AFL 23 - Megathread

You dont know me tho @JNT_BA

Hoping that the changes on steamDB about 15 mins ago mean something… probs not but you never know I guess. More I think about it, the more I think it’s unrelated but again who knows. Clinging onto anything at this point.

pro team delayed is that the news :sweat_smile:


A week too long, surely you mean a few hours wait. It’s already been… what? 8 weeks?


well we have already waited ages so hurry up!!

Watch them come out and say “Pro team has now been approved and will release next week”


pretty sure the news was cricket 24 releasing on game pass

I don’t think @JNT_BA would have posted that in the AFL thread if the news was cricket related. Can’t guarantee it but doesn’t make a whole lost of sense to me. My hopes of anything today are starting to fade but if I was to make a guess, “very soon” means anytime this week. At least I hope so.

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It’s difficult to know with Big Ant because of their poor communication skills. When they say “very soon” does that mean today, tomorrow, or next week, who knows at this point.


I miss Crowsfan. And old mate Lovers from the BF thread. Good times

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I reckon @JNT_BA has dropped more than enough info to work out when it might be out.

-1 comment advising he wasn’t 100% sure if it would be this week or not, I would say 9.5 times out of 10 when someone uses that line if the said ‘thing’ didn’t happen that week, it would most likely be the following week.

-comment “very soon” so like a week’s wait for the announcement.

not long to go folks.

Everyone needs to start practicing so we can win the community modes and get good rewards!


I wonder if the players will get a compensation pack for ProTeam?

@JNT_BA is it possible to get some confirmation that we shouldn’t expect it this week or is that still a possibility? Understand if you are unable to give that info but would appreciate anything, thanks!

If we’re referring to ‘very soon’ as a week, I think that’s quite misleading. You can’t describe something that’s still a week away as ‘very soon’."


he literally used the word and referenced “not sure if it is 100% this week” which would usually mean if it isn’t this week, then it would be next week.

and “so like a weeks wait”

It doesn’t seem that cryptic to me, the words are mentioned twice?

If he says ‘this week’ and it gets pushed back to next week, the forums go nuts…
If he doesn’t give an exact date, people probe and probe to get a date.

Given things don’t always pan out as expected, I’m happy with ‘very soon’ and just wait til I see it downloading on my PS5.


Perhaps because we’ve been waiting for over a year for this thing to appear, and it was supposed to be there at launch.


Anyone else can’t see this thread on the front page of this website?

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A. You’re kind of proving the point about multiple accounts right now.
B. If you think your posts have been acceptable, you need to take a hard look at yourself. Oh also, see point A.

When you see or hear the word “soon” it can mean days, weeks or worst case months