AFL 23 - Megathread

I hadnt thought about the legal side of a heastart, so thats a very good point.

But 5 weeks of approval time just doesnt add up in my eyes, and it could still very well be 2,4, 8, 52 weeks before we get it.

I get that me venting frustrations isnt helping, however given the lack of transparency and communication about a launch feature well over a year past launch one might be naive about whats actually going on.

We shouldnt be at the point of being this far into AFL23 and waiting on it being out of BAā€™s control.

Simply put it was mishandled yet somehow its always someone elses fault.

I want to support devs from niche markets I really do but its becoming very difficult to back them given their history.


Side note, i love your content and we would be in a worse spot without you and your support for the game. So kudos for that.

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Just one thing to add on the transparency front when it comes to this particular subject, you will find that developers are under very strict NDAā€™s from the likes of Microsoft and Sony so they canā€™t actually talk about the delays or they risk huge sanctions and possible loss of future games being accepted on that platform.

I know it isnā€™t what people want to hear and we would love to know the exact Inā€™s and outs on this piece, but sometimes there are things in this particular space that canā€™t be spoken about.

As I have said on stream, if a resubmission was done it was because they were making improvments on the game and doing continual works on it, which I think we would all rather than no extra work being done on it at all.

The resubmission is probably a good thing based on that, means we will be getting something better than what they had initially completed.

Correct me if Iā€™m wrong, but my understanding was a resubmission would reset the progress of a submission already in place?
We all want to see continual works and improvement on the game, however IF it were to reset the progress I for one would rather they let this update get through before adding more if it meant less delays.

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I dunno whether or not thatā€™s how it works.
Again, probably up to Sony/Microsoft on their own processesā€¦ They may allow multiple submissions for one game at any one timeā€¦ not sure.

@SaintSkeeta Either way it would have to add more time as its more for them to go over :tipping_hand_man:

Well, maybeā€¦overallā€¦ yesā€¦ butā€¦
If they accept multiple submissions, say v1 and v2ā€¦
Maybe they start work on v1, get v2 half way throughā€¦ They could, in theory, continue and complete testing on v1 and then accept it, before even starting to look at v2ā€¦
And v1 could go out to the public, while they get started on testing v2.

But again, we have no idea of the process of it allā€¦ this is a complete guess, and we donā€™t know if thatā€™s how it works, or if there have been multiple submissions, or what the capacity of the platform holders is at the momentā€¦

Given we have no ideaā€¦ I tend not to worry about what the platform holders are doingā€¦ and just accept that BA will get it into our hands as soon as they possibly can.

Both Sony and Microsoft use different methods for testing patches, updates and ect. Hence why possibly of the long wait.


@JNT_BA as for ProTeam features, are you able to shed any light on these areas from the initial video?

In particular, any examples of what we might find in Objectives or Message Centre?
And is Level Progression here the season level progression, as opposed to a separate level progression within Premiership Challenge?


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I can try answer some if that helps as I just swung by the thread, level progression is the season pass levels.

The season pass looked good, plenty of chances to earn packs, ex boosts and consumables.

Objectives, @JNT_BA is probably best to clarify here as we didnā€™t do much in that space, but from what I can gather / assume this I feel is where you would find a list of in game based objectives that are added or bonus XP if completed. e.g kicking 3 goals from outside 50m in a game.

That is my best guess anyway.


So if we had to take an educated guess, the platform provider letting everyone down is Xbox(Microsoft)

Based off the debacle with this platform on release, Iā€™d say pro team is on a similar road map of 3-4 months delayed, waiting for their approval.

Who else agrees ?

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Even if it is Microsoft, I think weā€™re talking completely different things here. The launch of a full game, versus launch of a game mode. There might be different sets of criteriaā€¦
Also, itā€™s different codeā€¦ so there may be no correlation anyway.

My (completely uneducated) guess is weā€™ll have it anytime between today and the next 2 weeks. At worst, 1 month.

It would make sense for a postponed release. I assume we will see an update in early july or mid july for the update to the AFLW (as that starts in Aug) and probably would make sense to drop ProTeam at that same time too. What does everyone think about this?

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Objectives are that. We have a large number of additional objectives we can set and cycle in, which the team has been expanding even while we wait when they think of additions and sets they can use that will award XP or other things.

Manage Club is where you will set your club identity. Change your banner, supporter gear, home ground, and several other things relating to your team.

Level progression is again as it sounds. Itā€™s the ranks you can go up per season, offering up different rewards based on XP gain. I believe when we showed it off it was set at 40 levels everyone can do when they play. You can gain the XP just from playing matches and also doing the bonus objectives.

Message Centre is a place where we can send updates if needed to everyone at once, rather than having to go to Twitter or an outside location to get updates. If there is a need for maintenance or reminders for the end-of-the-season warnings, as well as if we notice a large amount of people missing out on some content we can send out reminders or quick tutorials. Those kind of things.


Why would a postponement make any sense for pro team when its ready to go?
As pro team has nothing to do with the start of AFLW season?

Sounds absolutely amazing @JNT_BA definitely looking forward to it :+1::clap:

Can you tell us anything about gameplay? For people that arnt interested in pro team


@JNT_BA one of the most common requests from fans is around improvements & fixes to management mode, along with the ability to edit player attributes based on performance/games played.

These things alone would hugely improve game longevity and be warmly welcomed by fans of the game, or really anyone who enjoys sports games in general.

People have been asking for these things since release and whilst I acknowledge that fixes have been made along the way, itā€™s disappointing to still be unsure of whether this sort of stuff is being worked on - and if not, why arenā€™t they? Cheers!

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As mentioned previously, updates to management are not being worked on at this time. As for the other things again nothing is being worked on at this time as Pro Team is taking the priority for this update.


@JNT_BA Completely understand there are a finite amount of resources at BA and priorities in place, so a bit of a shame to hear that there wonā€™t be any fixes for management mode!

Saying that, will there be any gameplay adjustment/patches to go along with proteam?

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