AFL 23 - Megathread

The April patch at the moment is the last patch we will see until the ProTeam patch drops (as that’s BA’s priority).

I saw this patch on Ebay. Looks legit

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Wonder if we will get a NT team sometime in the decade :thinking:

Why did I get banned for a positive comment this morning? : 0

Hmmm I don’t see a ban but the fake Email you are using may have triggered the auto checks.

That domain is on the list.

So it may happen again.

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Has the ai team/s been kicking the ball out of bounds to much for anyone else? Happens to me quite a bit, I’ve discovered that the auto-rotation seems to be the cause of it for me.

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Why is the animation where the player tries to tackle the ball carrier but always gets away still in the game? I played a 2 player vs my friend and neither of us could lay one tackle, it’s a joke how this is happening and it’s been a year and 2 months since the game released

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Perfect scenario for a laugh button JNT :laughing:

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Yeah that does make some sense. Definitely have noticed some very interesting tactics and play the ai have used against me.:+1:

@JNT_BA have you guys heard anything back from the platform holders yet?


Hopefully we will get some news very soon. July might be the month but if not than I fear the AFLW update that we are meant to get in late August might get pushed further back too. All we can do is wait and hope :+1:

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Appreciate the update, thank you!

Here’s hoping management mode (and the ability to edit player stats) gets some love once everything else being worked on is done.

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@JNT_BA I was meaning to ask you what is the difference of the contract payments in management mode. e.g front-ended, balanced and off-ended. Was just wondering what one would be the best.

Difference is how the money is split.
E.g. 5 year /1m a year contract

Balanced: 1m a year for each of the 5 years
Front ended: could be 1.5m a year then incrementally going down so by year 5 it may only be 500k a year
Back ended: the opposite of front ended, e.g. may start at 500k a year but end up being 1.5m a year in year 5.

Thats a really quick/poor example and i havent played management in a while but from memory it shows you the split?

Balanced = even split
Front ended = more money early on
Back ended = more money later in the contract

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Thankyou for clarifying the differences :+1:

Happy 5 week delay anniversary everyone!
@JNT_BA Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet?


For AFL I would like to see Bigant stick with this one game and just update/build it year-on-year, AFL25, AFL26 etc. Extra $30 each year. Too much patience, work and time has gone into the game to just start from scratch and go through another lengthy process again.


This is easy. If you have cap space and other players already on contracts past your current year, then front-load it. If you are offering a lot of contracts then balance. If you have players on big salaries but they might be leaving in the next year or two then back-load.

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Brother can this hurry up it’s been neirly 2 months since it was supposed to come out


It would be nice, hope pro team is worth the wait.