AFL 23 - Megathread

It’s harder but it isn’t impossible.

I work full time, have 3 kids, home family business and only manage time to play 3 nights a week.

managing the contracts is possible however it is very very tight, but overall I still think it needs to be revamped slightly per my YouTube video to ease the stresses.

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Here’s how the match went

@stallionsCEO I quickly skimmed through this, but will watch more thoroughly when I’m on the train home.

A few things I did notice though:

  • You over-handball, try back yourself when you mark 40-50 out
  • Your player selection needs improving, you seem to be controlling a player away from the contest, meaning you’re unable to defend by spoiling/marking. This also has an effect on tackling.
  • You rush your kick outs, there was that string of 3 kick outs that you didn’t even hesitate and just bombed to the AI
  • Dropped marks seem to be poor timing, I haven’t seen that many dropped marks in a match before
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I was winning a game 64-75 and my opponent kicked a goal on the siren and got given 2 goals even though he shouldve only got 1 of course i got given a loss for it this was in premership challenge please fix this @JNT_BA

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I’ve had a look as well and concur with Slev on the points he made.

Hit outs you won from centre bounce you also just handballed quickly forward - try to direct that at a player so you gain possession.

The marking is definitely mis timing. You’re either way too early or way too late if it hits your players hand and goes to ground.

Watch the video from @SaintSkeeta on marking - it’s a gem. Search him up in YT

Also - try to spoil more when you’re in the backline, especially if you’re caught behind.

Keep practicing - it’s getting the hang of the controls that will help most. Work on them one by one if you need to in management mode where win/loss doesn’t matter towards FP, XP or contracts.

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Would be cool to see a weekly themed game or objective for Pendles 400th this week, could even have Pendles and some contracts as a reward for beating it


Yeah it might be tough with contracts, but I wouldn’t be surprised if the changes to pack purchases were aimed at addressing that.
I haven’t seen the comparison of percentage likelihoods… but if it’s now more likely to get a pack with contracts, and there’s more cards in a pack, and more you can choose per-pack (as we’ve seen)… then that’d be how it’s being approached by the devs. More contracts all round!

And that’s something I haven’t even needed yet (full-time worker over here, with one kid and three volunteer roles). I probably get 2-3 nights to play as well.

@JNT_BA has a full diary of home visits already so won’t be able to drop by.

Best to raise a ticket with the support team.

Such a tough loss, you had to join here and request to have that one instance rewound and resolved.

Thoughts are with you mate.

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when are weekly rewards for premiership challenge awarded?

Im getting an Error Code NQ500B64-1U76831 after buying over 100$ worth of coins and I havent received them :confused: :frowning:

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@stallionsCEO Further to this, I’ve just watched it properly.

  • You rush on every possession, every time you did actually mark it, you never went back to kick it, you handballed immediately, even when no teammates are around.
  • I noticed you don’t sprint at all? This might be why your players seem slow?

I think you need to focus on decision making and just taking your time!


I’m vexed rn, I’ve put in a support ticket but somehow they have just taken my $ and ran.

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could someone help me understand how coach battles and ladder leaders work?

okay so basically, coach battles and ladder leaders are both AI coach battles you choose who ur facing and representing for rewards which the community can decide by playing, Ladder leaders is AI that happens to be 18 games of scaling competition that you earn rewards but are knocked out if you lose a game. Hope that explains and thanks for being quick for my ticket~!

Dude - it’s been like half an hour, I’m sure it’s being worked on. JNT said late last night to someone they work to resolve these quickly

Cheers mate how do I sprint? Would probably benefit from that

I said thanks in the post above :laughing: they solved it pre quick!!!

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@stallionsCEO R2 or RT depending on which controller you use.

Try work on taking your time, getting into space, heck even try to run and bounce with the ball.

Best piece of advice is to get your confidence with the ball up and stop rushing!

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is there a good way to get contracts without spending lots of money?

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Is there any reason why play faces or custom guernseys don’t show up on PS5? It’s just blank when I go to download and no player faces at all??? Will this be patched in?