AFL 23 - Megathread

Where have you heard this? History shows its microsoft and nothing else has been said…

If you think thats the same team you are delusional.

Pink panters said on his stream last night it wasn’t Xbox

@Pink_Panters can you confirm?

I’m not delusional, the testing team is different from the Sony dev team. I was just mentioning that Sony were prioritizing their console. Plus Sony have more stricter rules and controls for what is allowed in updates on their consoles.

How does one team working on a console release affect an unrelated team? Thats like saying because apple is working on their next iphone they’ll their customer support while the company focuses on their new product :person_facepalming:

ProTeam will come out when it’s satisfied whatever platform holders, if there’s anything wrong with it and will be sent back to BA for fixing then resubmitted again. We have to remember everything doesn’t pass in the first few rounds of testing. But maybe BA could give us a updated road map

Thank you for summing up the situation everyone is aware of. Im still awaiting your reasoning from your above comments :tipping_hand_man:

Oh and you mean like the last road map? Because that seems to have delivered pro team on time :person_facepalming:

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Without being there and knowing the inner workings of a company, no one would truly know.
It’s completely plausible that they’re separate teams, as you say.
It’s also plausible that the company directs funds and time towards one particular part of a project, causing the other part to slow development or be put on pause entirely.

Same goes for the Big Ant games. No one truly knows if AFL dev takes away from Cricket, Rugby, Tiebreak development… and vice versa. JNT has mentioned an ‘AFL team’, but he himself is spread over those others too. Maybe that’s the same for the full team… maybe it is for some of the team… maybe just him… we don’t know.

A company of Sony’s size isnt pulling people from approvals team to work on development of another console.
Now a smaller company like BA - absolutely theyll pull and divert resources.

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A new console would need games re-tested, checking for backwards compatibility… including all the Sony-created (or close partner created) games… which those people could be working on.

Again, it’s plausible… But we don’t know for sure. They could’ve hired people specifically for that… and left the approvals team also. But we don’t know.

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Very true @SaintSkeeta . Resources usally get diverted if other projects need it.

don’t think I said that, all we know is it isn’t steam!

let the superior race reign supreme! :rofl:

Well that’s my bad then

is there an update coming out for the back-up rucks being the only ones who can win brownlow in management career? have tom campbell averaging about 30 disposals anytime i simulate a game and 2 brownlows lol

still will keep playing tho, i have over 130hrs and would love to see an afl24

You’ll find it’s the hitouts factoring into the calculations they’ve got setup, when it shouldn’t.

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Has anyone else had odd delistings by the ai in their management careers? The ai even with the cap enforced keep delisting Peatling, Lazzaro, Jones (Essendon), Cadman and a few other top talented players. So I usually pick them up in the draft.

I hate to complain about this again but the AI switching in the D 50 makes me want to turn the game off. I reckon I counted 10 switches across goal in 1 minute of play. Just does my head in :weary:


Well @JNT_BA looks like another weekend without proteam. Is it ever actually going to happen? Or will we just keep being sold a dream?


@bptuner this is the exact reason why 164 out of the 166 hours I’ve put into this game has been in management mode, I’ve tried to give online a chance, but no point me putting up with the delayed feel when I get nothing from it.