Stadium Editor asset Additions/Changes

I love the Stadium Editor, but found that when making my local ground there were a few things I would like added in the future to make it easier, and some of these could help others build their stadiums/grounds.

Scoreboard - Smaller ones, which may only show the scores (both manually changed like the old days… and electronic). But they don’t follow the gameplay.

Raised Ground - like a hill… that could be like the hill at Adelaide Oval…and is probably fairly common at local footy ovals.

Curved carparks - at the moment my local ground has a carpark from FP to FP behind the goals. To do this, I needed to place multiple blocks of carpark tiles over each other around the fence.

Ability to add nets behind the goals.

Ability to change the ground markings… or muddiness of the centre square.

More local clubroom styles, More house styles, more building styles (and heights)… like a 3-4 level apartment building. More tree styles, and scenery backgrounds.

Does anyone else have thoughts on what also could be added?


All good points.

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All great shouts. Could definitely use some more suburban style footy buildings. Iron sheds. Besser brick toilet blocks. Plain brick rectangle buildings with big verandahs (that we can paint the colour of the team).

Totally agree on the scoreboards too and was something I mentioned on BigFooty a while back. Need a few versions of the manual “hang the number up” scoreboards (wrong scores thanks to the under 12s getting distracted not necessary).

It’s understandable being that it’s all from the Cricket games but most of the available buildings still look more suited to English cricket grounds.

Having spent over ten years recreating a large chuck of northern Sydney fir a bus simulator game and making all the 3d buildings I find the limited scope of buildings in the stadium creator rather frustrating
Even being able to reskin a building with a png would be useful

Just watching my son play and this sort of scoreboard would be tops


Hills and a backgroubd tree texture would be great too


A few different styles of props would also be good, like park benches.


Scoreboard and tree size/textures previously mentioned. (Scores hopefully won’t blow out like this though. :grinning:)
And (kinda) raised ground/hill that the background trees are on.


Also surrounding tennis courts/netball courts/lawn bowls clubs that are typically found near local footy ovals.
That’d be nice.


Wouldn’t be FNC if there weren’t netball courts…

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Oooh, and the crowd can be a mixture of people in deck chairs vs people standing alone or in groups with beers (drinking responsibly of course)


Footpaths, and more park benches.

This raised hill/brick wall is probably too unique to make it in… but would be awesome. (At least a sharp hill could help me do this)

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Hi @JNT_BA , will these suggestions/requests make it to the team (even if for future iterations of the game)? Or should I separately create a Support suggestion ticket to add them in?

Already sent them to them! I’m always here watching. If it’s like bugs and things for sure ticket so it’s documented but for these things oh yeah already sent all the ideas to the art team to see what we may be able to add in later.

I also know some of the art guys look through as well so they see it firsthand.