animation you automatically end up with the ball. Passing you have to mix it between Icon passing and shoulder buttons passing, take in mind if you hold both shoulder buttons you can pass to a player behind you instead of to the side. I would recommend doing the tutorial, only about 70 is applicable , but it still helps. Note , I have not found in rucking the Y contest with same player after the tackle to be effective. So for rucks , given the situation either bind/steal, bindbind/steal, bind/bind/bind. Same pushover animation for all difference is the ones with the steals you automatically end up with the ball in hand. The bind, bind, bind, you get a push over and you manually have to send another player to pick up the ball. The pushover animation for the steal is effective , but does not look good when its 1 bowling ball over 3 rucking players, that go down like bowling pins.

Hi guys.

Got this game on PS5 after reviewing videos of youtube matches and after update 3. After the lastest update, assuming number 4 the passing has improved slightly, plus i seem to be throwing less interceptions.

I do have a question, even on the easiest level the AI often jackals the ball at the tackle- I’ve yet to pull this off. Any advice?

Plus I would love a slow motion kick set up for punting, drop goals and up/unders.

I have found if I turn into a rucking player close by and quickly press bind one time then steal,(without pressing the direction stick) you can sometimes get the steal with one player at the right time. The problem is it goes into a human canon ball animation, and whatever is in front of you 1 , 2, or 3 offensive rucking players, you will “Super Rucker” bowl right over them, knocking them all down while stealing the ball. So, the end result is good you get possession, but the animation is of, it should just be a quick steal without knocking down 1-3 rucking opponents, the problem is the steal and the pushover creates the same canon/bowling ball animation effect. Again, the moments you can do this feels right, you have to wait for the right moment to attempt, but the animation does not match, but the end result is somewhat the same, you get possession, problem is you just knocked out three rucking opponents with 1 player, and they are left with less players to defend. Timing is working good, but the animation does not match a steal action. I get the feeling they will add more animations to fix this, it does not seem like it is that difficult of a fix. Most importantly it seems like the rucking opportunities are happening at the right moment, if you manage your rucking, and that is the fun part, when to decide to do what at each individual ruck situation. That is what makes rucks fun, anticipating and reacting with correct numbers and intensity to what you throw into the ruck. Making every breakdown a fun challenge. And we you do get a steal or overpower pushover the feeling is almost as good as scoring a try. :slightly_smiling_face: That is Rugby my friends.

Things i would like to see and i think i speak for many others.
Big ant you are doing well. The looks promising.
But you cant have a rugby game that misses alot of features

  • Set pieces, please put in set pieces where each team has their own or there can be a list with different set pieces to choose from
  • Haka at the start of a game from the All Blacks.
  • better bump off and side step animations, I’ve said this before, look at Madden or even rugby Challenge 4, the side steps and bump offs is extremely exciting. While here it feelsnlike I’m running trough the opposition.
    Can we try and get sidestep where you juke left or right depending on the line you are running
  • sizes is players. Some of the back line players are the same hight as some of the locks and the bigger players, this is something simple that can be fixed.
  • Can we also address the fact that AI only run crash ball after crash ball they NEVER play the line or try anything else than one pass and hit, ruck, one pass and hit al over and over
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