URGENT problem on the PC version (career/tournament)


big problem with the pc version (career)

if you create a new player, you will only have 26 challenger tournaments…

I’ve asked console players and they have + 163 challengers tournaments or 180

I’m shocked at the difference between the PC and console versions. I’ve also mentioned the fact that you can’t launch and play the game without an internet connection, unlike on a console, and now I realise that we have a very minimalist version in terms of content.

why such a difference? i’m very disappointed.

please, next week we absolutely must correct this. if everyone realises, no one will buy the game on pc and even for the other big ant games.

it’s urgent to put the pc version on the same level as the console versions, as soon as possible.


thank you to listen us :pray: :pray:


I can confirm that there’s a real problem with the PC version, there’s a lot missing compared to the console version.

the majority of career tournaments are missing (I also only counted 26 challengers tournement on PC)

I’ve also got the console version and I’ve got a lot more, I haven’t counted them but it corresponds to the figure you give of between 150 and 200.

and i hope they will remove internet connection to play single player mode on pc


On PC we have at (September 08) : V 1.0.3773

On Xbox they have : V 1.0.3777

On PS5 they have : V 1.0.3774

I don’t understand why different version ? When we can get all the same version please ?


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had no idea of that bro

Obviously I’m a liar, because that’s what Big Ant is telling me…

I’ll stop giving feedback.

Everything I’ve said is verifiable, ask console gamers and they’ll all confirm the difference and also for the internet, even without internet they can launch and get into the game, which is impossible for us on PC. But Big Ant doesn’t believe me…

The same goes for the challengers, on consoles they have all the tournaments in the EAST + WEST+ Central regions…etc but on PC we only have the EAST tournaments now (26 in total) otherwise a new player is created.

I’ll leave it to you to give feedback on the PC version, but I’m giving up, I’ve been playing for over 300 hours since January and Big Ant hasn’t respected me with this response.

Good game all

@JNT_BA if you see this post, i hope you will see that with team, its not normal they respond like that. Im not a liar. The dev have all plateforme a suppose, so they can try now with current update. (For internet and Challenger tournament).

Thank you :raised_hand_with_fingers_splayed:


I don’t understand their answer either, anyone can check this information and it’s 100% true.

So this email is really incomprehensible. We give them feedback and they don’t believe us. :pensive:

Do the devs even play their game, everything you said is true, shocking from big ant, cant even release a game in a good state, career is all messed up, you are right, we only have like 30 challenger tournaments and xbox and ps5 have way more tournaments, barely any of the atp 250 or atp 500 or atp 1000 are on pc career mode, the game is big mess, i guess everybody is right about big ant, im trying to be hopeful but i cant


I tried to help them with feedback but when i see how they respond, i will never send another ticket.

I hope @JNT_BA will see this and speek with team. I can’t do more then what i did.

I don’t know why the guys dont believe me. Im here since january i play the game. I just want to help, to have a great game at the end.

Anyway, we will see. But for me its finish for feedback

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Send the support team a screenshot of that x statement they put out about the game not requiring internet and ask them to explain that . As that is if as they claim is needed across the board for all versions then that is total false information and people would have a easy refund case there.

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But I don’t even need to give them any proof, they just launch the console version without internet and see. And also for challenger tournaments. If they create a new character today on the 2 platforms, they’ll immediately see the difference.

I suppose the developers have all the commercial versions to test ? If so, then everything I’m saying can be verified in 2 minutes.

And I haven’t even mentioned the footprints on clay, which are better done on console than on PC. I showed a video here on another topic.

I really get the impression that the PC version is still in early access.

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So this is a standard response that you are all overblowing a little. They’re literally asking for more details as they can’t replicate it. The career mode tournaments that are open are based on location at the time of the player. So it can be different. They’re not saying you’re wrong. They’re saying they can’t get the same result and are asking for more information on what you are experiencing.

They want to know more so they can look into it. Cause obviously they aren’t experiencing it. The career mode doesn’t have console specific it is the same data on the backend but if there is issues again they’re asking for details. Talk with them so they can get a better idea of what you are getting and even ask for them to grab your saves so they can look into it.

I’ll certainly pass on the feedback about how they are potentially wording things.


Ok, but we this game is full release. We are not beta testers, the game should of been tested before full release to check everything, especially one of the most important things career mode. But this should make the issue a bit clearer to the team hopefully.

