TIEBREAK EA - Megathread

true, the ball is very speed during rally. and serv not impacting, i don’t know for serve if the problem its the speed or the “return” too easy. i return 100% Ai serv and Ai return very well my powerfull serve with flat shot on base line, so my player can’t move well and use reflex shot. not good to see this situation


For me, this is the worst thing currently in game.


looping topspin shot glitch really should be fixed in upcoming patches. used it a few times today to get myself out of a pickle. really shouldn’t be happening especially on grass of all the surfaces…


No updates this week and still stuck with female umpire with no sound and i hope flat shots are slowed by between 10 and 20% as players are having trouble with the cpu hitting so many flat shots now deep and across court right on the lines rarely missing.


Ai on expert still make way to many mistakes, they need to make less mistakes, but flat shot do need to be slowed down a bit


That is strange,i play on Hard difficulty and the cpu hardly makes mistakes,i started to slice more and thought that was working then the cpu started to lift the ball over the net for winners but earlier they were hitting them into the net.

Honestly, i dont know if its the new update but the gameplay is awful.

  1. Movement - the player does not move towards the ball at all, even if auto-run is turned on.

  2. Player Stats - why can’t we view player stats in the main menu option? It just says their overall but not the individual stroke type ratings.

  3. Tournaments - what happened to having 90+ licensed tournaments on the game? It’s just the masters 1000 venues.

  4. Interface - i prefer AO Tennis 2 interface better. Perhaps just changing the colour and adopting the interface.

  5. Tools - can you create a tools community like “AO Tools” where logos can be uploaded like in AO Tennis 2?

At this point, the gameplay is the biggest issue, as well as the player stats not being available. I would rather the gameplay from AO Tennis 2 is adopted and used. Its MUCH better and smoother. PLEASE.