AFL 23 - Megathread

Load times still incredibly slow for anyone else?


I canā€™t login at the moment I think they are doing some works I think?

Yeah took me a while, and it finally let me in

My objectives arent tracking again, keep stopping every couple hours :roll_eyes:


is it possible to reset your pro team and start fresh

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Canā€™t get into a premiership game, kicks me out and uses a contract up for each player, really annoying


canā€™t play a premiership game it keeps kicking me and using up a contract for each player

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Just lost a few contracts without playing a match aswell

Yeah there is lots of congestion at the moment team is working on it.

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Hey @JNT_BA, is there any way to go see your packs without having open them? I would love the option to not have to open all packs at once.

Just packed Zac Taylor feeling pretty good


I need more pack luckā€¦. please :sob::joy: @JNT_BA

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Anyone else having the issue with the 25 team goals objective? all the other objectives seem to be progressing but not this one

Iā€™ve just tried to play a ladder leaders match and once iā€™ve clicked on the game before even playing my game crashed and when I logged back in I found that it said I had lost and had to pay again for another pass yet I had not even played the match I lost.

Had my first crash in Premiership Challenge uh oh

Edit: Two in a row.

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Will there be a site to see all of the cards in the game?

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Those sites are made by players, not the company.

To be honest I havenā€™t had a single crash, maybe itā€™s a ps5 vs ps4 thing, Iā€™m not sure.

Whats the strategy to get the overlap runners for a handpass? Everyone i play seems to have it but my players never run past me

Anyone else still having problems with challenges not being recorded? Iā€™ve played 6 games now and
Not a single things been added. (On ps5) Other than that Iā€™ve had no other issues