When is the next EA 7 update ?!

Perfect, by a little later do you mean a later date or later today ?

Didn’t update today?

@JNT_BA can you explain where the gameplay improvements are? we were waiting one month for this…


I think its coming later, the video is out though but i dont have update

Thank you for the new mechanics of service service met we didn’t ask but really where are the gameplay improvements heaviness, inertia, cpu difficulty, the speed of the players slower gesture + natural ect…

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Yes have you worked on the things written above?

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Have you got the update ?

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After the game was updated, I didn’t know how to serve anymore, either out of bounds or out of the net. And in terms of practical results, the side-topspin serve is not more secure, and it is easy to make mistakes.

I haven’t even got the update, the new serving system will likely take a while to get used to likely

After reading the official service update instructions, I finally learned to serve. I feel like it’s really super after the update, keep it up!

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Service now is Awesome :heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes:
Thank you Big ant studio.

Now i do lot of fault and double fault :sweat_smile:
But sometiles i did Ace :face_holding_back_tears:

Its hard but It’s very satisfying :partying_face:

Now,We need free practice mode please to practice all shots, serve, smash…

Its good update, realy.


It would be cool if they could add a practice mode like in tennis elbow where you pick two players and you can play some rallies