When is the next EA 7 update ?!

It will release at the end of July, they have announced it.

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Ok thanks…much appreciated

It looks like it’s really going to drag on until the last day.

the last moments to wait are always the hardest. :grin:
i also hope for a big update for the release day

I hope a great EA7 and also big final update by the release… I want to think that they are hiding a lot of things for 22nd august.

Someone also said that they confirmed that they are going to continue updating the game after the release.

Judging by the gameplay overview released the other day, there won’t be much change

On their last games they continued to update them many months after.
It’s a good thing to improve it.
Really excited to play it again my computer is out of service since many months so I don’t try the last update.

June only got 30 days as far as I know.

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Yeah…didn’t know that…my bad

That gameplay overview took a lot of older footage


I guess it’s coming tomorrow for sure since the last update dropped early (time of the day) because they’re Australian. Hopefully it’s a good one and they can continue to improve the game after the launch as well


Will there be continued support after Tiebreak official release date to keep improving the game ?

Tiebreak is the official game of ATP and WTA. It will be a huge scandal if they release the game and didn’t improved it after that.


I woke up and I was expecting the video of the EA7, not yet… they are taking their time!

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Just wait guys. They will give us the update when it will be ready :man_shrugging:t3:

Ye it should be ready, hopefully it is released later on today

the game was updated 4 hours ago in SteamDB, so it will come out today.


Ah okay, that sounds right tbf

Hahaha chill, it’s coming soon enough. Video is done, text release is done. It’s all good. Will be out a little later.


thanks for telling!! fingers crossed the game is improved!!