On pc as soon as you play 1 charity event, you do not have access to play any other charity events, this is another problem.
By the tournaments we mean, that on xbox and PlayStation they have loads more tournaments available to play (mostly challenger tournaments) on pc we have around only 26 challenger tournaments available to us, so on pc career mode lots of the weeks in career mode you cant do anything, all we can do is just choose the option rest week as nothing else is available, however on consoles every week or almost every week in career mode they have a tournament/event that they can play, but pc do not. This issue might occur after playing your first tournament but im not sure because all i know is that i have this issue of having only 26 tournaments available and before my first tournament i obviously did not plan every week in the game in my career mode.


That’s exactly what I’m trying to explain. I’ve created several characters and even before playing the first tournament, I see that I’ve still got the same tournaments in the East region, 26 in total. And from March to September I only have 2 or 3 challengers.

Obviously that’s a problem. The pc tournaments are missing. I know that.

Friends have compared in front of me and showed me with a new character created and they have many more challengers, more than 160.

So please, there is a real problem that needs to be corrected.

And when I explain that on console they can launch and play the game without an internet connection but not on PC and the person replies No. That’s being taken for a liar.

I would have liked the person to check what I was saying and then come and answer me.

What I say is verifiable by anyone.

@JNT_BA please check with them. I give our Version pc 1.0.3773

On xbox for exemple they have 1.0.3777

So maybe the difference is because we have different version ?

And please tell them for internet connection, on console no need internet to launch and play. On PC we cant acces home menu if we dont have internet.

Thank you


Prince, maybe you could share to the team month by month the tournament you have on your side ?

I think I read on another forum that you said you have, from January to December, only these Challenger tournaments available on the career mode:

1 - P2 advisory canberra international
2 - Open Sifa Nouvelle Calédonie
3 - Bangkok Open 1
4 - Bangkok Open 2
5 - Bangkok Open 3
6 - Caterpillar Burnie international
7 - Barhrain Ministary Challenger
8 - Bengaluru
9 - Pune Metropolitan Challenger
10 - Megasaray Hotels Open
11 - Seoul
12 - Fergana international
13 - Shangai Classic
14 - Zhangjiagang Classic
15 - Istanbul Open
16 - Izmir Classic
17 - Gwanju Open
18 - Almaty international
19 - Traralgon international
20 - Suzhou Challenger Series
21 - Ho Chi Minh City international
22 - Canberra Challenger Series
23 - Shenzen Challenger Series
24 - Kobe Challenger Series
25 - Pune Open 2
26 - Toyota Open

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From the current location. These will change depending on where you are. I’ve never played in some of these. There was a case where someone reported a wrong stadium for a particular event. I have never seen that event. I had to go through (on pc) and find the best place to find that event. They are not all shown at all times as it’s based on location.

Some on your list there I have never seen at all. Being in one place and selecting the planner doesn’t show “all” events.

For a full list of events in the game you can go into the creator and assign a court to the challengers which will list all the active ones.

@JNT_BA, Interesting, sounds cool and weird at the same time.

In the exemple of Prince Noctis, he has 26 Challengers in one year, mainly in Pacific and Asia for the full year, even at the beginning. It means he will never be able to go in US, or cant plan his full calendar at the beginning of the year if he wants to go outside of Asia/Pacific? He has to wait to be to a tournament closer to the location he wants?

It seems this is not the same process for ATP 250, 500 etc.

What is the localisation at the beginning of the career ? The country of the nationality you have chosen ?

For exemple, Noumea Challenger, which happens in real life in January, it should appears on everybody’s tournament list isn’t it ? It is close to Australia and almost at the same time than AO. Don’t have it on my side, but have Challengers tournaments in Australia available for January.

But why all Challengers locations are available for PS5 then ? Not the same process ?

Yes i have this. I d’ont have Western Challenger for exemple (France, Germany, Italy, Spain…)

But on consol they have this list + Western + other (+160)

I dont know why.

@JNT_BA its not clear for me. If you and the team dev find the issue, please tell us.

Thank you for reading us. Its important for us. :+1:


I created a new player with French nationality and residence in France, and now I have 55 challenger tournaments over the whole season (all in the western region) but I don’t have access to the 26 tournaments in the east for example.

I’d really like an explanation because it’s not clear at all, normally I should have access to all the challenger tournaments and it’s up to us to choose whether to play them or not. If the tournament is very far from our location then it will consume more fatigue. But we shouldn’t be prevented from playing the tournaments of our choice.

If I’m in France and I want to play a Challenger in Japan or China, I should be able to do that if I want to.

Please take this feedback into account. :pray:

I have made a video with an Australian and a French man. You can see the difference. It’s on PS5 with the last patch.

Yes, as mentioned on purpose. As it’s based off your current location. As you travel to different areas it will change, that is working as intended.

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