AFL 23 - Megathread

I think its obvious that we won’t be getting this mode anytime soon,earliest I would say would be mid July.

Any chance the next AFL game could be made by Wicked Witch again?


Crazy comment. It was a priority 12 months ago, did it come soon hmmm… did it?


‘Not happy then go and do something else’ I am, currently playing other games rather than afl23, while I wait😂 but I’d rather be playing pro-team, the management mode just doesn’t have the affect on me to keep playing it, it’s a bit barebones in my opinion. I too want BA to keep making afl and cricket games for a fact! Cause when they do get it right the product is pretty dam good. But pro team was a big reason for why I purchased this game


Another flog beating this drum. Time to break out another account. Yawn

Don’t forget IR Gurus, the Goat of AFL games

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Im sorry, are you defending BA here?

@JNT_BA does this patch drop on a certain day, or can it be released at any moment??

Expect it to drop in the next 1 to 1 million business days.


Ngl I wonder what sort of rewards will come with the 13 month early pre order of AFL23 PRO TEAM. Idk about everyone else here but I paid the enormous $100 preorder package and still waiting to hear what I get from it!


Thinking ahead to a future AFLgame. I do hope Bigant can build on this.

AFL25, 26 or whenever it may be, you’d like to think it’s a matter of copying what they’ve done in AFL23 and adding to it. Adding to management mode, adding to season mode, adding to proteam, adding depth to everything and not doing it from scratch.

If they can do this, a yearly release is possible and is something afl fans would pay for year after year. I would like to think the next iteration includes only the same modes but with depth and polish.

On the other hand, if the trend of Big ant games continues each afl game will be released as a bug infested mess, taking on too much they can chew. If this is the case, Big ant will continue to damage their brand.

Here’s to hoping for the former, and not the later.

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Pretty sure we don’t get any freebies with ProTeam. If we were we would of been informed about it.

I understand the frustration and the eagerness to play the mode, but this comment is a bit off the mark.

Platform approval process has exactly 0 to do with BA, it isn’t a screw up, it isn’t someones fault, it is a process within Sony / Microsoft / Steam that they follow.

Nor can BA or us as users influence the outcome. Sony / Microsoft / Steam are global multi billion dollar companies that do things their way on their time. BA could send them 10 emails an hour and it wouldn’t change a thing.

Like I said, I get the frustration and share the frustration, but aiming that anger at BA is missing the mark when it is something no one can control.

I’d even hazard a guess that BA themselves may share the same frustrations as us.


If this is such a universal issue, why do games have set release dates? Should it not be ‘date, pending platform approval’?


I absolutely agree :+1: :100: spot on.

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I don’t think ‘issue’ is the right term to use here, it is a universal process.

One other very important factor that maybe needs some consideration is this is the first time BA (i think) have included micro transactions in any of their games, so this is a whole new ball game of approvals that even they wouldn’t have experienced before, on a new game. They will no doubt take plenty of learning’s from this.

If by comparison we look at established games like 2k, EA FC / FIFA etc who have had micro transactions in for years and years, they would already have the approvals and framework in place to potentially get things through quicker.

Not to mentioned some of the other games mentioned are global scale / world wide games that would demand greater and quicker attention from the platforms.

The reality is that an AFL game with a niche user market almost exclusively to Australia wont feature as high on the platforms list of ‘things to action’ in comparison.

That isn’t a dig at anyone or a bad thing, it is just how it works sadly.


I just hope the game gets harder lol

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I know and even with the sliders way up it is still to easy


Hardest difficulty even with the sliders up is not very hard. Unless I broke the the difficulty setting in the game

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Surely we get something today, it’s been so long!