AFL 23 - Megathread

@JNT_BA Not sure if you can comment on the other game modes too… but is Ladder Leaders the Online gameplay side of all this, as mentioned in the video?
i.e Player v Player, and you move between ladder positions throughout a ‘Pro Team Season’… getting more rewards if you end up the top.

And if so, how are the ladder positions calculated? Is it your performance compared to the overall players of this mode (and maybe split into 18 ranks)?

I’m also wondering how Premiership Challenge works. Is that just an 18-step challenge mode (getting harder and harder as mentioned in the video)?
Could those challenges possibly change each Pro Team Season?


@JNT_BA this is awesome to hear, we’ve been asking for more info for a while and having just some is fantastic. Any more info you can send our way? Gameplay for example?

As some others have said as well. It would be great to see this news come to twitter (X) as that’s where news is said to be posted first.

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So as he mentioned in the video there was some mixup with the two other modes. This is completely understandable, in the few hours we had I bombarded them with sooooooo much information. So the mode where he mentioned Top 8 is Premiership Challenge, it’s a little complicated to explain 100% but I’ll try.

This is the main competitive mode. You have your normal AFL ladder style with your Top 8 spots to go into “The Finals” which is a separate bracket once we hit that period of the season. The positions are based on the final score based on the % of players. So you do not have to be in the Top 1% to get into “The Finals” but of course the higher you are the better the rewards.

As you play matches you will gain ranks in this mode based on how many points you are awarded from each match. In the ranking systems we showed to Pink Panters (the numbers can change) ranks 18-13 could be earned by just points achieved by anyone, by completing matches, for those who want to try. The next 12 will be the % based on the top rankings. The Top 8 ranks that went on to “The Finals” were inhabited by those who were in the top 80% and then filtered down to the top 5% in the highest rank.

Those who were below the Top 8 can still keep playing the mode going into a separate bracket which we call “The Rebuild” where you can continue to earn more rewards to help you in the next season if that is something you want to continue with.


It was a very nice system, and pretty unique and I love the fact it’s fully relevant to AFL and not just a generic ‘up and down divisions’


Thank you for the communication, its been very exciting to get more of an insight into it all.

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Sounds awesome and super unique , just praying there will be enough people playing online for this to work

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Seems to be lots of offline modes which is great, if it is good the fanbase will be there. I think anyone who buys afl games is fairly passionate

Quick question @JNT_BA is it at all possible that Proteam could drop literally any moment even over the weekend or is it purely Monday-Friday hours? :slight_smile:


@Pink_Panters did you get to play any games? Has the gameplay changed? If so what?

Proteam looks elite, can’t wait.

Season mode is so close to being a realistic experience from start to finish.

I am really hoping for:
Injuries where clubs have 5-10 injuries at any time.
Brownlow votes that exclude factoring hitouts, as rucks are OP.


Surprised we don’t have a management mode thread :scream:. I’ve got a few goodies (screenshots) from my Brizzy career

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Will be cool if it was free for PSN users but a PSN subscription will most likely be needed if playing the offline modes

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@JNT_BA will players ratings be updated on next patch?

@JNT_BA I think its time to just release the platforms that are ready. Tough luck to the one that isnt ready, but its nearly 3 weeks over and IIRC it was submitted 2 weeks before that. So maybe let 2/3rds enjoy and see what you guys have done and that 1/3 can wait a tiny bit longer :tipping_hand_man:

Given there’s ranking systems (from the explanation of Premiership Challenge), then releasing one platform late is pretty unfair.
Also, there may be more than one platform that’s delayed…
I don’t think we’ve directly heard if more or not.

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I would tend to agree, however it was meant to be a ‘short delay’ and would release any minute.
This has been nothing but false, 3 weeks is not a short delay.
If they are confident in themselves that its a short delay, then a couple of days for the remaining platform(s) is not going to make a difference in terms of rankings. Alternatively release what they have and then reset rankings upon release of the last platform(s).

Something isnt adding up, i find it very hard to believe its just been sitting there pending for nearly 5 weeks now. Has it been denied and resubmitted during this time - we will never know i guess.

Ive been a project manager before, and if a project of mine was held up this long there is no way i wouldnt have answers and be sitting around saying ‘any minute now’.


I reckon your guess of a resubmission is likely.
The thing is, it’s relying on the availability and approval of third parties… so probably hard to get a realistic timeline when it’s external like that.


I get that, and i have no experience dealing with sony and microsoft, however surely there would be someone they can liase with and or put pressure on to try and get things happening.
Because 5 weeks is past their own timeframes, IF it has been resubmitted it would be nice to hear that from BA. (Well not nice, but the honest communication would be appreciated).

After all, this mode was advertised pre launch and here we are.

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You may have been a project manager before but clearly not in the gaming industry with a ton of legal stuff involved here too.

They simply cannot release a mode with micro transactions to 2 out of 3 platforms because of fair game reasoning.

it would be a massive advantage for the platforms who have it getting a head start on card collecting which would then make the matchups for online game unbalanced because the platform holders who get the game last could be playing against gamers who have had a head start, that is not allowed to happen.

I understand the frustration with it not coming through yet, but you gotta think logically about these things, what you’re suggesting simply cannot and will not happen.


you don’t reckon BA are putting pressure on to get the approval? and the AFL for that matter? Cmon my man, the mode is sitting there ready to go. they want this in our hands ASAP.

Microsoft / Sony are global beasts that have their own processes that need to be gone through that no one else can control. Sadly they (Microsoft and Sony) don’t really care too much about how much we jump up and down about wanting the approval, they just do things at their pace.

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