AFL 23 - Megathread

The answer is no, as JNT just said. Nothing else is being worked on.

Surely the players on the bench gets fixed, I still
Feel like they never gave us a reason why it was disabled in the first place.

I can’t recall any modern day sports game that doesn’t have staff/players/officials on bench :thinking:


@mattyb I understood that nothing is being worked on at the moment, doesn’t mean something hasn’t been worked on gameplay wise since the last patch almost 2 months ago.

Staff (and even interchange players) on the bench is a very peripheral thing. I get that it’s realistic, but it doesn’t add to the gameplay itself, and would actually take away a bit from the graphics performance (as it’s rendering even more players/people than the 36 on the field).

Not saying it wouldn’t be nice… but all up, not the highest priority for me.


I get the graphics and system would take a hit in FPS but it’s 2024 it shouldn’t be a issue with the technology available, we should be able to see a game with live interchanges players running off and subs running on. Cut scenes after goals and players running off.

It adds to the whole game. As much as I agree the game takes a hit but it should easily be able to be added and the game be able to handle it.

1 year later…


@mattyb No mention of Xbox then, sounds like they were planning to release it without xbox then.
So why not release it now without a platform holder that is holding things up…

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Will Pro team drop before the finals?

The finals of which year? 2027 or 2028? :joy:


Hopefully ProTeam releases before the Ps5 Pro does :wink: :+1:

At this point we will all be playing gta6 before pro team

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@JNT_BA is there any chance you guys can make a quick video of maybe opening some packs for Proteam to continue to build the hype while we wait?? :slight_smile:

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I really don’t think this needs any more hype building. I don’t think I could stand another teaser video. Just release the darn thing


100% :joy: ridiculous how long it’s taking platform holders to approve!!


Yes, the fact we are 15 months post launch and somehow its the ‘platform holders’ fault :joy:


@JNT_BA had confirmed that BA has ProTeam as a priority, which means it will come soon. If we have to wait 100 years so be it. Not happy then just go and do something else. We have to be patient and just wait it out. Plus I prefer footy games made by BA as they are far more realistic and spot on.

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As it should have been a priority. OVER 12 MONTHS AGO.
‘If we have to wait 100 years so be it’? Do you not see the ridiculousness in that comment? People paid for a feature that was advertised and are yet to recieve that feature.

By your logic ill just advertise a service where i turn your money into more money, but ill give it to you in 100 years. Let me know and ill send you my account details for payment :tipping_hand_man:


Agree with that and no one should be defending big ant on this there should be no excuses for the wait


You can’t just say “I’ll send you my account details” without declaring your product, like an AFL game with Proteam. Where do I send my money for that….or have I already done that to someone else! :man_facepalming::joy::man_shrugging:t2:

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Exactly. Time after time they screw up and its always someone elses fault. Not once do they come out and say ‘yep, its on us. our bad’

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