AFL 23 - Megathread

Hey, that is you guys reading too much into things again lol. These plans were set a while ago.


IIRC carlton v port would have been the same round it was meant to go live for back at the end of may?


Would be cool to have State of Origin in Proteam :wink:

That is true they did play that weekend.
We can change these things very fast as it is all server-side.


all Iā€™m saying tho. Couldnā€™t you have told us. ā€œPro Team set to launch ahead of Carlton v Portā€ (or something).

Not ā€œnews to come very soonā€ with hints itā€™s a week off.

Iā€™d say if there were a given date (accurate or not) weā€™d be happy to know itā€™ll be then and very happy if it miraculously launched earlier. Just sayingā€¦


Just for those who only speak english, these server side changes you speak of obviously dont require updates to be submitted and you can just change those things whenever you please correct?


Correct. We can change things pretty dynamically and it wonā€™t need a patch.


What is this true or incorrect? Iā€™m totally confused

Correct me if Iā€™m wrong though, if you released new cards/packs that would require an update though?

As much as not having a date is frustrating, look at how it panned out for them giving a date on the road map.

It passed the date for reasons out of their control and people lost their collective minds.

I can understand why they might be a bit gun shy to put a date to it if there is something still out of their control in play.


My understanding is that the ā€œfirst weekā€ of a mode will have this game from whatever round (next week i believe). So that saying it should be out by then. Iā€™m just suggesting it should have been said we will have it by then not coming soon. Especially if they been planning so for a while now.

CEO so far Iā€™d say incorrectā€¦ it is merely just a POV and understanding.

This is another of the things that excited me, is how nimble you can be to make new packs / cards / events based on real time happenings.


I agree, however people are losing their minds not having any idea when it may come. Especially when news was coming ā€˜very soonā€™. I think a rough ETA would really ease people up for the time being.

Im aware that if that date doesnt get met then hell will break loose. But it kinda already has at times here and on other platforms :tipping_hand_man:


Thatā€™s what I mean. Give us an over exaggerated date. Obviously not say 1 year from now or something long term, we know itā€™s near but say itā€™ll be out 1st of August (two weeks from now). Even if it comes earlier, which Iā€™d imagine it willā€¦ fans will be pleased.

I think its a ā€˜damned if you do and damned if you donā€™tā€™

Personally I think the better play to ease up pressure would be to drop some more card images or a small video etc showcasing a bit more.

Gives us a bit more of a look without the promise of a date etc.


Then why ainā€™t we seeing it?

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I reckon @JNT_BA should just live stream his dev version and let everyone go to town in the comments :joy::joy:


In the meantime yes, but thatā€™s just for damage control tbf. Iā€™m suggesting what could have been done to just not have to go to damage control.

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Would love to, but unfortunately not my choice. Plus you guys will see how much I can cheat on my version which isnā€™t possible on the live one.

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Could you at-least show us some pictures of different cards or players we didnā€™t see in the teaser?